1 research outputs found

    The formulation of questions and the game to tackle a socio-scientific problem related to energy

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    Se relata una experiencia de ense帽anza sobre energ铆a, en la asignatura Introducci贸n a la F铆sica de 4to a帽o de la Educaci贸n Secundaria, llevada a cabo durante el aislamiento social preventivo y obligatorio. Como estrategia docente se abord贸 un problema socio鈥揷ient铆fico, mediante preguntas con diferentes intenciones did谩cticas.La tercera fase de la secuencia did谩ctica consisti贸 en plantear preguntas que promueven diferentes niveles de desarrollo cognitivo en los estudiantes.Adem谩s, para motivar a los estudiantes, se utiliz贸 como recurso el juego virtual, para abordarlas preguntas y promover la integraci贸n y la transferencia de aprendizajes. Se presentan algunas consideraciones e implicancias en la ense帽anzaAn experience of teaching about energy is related, in the course Introduction to Physics of the 4 th year of Secondary Education, carried out during preventive and compulsory social isolation. As a teaching strategy, a socio鈥搒cientific problemwas approached, through questions with different didactic intentions. The third phase of the didactic sequence consisted of asking questions thatpromote different levels of cognitive development in the students. In addition, to motivate the students, a virtual game was usedas a resource, to address the questions and promote the integration and transfer of learning. Some considerations andimplications in teaching are presented.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci贸