6,241 research outputs found

    From a discrete model of chemotaxis with volume-filling to a generalized Patlakā€“Kellerā€“Segel model

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    We present a discrete model of chemotaxis whereby cells responding to a chemoattractant are seen as individual agents whose movement is described through a set of rules that result in a biased random walk. In order to take into account possible alterations in cellular motility observed at high cell densities (i.e. volume-filling), we let the probabilities of cell movement be modulated by a decaying function of the cell density. We formally show that a general form of the celebrated Patlakā€“Kellerā€“Segel (PKS) model of chemotaxis can be formally derived as the appropriate continuum limit of this discrete model. The family of steady-state solutions of such a generalized PKS model are characterized and the conditions for the emergence of spatial patterns are studied via linear stability analysis. Moreover, we carry out a systematic quantitative comparison between numerical simulations of the discrete model and numerical solutions of the corresponding PKS model, both in one and in two spatial dimensions. The results obtained indicate that there is excellent quantitative agreement between the spatial patterns produced by the two models. Finally, we numerically show that the outcomes of the two models faithfully replicate those of the classical PKS model in a suitable asymptotic regime

    What works for whom in pharmacist-led smoking cessation support: realist review

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    BACKGROUND: New models of primary care are needed to address funding and staffing pressures. We addressed the research question "what works for whom in what circumstances in relation to the role of community pharmacies in providing lifestyle interventions to support smoking cessation?" METHODS: This is a realist review conducted according to RAMESES standards. We began with a sample of 103 papers included in a quantitative review of community pharmacy intervention trials identified through systematic searching of seven databases. We supplemented this with additional papers: studies that had been excluded from the quantitative review but which provided rigorous and relevant additional data for realist theorising; citation chaining (pursuing reference lists and Google Scholar forward tracking of key papers); the 'search similar citations' function on PubMed. After mapping what research questions had been addressed by these studies and how, we undertook a realist analysis to identify and refine candidate theories about context-mechanism-outcome configurations. RESULTS: Our final sample consisted of 66 papers describing 74 studies (12 systematic reviews, 6 narrative reviews, 18 RCTs, 1 process detail of a RCT, 1 cost-effectiveness study, 12 evaluations of training, 10 surveys, 8 qualitative studies, 2 case studies, 2 business models, 1 development of complex intervention). Most studies had been undertaken in the field of pharmacy practice (pharmacists studying what pharmacists do) and demonstrated the success of pharmacist training in improving confidence, knowledge and (in many but not all studies) patient outcomes. Whilst a few empirical studies had applied psychological theories to account for behaviour change in pharmacists or people attempting to quit, we found no studies that had either developed or tested specific theoretical models to explore how pharmacists' behaviour may be affected by organisational context. Because of the nature of the empirical data, only a provisional realist analysis was possible, consisting of five mechanisms (pharmacist identity, pharmacist capability, pharmacist motivation and clinician confidenceĀ and public trust). We offer hypotheses about how these mechanisms might play out differently in different contexts to account for the success, failure or partial success of pharmacy-based smoking cessation efforts. CONCLUSION: Smoking cessation support from community pharmacists and their staff has been extensively studied, but few policy-relevant conclusions are possible. We recommend that further research should avoid duplicating existing literature on individual behaviour change; seek to study the organisational and system context and how this may shape, enable and constrain pharmacists' extended role; and develop and test theory

    Subduction Duration and Slab Dip

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    The dip angles of slabs are among the clearest characteristics of subduction zones, but the factors that control them remain obscure. Here, slab dip angles and subduction parameters, including subduction duration, the nature of the overriding plate, slab age, and convergence rate, are determined for 153 transects along subduction zones for the present day. We present a comprehensive tabulation of subduction duration based on isotopic ages of arc initiation and stratigraphic, structural, plate tectonic and seismic indicators of subduction initiation. We present two ages for subduction zones, a longā€term age and a reinitiation age. Using cross correlation and multivariate regression, we find that (1) subduction duration is the primary parameter controlling slab dips with slabs tending to have shallower dips at subduction zones that have been in existence longer; (2) the longā€term age of subduction duration better explains variation of shallow dip than reinitiation age; (3) overriding plate nature could influence shallow dip angle, where slabs below continents tend to have shallower dips; (4) slab age contributes to slab dip, with younger slabs having steeper shallow dips; and (5) the relations between slab dip and subduction parameters are depth dependent, where the ability of subduction duration and overriding plate nature to explain observed variation decreases with depth. The analysis emphasizes the importance of subduction history and the longā€term regional state of a subduction zone in determining slab dip and is consistent with mechanical models of subduction

    Bridging the gap between individual-based and continuum models of growing cell populations

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    Continuum models for the spatial dynamics of growing cell populations have been widely used to investigate the mechanisms underpinning tissue development and tumour invasion. These models consist of nonlinear partial differential equations that describe the evolution of cellular densities in response to pressure gradients generated by population growth. Little prior work has explored the relation between such continuum models and related single-cell-based models. We present here a simple stochastic individual-based model for the spatial dynamics of multicellular systems whereby cells undergo pressure-driven movement and pressure-dependent proliferation. We show that nonlinear partial differential equations commonly used to model the spatial dynamics of growing cell populations can be formally derived from the branching random walk that underlies our discrete model. Moreover, we carry out a systematic comparison between the individual-based model and its continuum counterparts, both in the case of one single cell population and in the case of multiple cell populations with different biophysical properties. The outcomes of our comparative study demonstrate that the results of computational simulations of the individual-based model faithfully mirror the qualitative and quantitative properties of the solutions to the corresponding nonlinear partial differential equations. Ultimately, these results illustrate how the simple rules governing the dynamics of single cells in our individual-based model can lead to the emergence of complex spatial patterns of population growth observed in continuum models

