505 research outputs found

    Modeling Dynamical Dark Energy

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    Cosmological models with different types of Dark Energy are becoming viable alternatives for standard models with the cosmological constant. Yet, such models are more difficult to analyze and to simulate. We present analytical approximations and discuss ways of making simulations for two families of models, which cover a wide range of possibilities and include models with both slow and fast changing ratio w=p\rho. More specifically, we give analytical expressions for the evolution of the matter density parameter Omega_m(z) and the virial density contrast Delta_c at any redshift z. The latter is used to identify halos and to find their virial masses. We also provide an approximation for the linear growth factor of linear fluctuations between redshift z=40 and z=0. This is needed to set the normalization of the spectrum of fluctuations. Finally, we discuss the expected behavior of the halo mass function and its time evolution.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures ApJ submitte

    Galaxy alignment on large and small scales

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    Galaxies are not randomly distributed across the universe but showing different kinds of alignment on different scales. On small scales satellite galaxies have a tendency to distribute along the major axis of the central galaxy, with dependence on galaxy properties that both red satellites and centrals have stronger alignment than their blue counterparts. On large scales, it is found that the major axes of Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGs) have correlation up to 30Mpc/h. Using hydro-dynamical simulation with star formation, we investigate the origin of galaxy alignment on different scales. It is found that most red satellite galaxies stay in the inner region of dark matter halo inside which the shape of central galaxy is well aligned with the dark matter distribution. Red centrals have stronger alignment than blue ones as they live in massive haloes and the central galaxy-halo alignment increases with halo mass. On large scales, the alignment of LRGs is also from the galaxy-halo shape correlation, but with some extent of mis-alignment. The massive haloes have stronger alignment than haloes in filament which connect massive haloes. This is contrary to the naive expectation that cosmic filament is the cause of halo alignment.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, To appear in the proceedings of the IAU Symposium 308 "The Zeldovich Universe: Genesis and Growth of the Cosmic Web

    3D simulations of the early stages of AGN jets: geometry, thermodynamics and backflow

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    We investigate the interplay between jets from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) and the surrounding InterStellar Medium (ISM) through full 3D, high resolution, Adaptive Mesh Refinement simulations performed with the FLASH code. We follow the jet- ISM system for several Myr in its transition from an early, compact source to an extended one including a large cocoon. During the jet evolution, we identify three major evolutionary stages and we find that, contrary to the prediction of popular theoretical models, none of the simulations shows a self-similar behavior. We also follow the evolution of the energy budget, and find that the fraction of input power deposited into the ISM (the AGN coupling constant) is of order of a few percent during the first few Myr. This is in broad agreement with galaxy formation models employing AGN feedback. However, we find that in these early stages, this energy is deposited only in a small fraction (< 1%) of the total ISM volume. Finally we demonstrate the relevance of backflows arising within the extended cocoon generated by a relativistic AGN jet within the ISM of its host galaxy, previously proposed as a mechanism for self-regulating the gas accretion onto the central object. These backflows tend later to be destabilized by the 3D dynamics, rather than by hydrodynamic (Kelvin- Helmholtz) instabilities. Yet, in the first few hundred thousand years, backflows may create a central accretion region of significant extent, and convey there as much as a few millions of solar masses.Comment: Accepted in MNRAS - 16 pages, 12 figures - Multimedia available on the author's webpage: http://www.mpia.de/~ciel