2,231 research outputs found

    Capture cross sections of the acceptor level of iron-boron pairs in p-type silicon by injection-level dependent lifetime measurements

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    Injection-level dependent recombination lifetime measurements of iron-diffused, boron-doped silicon wafers of different resistivities are used to determine the electron and hole capture crosssections of the acceptor level of iron-boron pairs in silicon. The relative populations of iron-boron pairs and interstitial iron were varied by exposing the samples to different levels of illumination prior to lifetime measurements. The components of the effective lifetime due to interstitial iron and iron-boron pairs were then modeled with Shockley-Read-Hall statistics. By forcing the sum of the modeled iron-boron and interstitial iron concentrations to equal the implanted iron dose, in conjunction with the strong dependence of the shape of the lifetime curves on dopant density, the electron and hole capture cross-sections of the acceptor level of iron-boron pairs have been determined as (3±2)×10-14cm-2 and (2±1)×10-15cm-2

    Duoethnography for Reconciliation: Learning through Conversations

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    Positioned by our different cultural backgrounds and histories, we come together as educators to form an ethical space of engagement to discuss the complexities of truth and reconciliation in Canada. As an opening for our dialogue, we reflect on our earlier research—a duoethnographic reading of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 Calls to Action. We came to this work with little prior knowledge, and mixed feelings of nervousness, reverence, and responsibility. By sharing our journey, we may offer direction and support for others interested in beginning or furthering their own reconciliatory journeys. We invite readers to join in our conversations around coming together, negotiating collective responsibilities, making space for dialogue, and creating safety for making mistakes. As we walk together, we see this as a complex opening of possibilities, which requires continuous and simultaneous circling back and circling forward.Positionnées par nos milieux et nos antécédents culturels différents, nous nous retrouvons ensemble comme enseignantes pour former un espace éthique où discuter des complexités de la vérité et réconciliation au Canada. En guise de début de dialogue, nous réfléchissons sur notre recherche antérieure, une lecture duo-ethnographique des 94 appels à l’action de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation. Quand nous avons commencé ce travail, nous avions peu de connaissances antérieures et ressentions à la fois de la nervosité, de la révérence et un sens de responsabilité. En partageant notre parcours, nous espérons orienter et appuyer ceux et celles qui s’intéresseraient à entamer ou poursuivre leur propre processus de réconciliation. Nous invitons les lecteurs à se joindre à nos conversations portant sur le rassemblement, la négociation de responsabilités collectives, et l’établissement d’un d’espace pour le dialogue où les gens se sentent à l’aise de commettre des erreurs. En se déplaçant ensemble, nous entrevoyons des possibilités complexes qui exigent des mouvements continus et simultanés vers l’avant et l’arrière.Mots clés : réconciliation; duo-ethnographie; appels à l’action; éducation, parcours de vi

    Duoethnography for Reconciliation: Learning through Conversations

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    Positioned by our different cultural backgrounds and histories, we come together as educators to form an ethical space of engagement to discuss the complexities of truth and reconciliation in Canada. As an opening for our dialogue, we reflect on our earlier research—a duoethnographic reading of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 Calls to Action. We came to this work with little prior knowledge, and mixed feelings of nervousness, reverence, and responsibility. By sharing our journey, we may offer direction and support for others interested in beginning or furthering their own reconciliatory journeys. We invite readers to join in our conversations around coming together, negotiating collective responsibilities, making space for dialogue, and creating safety for making mistakes. As we walk together, we see this as a complex opening of possibilities, which requires continuous and simultaneous circling back and circling forward.Positionnées par nos milieux et nos antécédents culturels différents, nous nous retrouvons ensemble comme enseignantes pour former un espace éthique où discuter des complexités de la vérité et réconciliation au Canada. En guise de début de dialogue, nous réfléchissons sur notre recherche antérieure, une lecture duo-ethnographique des 94 appels à l’action de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation. Quand nous avons commencé ce travail, nous avions peu de connaissances antérieures et ressentions à la fois de la nervosité, de la révérence et un sens de responsabilité. En partageant notre parcours, nous espérons orienter et appuyer ceux et celles qui s’intéresseraient à entamer ou poursuivre leur propre processus de réconciliation. Nous invitons les lecteurs à se joindre à nos conversations portant sur le rassemblement, la négociation de responsabilités collectives, et l’établissement d’un d’espace pour le dialogue où les gens se sentent à l’aise de commettre des erreurs. En se déplaçant ensemble, nous entrevoyons des possibilités complexes qui exigent des mouvements continus et simultanés vers l’avant et l’arrière.Mots clés : réconciliation; duo-ethnographie; appels à l’action; éducation, parcours de vi

    History of pregnancy termination as a risk factor for preterm birth, Virginia 2000-20007

