88 research outputs found

    Membranes on Calibrations

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    M2-branes can blow up into BPS funnels that end on calibrated intersections of M5-branes. In this quick note, we make the observation that the constraints required for the consistency of these solutions are automatic in Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson (BLG) theory, thanks to the fundamental identity and the supersymmetry of the calibration. We use this to explain how the previous ad hoc fuzzy funnel constructions emerge in this picture, and make some comments about the role of the 3-algebra trace form in the derivation.Comment: 9 pages, no figures; references added, minor change

    Large BCFT moduli in open string field theory

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    We use the recently constructed solution for marginal deformations by one of the authors, to analytically relate the BCFT modulus (lambda_BCFT) to the coefficient of the boundary marginal field in the solution (lambda_SFT). We explicitly find that the relation is not one to one and the same value of lambda_SFT corresponds to a pair of different lambda_BCFT 's: a "small" one, and a "large" one. The BCFT moduli space is fully covered, but the coefficient of the marginal field in the solution is not a good global coordinate on such a space.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. v2: minor notation improvements, version published in JHE

    String Field Theory Solution for Any Open String Background

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    We present an exact solution of open bosonic string field theory which can be used to describe any time-independent open string background. The solution generalizes an earlier construction of Kiermaier, Okawa, and Soler, and assumes the existence of boundary condition changing operators with nonsingular OPEs and vanishing conformal dimension. Our main observation is that boundary condition changing operators of this kind can describe nearly any open string background provided the background shift is accompanied by a timelike Wilson line of sufficient strength. As an application we analyze the tachyon lump describing the formation of a D(p1)(p-1)-brane in the string field theory of a Dpp-brane, for generic compactification radius. This not only provides a proof of Sen's second conjecture, but also gives explicit examples of higher energy solutions, confirming analytically that string field theory can "reverse" the direction of the worldsheet RG flow. We also find multiple D-brane solutions, demonstrating that string field theory can add Chan-Paton factors and change the rank of the gauge group. Finally, we show how the solution provides a remarkably simple and nonperturbative proof of the background independence of open bosonic string field theory.Comment: V2: 42 pages, 11 figures, typos correcte

    Localization of effective actions in open superstring field theory: small Hilbert space

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    We consider the algebraic effective couplings for open superstring massless modes in the framework of the AA_\infty theory in the small Hilbert space. Focusing on quartic algebraic couplings, we reduce the effective action of the AA_\infty theory to the Berkovits one where we have already shown that such couplings are fully computed from contributions at the boundary of moduli space, when the massless fields under consideration are appropriately charged under an N ⁣= ⁣2{\cal N}\!=\!2 RR-symmetry. Here we offer a proof of localization which is in the small Hilbert space. We also discuss the flat directions of the obtained quartic potentials and give evidence for the existence of exactly marginal deformations in the D3/D(1)D3/D(-1) system in the framework of string field theory.Comment: 34 pages, no figures. V2: Improved presentation, typos correcte

    Localization of effective actions in open superstring field theory

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    We consider the construction of the algebraic part of D-branes tree-level effective action from Berkovits open superstring field theory. Applying this construction to the quartic potential of massless fields carrying a specific worldsheet charge, we show that the full contribution to the potential localizes at the boundary of moduli space, reducing to elementary two-point functions. As examples of this general mechanism, we show how the Yang-Mills quartic potential and the instanton effective action of a Dp/D(p4)Dp/D(p-4) system are reproducedComment: 30 pages (incl appendix). No figure

    BCFT and OSFT moduli: an exact perturbative comparison

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    Starting from the pseudo-B0{\cal B}_0 gauge solution for marginal deformations in OSFT, we analytically compute the relation between the perturbative deformation parameter λ~\tilde\lambda in the solution and the BCFT marginal parameter λ\lambda, up to fifth order, by evaluating the Ellwood invariants. We observe that the microscopic reason why λ~\tilde\lambda and λ\lambda are different is that the OSFT propagator renormalizes contact term divergences differently from the contour deformation used in BCFTComment: 26+5 pages, 10 figures V2: minor improvements, published versio

    M2-brane Flows and the Chern-Simons Level

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    The Chern-Simons level k of ABJM gauge theory captures the orbifolding in the dual geometry. This suggests that if we move the membranes away from the tip of the orbifold to a smooth point, it should trigger an RG flow that changes the level to k=1 in the IR. We construct an explicit supergravity solution that is dual to this shift from generic k to k=1. In the gauge theory side, we present arguments for why this shift is plausible at the end of the RG flow. We also consider a resolution of the orbifold for the case k=4 (where explicit metrics can be found), and construct the smooth supergravity solution that interpolates between AdS4 X S7/Z4 and AdS4 X S7, corresponding to localized branes on the blown up six cycle. In the gauge theory, we make some comments about the dimension four operator dual to the resolution as well as the associated RG flow.Comment: v4: figure with typo replaced, clarifications added. 35 p

    String Field Theory

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    String Field Theory is a formulation of String Theory as a Quantum Field Theory in target space. It allows to tame the infrared divergences of String Theory and to approach its non-perturbative structure and background independence. This article gives a concise overview on the subject and of some of the main recent progresses. Note: Review article for Oxford Research Encyclopedia of PhysicsComment: 33 pages, no figures. Invited contribution to Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Physic

    A simple solution for marginal deformations in open string field theory

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    We derive a new open string field theory solution for boundary marginal deformations generated by chiral currents with singular self-OPE. The solution is algebraically identical to the Kiermaier-Okawa-Soler solution and it is gauge equivalent to the Takahashi-Tanimoto identity-based solution. It is wedge-based and we can analytically evaluate the Ellwood invariant and the action, reproducing the expected results from BCFT. By studying the isomorphism between the states of the initial and final background a dual derivation of the Ellwood invariant is also obtained.Comment: 34 pages, no figures V3: typos and minors, one ref. added, published versio