735 research outputs found

    Strong Gravitational Lensing and Dynamical Dark Energy

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    We study the strong gravitational lensing properties of galaxy clusters obtained from N-body simulations with different kind of Dark Energy (DE). We consider both dynamical DE, due to a scalar field self--interacting through Ratra-Peebles (RP) or SUGRA potentials, and DE with constant negative w=p/rho= -1 (LCDM). We have 12 high resolution lensing systems for each cosmological model with a mass greater than 5x10^{14} solar masses. Using a Ray Shooting technique we make a detailed analysis of the lensing properties of these clusters with particular attention to the number of arcs and their properties (magnification, length and width). We found that the number of giant arcs produced by galaxy clusters changes in a considerable way from LCDM models to Dynamical Dark Energy models with a RP or SUGRA potentials. These differences originate from the different epochs of cluster formation and from the non-linearity of the strong lensing effect. We suggest the Strong lensing is one of the best tool to discriminate among different kind of Dark Energy.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures. Lensing map resolution improved and effects of resolution discussed. One more RP model analysed. Accepted for publication by MNRA

    The effect of low mass substructures on the Cusp lensing relation

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    It has been argued that the flux anomalies detected in gravitationally lensed QSOs are evidence for substructures in the foreground lensing haloes. In this paper we investigate this issue in greater detail focusing on the Cusp relation which corresponds to images of a source located to the cusp of the inner caustic curve. We use numerical simulations combined with a Monte Carlo approach to study the effects of the expected power law distribution of substructures within LCDM haloes on the multiple images. Generally, the high number of anomalous flux ratios in the cusp configurations is unlikely explained by 'simple' perturbers (subhaloes) inside the lensing galaxy, either modeled by point masses or extended NFW subhaloes. We considered in our analysis a mass range of 10^5-10^7 Msun for the subhaloes. We also demonstrate that including the effects of the surrounding mass distribution, such as other galaxies close to the primary lens, does not change the results. We conclude that triple images of lensed QSOs do not show any direct evidence for dark dwarf galaxies such as cold dark matter substructure.Comment: 10 pages, 19 figures, Effects of different subhalos concentrations discussed, analysis improved, accepted by MNRA

    The dependence of tidal stripping efficiency on the satellite and host galaxy morphology

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    In this paper we study the tidal stripping process for satellite galaxies orbiting around a massive host galaxy, and focus on its dependence on the morphology of both satellite and host galaxy. For this purpose, we use three different morphologies for the satellites: pure disc, pure bulge and a mixture bulge+disc. Two morphologies are used for the host galaxies: bulge+disc and pure bulge. We find that while the spheroidal stellar component experiences a constant power-law like mass removal, the disc is exposed to an exponential mass loss when the tidal radius of the satellite is of the same order of the disc scale length. This dramatic mass loss is able to completely remove the stellar component on time scale of 100 Myears. As a consequence two satellites with the same stellar and dark matter masses, on the same orbit could either retain considerable fraction of their stellar mass after 10 Gyrs or being completely destroyed, depending on their initial stellar morphology. We find that there are two characteristic time scales describing the beginning and the end of the disc removal, whose values are related to the size of the disc. This result can be easily incorporated in semi-analytical models. We also find that the host morphology and the orbital parameters also have an effect on the determining the mass removal, but they are of secondary importance with respect to satellite morphology. We conclude that satellite morphology has a very strong effect on the efficiency of stellar stripping and should be taken into account in modeling galaxy formation and evolution.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Alas, the dark matter structures were not that trivial

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    The radial density profile of dark matter structures has been observed to have an almost universal behaviour in numerical simulations, however, the physical reason for this behaviour remains unclear. It has previously been shown that if the pseudo phase-space density, rho/sigma_d^epsilon, is a beautifully simple power-law in radius, with the "golden values" epsilon=3 and d=r (i.e., the phase-space density is only dependent on the radial component of the velocity dispersion), then one can analytically derive the radial variation of the mass profile, dispersion profile etc. That would imply, if correct, that we just have to explain why rho/sigma^3_r ~r^{-alpha}, and then we would understand everything about equilibrated DM structures. Here we use a set of simulated galaxies and clusters of galaxies to demonstrate that there are no such golden values, but that each structure instead has its own set of values. Considering the same structure at different redshifts shows no evolution of the phase-space parameters towards fixed points. There is also no clear connection between the halo virialized mass and these parameters. This implies that we still do not understand the origin of the profiles of dark matter structures.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Radial distribution and strong lensing statistics of satellite galaxies and substructure using high resolution LCDM hydrodynamical simulations