    Modelling the Immune Response to Cancer: An Individual-Based Approach Accounting for the Difference in Movement Between Inactive and Activated T Cells

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    A growing body of experimental evidence indicates that immune cells move in an unrestricted search pattern if they are in the pre-activated state, whilst they tend to stay within a more restricted area upon activation induced by the presence of tumour antigens. This change in movement is not often considered in the existing mathematical models of the interactions between immune cells and cancer cells. With the aim to fill such a gap in the existing literature, in this work we present a spatially structured individual-based model of tumourā€“immune competition that takes explicitly into account the difference in movement between inactive and activated immune cells. In our model, a LĆ©vy walk is used to capture the movement of inactive immune cells, whereas Brownian motion is used to describe the movement of antigen-activated immune cells. The effects of activation of immune cells, the proliferation of cancer cells and the immune destruction of cancer cells are also modelled. We illustrate the ability of our model to reproduce qualitatively the spatial trajectories of immune cells observed in experimental data of single-cell tracking. Computational simulations of our model further clarify the conditions for the onset of a successful immune action against cancer cells and may suggest possible targets to improve the efficacy of cancer immunotherapy. Overall, our theoretical work highlights the importance of taking into account spatial interactions when modelling the immune response to cancer cells

    A stochastic individual-based model to explore the role of spatial interactions and antigen recognition in the immune response against solid tumours

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    Spatial interactions between cancer and immune cells, as well as the recognition of tumour antigens by cells of the immune system, play a key role in the immune response against solid tumours. The existing mathematical models generally focus only on one of these key aspects. We present here a spatial stochastic individual-based model that explicitly captures antigen expression and recognition. In our model, each cancer cell is characterised by an antigen profile which can change over time due to either epimutations or mutations. The immune response against the cancer cells is initiated by the dendritic cells that recognise the tumour antigens and present them to the cytotoxic T cells. Consequently, T cells become activated against the tumour cells expressing such antigens. Moreover, the differences in movement between inactive and active immune cells are explicitly taken into account by the model. Computational simulations of our model clarify the conditions for the emergence of tumour clearance, dormancy or escape, and allow us to assess the impact of antigenic heterogeneity of cancer cells on the efficacy of immune action. Ultimately, our results highlight the complex interplay between spatial interactions and adaptive mechanisms that underpins the immune response against solid tumours, and suggest how this may be exploited to further develop cancer immunotherapies

    A hybrid discrete-continuum approach to model Turing pattern formation

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    Since its introduction in 1952, with a further refinement in 1972 by Gierer and Meinhardt, Turing's (pre-)pattern theory (the chemical basis of morphogenesis) has been widely applied to a number of areas in developmental biology, where evolving cell and tissue structures are naturally observed. The related pattern formation models normally comprise a system of reaction-diffusion equations for interacting chemical species (morphogens), whose heterogeneous distribution in some spatial domain acts as a template for cells to form some kind of pattern or structure through, for example, differentiation or proliferation induced by the chemical pre-pattern. Here we develop a hybrid discrete-continuum modelling framework for the formation of cellular patterns via the Turing mechanism. In this framework, a stochastic individual-based model of cell movement and proliferation is combined with a reaction-diffusion system for the concentrations of some morphogens. As an illustrative example, we focus on a model in which the dynamics of the morphogens are governed by an activator-inhibitor system that gives rise to Turing pre-patterns. The cells then interact with the morphogens in their local area through either of two forms of chemically-dependent cell action: Chemotaxis and chemically-controlled proliferation. We begin by considering such a hybrid model posed on static spatial domains, and then turn to the case of growing domains. In both cases, we formally derive the corresponding deterministic continuum limit and show that that there is an excellent quantitative match between the spatial patterns produced by the stochastic individual-based model and its deterministic continuum counterpart, when sufficiently large numbers of cells are considered. This paper is intended to present a proof of concept for the ideas underlying the modelling framework, with the aim to then apply the related methods to the study of specific patterning and morphogenetic processes in the future

    Photon-added coherent states as nonlinear coherent states

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    The states āˆ£Ī±,m>|\alpha,m>, defined as aā€ māˆ£Ī±>{a^{\dagger}}^{m}|\alpha> up to a normalization constant and mm is a nonnegative integer, are shown to be the eigenstates of f(n^,m)a^f(\hat{n},m)\hat{a} where f(n^,m)f(\hat{n},m) is a nonlinear function of the number operator n^\hat{n}. The explicit form of f(n^,m)f(\hat{n},m) is constructed. The eigenstates of this operator for negative values of mm are introduced. The properties of these states are discussed and compared with those of the state āˆ£Ī±,m>|\alpha,m >.Comment: Rev Tex file with two figures as postscript files attached. Email: [email protected]
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