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    Abstract Objectives: The objective of this study was to determine if an association exists between prior induced and prior spontaneous pregnancy termination (PIPT and PSPT) and preterm birth (PTB) of first live births in Virginia. Methods: Data was collected by linking maternal data from Virginia’s live birth and fetal death registries. All first live, singleton births occurring in Virginia from 2000-2007 were analyzed. Logistic regression models that controlled for various demographic, medical and obstetric history factors were used to determine associations among prior pregnancy termination types. Results: Compared with women who had no history of previous pregnancy terminations, women who had 1 (OR = 1.1, 95% CI 1.31, 1.53), 2 (OR = 1.2, 95% CI 1.12, 1.24) and 3 or more (OR = 1.4, 95% CI 1.07, 1.13) total prior pregnancy terminations had an increased odds of experiencing PTB. Increased odds of PTB were found for women who had 2 (OR = 1.1, 95% CI 1.05, 1.18) and 3 or more (OR = 1.3, 95% CI 1.39, 1.61) PIPTs. Women who reported 1, 2, 3 or more PSPT had PTB odds-ratios of 1.4 (95% CI 1.37, 1.50), 1.7 (95% CI 1.48, 1.98) and 3.0 (95% CI 2.09, 4.22) times, respectively. Conclusion: Two or more PIPT and one or more PSPT were found to be a significant risk factor for PTB of a first live birth in Virginia, and women having 3 or more PSPT had three times the odds of experiencing this outcome. Health practitioners should take this data into account to target research, education and action strategies to those high risk groups of women associated with obtaining induced terminations and to those women more susceptible to spontaneous termination of pregnancy

    Interventions to increase condom use among middle-aged and older adults: asystematic review of theoretical bases, behaviour change techniques, modes of delivery, and treatment fidelity

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    This systematic review collates, examines and syntheses condom use interventions for middle-aged and older adults. Associations between effectiveness and theoretical basis, behaviour change techniques, mode of delivery and treatment fidelity were explored. Five interventions were included; one was effective. Compared to interventions with non-significant findings, the effective telephone-administered intervention used theory to a greater extent, had a higher number of behaviour change techniques and employed more treatment fidelity strategies. There is a need to develop theory-based interventions targeting condom use among this population and evaluate these in randomised controlled trials that are rigorously designed and reported. Health psychologists have a key role in this endeavour

    Curriculum Encounters Through Walking the City

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    In this paper, the author explores how the practice of walking the city may open curricular spaces to nurture a deep engagement and feelings of enchantment with the world. By disrupting the taken-for-granted sensibilities of our everyday urban lives and being open to the unexpected voices, bodies and more-than-human beings who co-exist in urban spaces, the author contends that when we slow down and become attuned to our surroundings, possibilities of transformation can emerge. In this interdisciplinary unfolding, the author first shares how walking allows us to experience time and space to accentuate our relations, engagements, and being in the world. Through narrative and photography, the author then reflects on encounters from recent walks through the city of Calgary, addressing notions of self-reflexivity, play and experience. Through these walking encounters, this paper reflects on considerations for embodying a curriculum to promote a modern ecological ethic

    A Role for c-Jun Kinase (JNK) Signaling in Glial Engulfment of Degenerating Axons: A Dissertation

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    The central nervous system (CNS) is composed of two types of cells: neurons that send electrical signals to transmit information throughout the animal and glial cells. Glial cells were long thought to be merely support cells for the neurons; however, recent work has identified many critical roles for these cells during development and in the mature animal. In the CNS, glial cells act as the resident immune cell and they are responsible for the clearance of dead or dying material. After neuronal injury or death, glial cells become reactive, exhibiting dramatic changes in morphology and patterns of gene expression and ultimately engulfing neuronal debris. This rapid clearance of degenerating neuronal material is thought to be crucial for suppression of inflammation and promotion of functional recovery, but molecular pathways mediating these engulfment events remain poorly defined. Drosophila melanogaster is a genetically tractable model system in which to study glial biology. It has been shown that Drosophila glia rapidly respond to axonal injury both morphologically and molecularly and that they ultimately phagocytose the degenerating axonal debris. This glial response to axonal debris requires the engulfment receptor Draper and downstream signaling molecules dCed-6, Shark, and Rac1. However, much remains unknown about the molecular details of this response. In this thesis I show that Drosophila c-Jun kinase (dJNK) signaling is a critical in vivo mediator of glial engulfment activity. In response to axotomy, glial dJNK signals through a cascade involving the upstream MAPKKKs Slipper and TAK1, the MAPKK MKK4, and ultimately the Drosophila AP-1 transcriptional complex composed of JRA and Kayak to initiate glial phagocytosis of degenerating axons. Interestingly, loss of dJNK also blocked injury-induced up-regulation of Draper levels in glia and glial-specific over-expression of Draper was sufficient to rescue phenotypes associated with loss of dJNK signaling. I have identified the dJNK pathway as a novel mediator of glial engulfment activity and show that a primary role for the glial Slipper/Tak1→MKK4→dJNK→dAP-1 signaling cascade is activation of draper expression after axon injury
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