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    We analyse the number density and radial distribution of substructures and satellite galaxies using cosmological simulations that follow the gas dynamics of a baryonic component, including shock heating, radiative cooling and star formation within the hierarchical concordance LCDM model. We find that the dissipation of the baryons greatly enhances the survival of subhaloes, expecially in the galaxy core, resulting in a radial distribution of satellite galaxies that closely follows the overall mass distribution in the inner part of the halo. Hydrodynamical simulations are necessary to resolve the adiabatic contraction and dense cores of galaxies, resulting in a total number of satellites a factor of two larger than found in pure dark matter simulation, in good agreement with the observed spatial distribution of satellite galaxies within galaxies and clusters. Convergence tests show that the cored distribution found by previous authors in pure N-body simulations was due to physical overmerging of dark matter only structures. We proceed to use a ray-shooting technique in order to study the impact of these additional substructures on the number of violations of the cusp caustic magnification relation. We develop a new approach to try to disentangle the effect of substructures from the intrinsic discreteness of N-Body simulations. Even with the increased number of substructures in the centres of galaxies, we are not able to reproduce the observed high numbers of discrepancies observed in the flux ratios of multiply lensed quasars.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figures, comparison with previous works updated, one more plot added, minor changes to match the accepted version by MNRA

    A New Estimate of the Hubble Time with Improved Modeling of Gravitational Lenses

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    This paper examines free-form modeling of gravitational lenses using Bayesian ensembles of pixelated mass maps. The priors and algorithms from previous work are clarified and significant technical improvements are made. Lens reconstruction and Hubble Time recovery are tested using mock data from simple analytic models and recent galaxy-formation simulations. Finally, using published data, the Hubble Time is inferred through the simultaneous reconstruction of eleven time-delay lenses. The result is H_0^{-1}=13.7^{+1.8}_{-1.0} Gyr.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures. Accepted to Ap

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    Concentration, Spin and Shape of Dark Matter Haloes as a Function of the Cosmological Model: WMAP1, WMAP3 and WMAP5 results

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    We investigate the effects of changes in the cosmological parameters between the WMAP 1st, 3rd, and 5th year results on the structure of dark matter haloes. We use a set of simulations that cover 5 decades in halo mass ranging from the scales of dwarf galaxies (V_c ~30 km/s) to clusters of galaxies (V_c ~ 1000 km/s). We find that the concentration mass relation is a power law in all three cosmologies. However the slope is shallower and the zero point is lower moving from WMAP1 to WMAP5 to WMAP3. For haloes of mass log(M_200/Msun) = 10, 12, and 14 the differences in the concentration parameter between WMAP1 and WMAP3 are a factor of 1.55, 1.41, and 1.29, respectively. As we show, this brings the central densities of dark matter haloes in good agreement with the central densities of dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies inferred from their rotation curves, for both the WMAP3 and WMAP5 cosmologies. We also show that none of the existing toy models for the concentration-mass relation can reproduce our simulation results over the entire range of masses probed. In particular, the model of Bullock et al (B01) fails at the higher mass end (M > 1e13 Msun), while the NFW model of Navarro, Frenk & White (1997) fails dramatically at the low mass end (M < 1e12 Msun). We present a new model, based on a simple modification of that of B01, which reproduces the concentration-mass relations in our simulations over the entire range of masses probed (1e10 Msun < M < 1e15 Msun). Haloes in the WMAP3 cosmology (at a fixed mass) are more flatted compared to the WMAP1 cosmology, with a medium to long axis ration reduced by ~10 %. Finally, we show that the distribution of halo spin parameters is the same for all three cosmologies.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figures, references updated, minor changes. Accepted for publication on MNRAS. WMAP5 simulations available upon reques