41 research outputs found

    Vitamin c—sources, physiological role, kinetics, deficiency, use, toxicity, and determination

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    Vitamin C (L‐ascorbic acid) has been known as an antioxidant for most people. However, its physiological role is much larger and encompasses very different processes ranging from facili-tation of iron absorption through involvement in hormones and carnitine synthesis for important roles in epigenetic processes. Contrarily, high doses act as a pro‐oxidant than an anti‐oxidant. This may also be the reason why plasma levels are meticulously regulated on the level of absorption and excretion in the kidney. Interestingly, most cells contain vitamin C in millimolar concentrations, which is much higher than its plasma concentrations, and compared to other vitamins. The role of vitamin C is well demonstrated by miscellaneous symptoms of its absence—scurvy. The only clini-cally well‐documented indication for vitamin C is scurvy. The effects of vitamin C administration on cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and infections are rather minor or even debatable in the general population. Vitamin C is relatively safe, but caution should be given to the administration of high doses, which can cause overt side effects in some susceptible patients (e.g., oxalate renal stones). Lastly, analytical methods for its determination with advantages and pitfalls are also discussed in this review

    A Transgenic Minipig Model of Huntington\u27s Disease

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    Background: Some promising treatments for Huntington\u27s disease (HD) may require pre-clinical testing in large animals. Minipig is a suitable species because of its large gyrencephalic brain and long lifespan. Objective: To generate HD transgenic (TgHD) minipigs encoding huntingtin (HTT)1–548 under the control of human HTT promoter. Methods: Transgenesis was achieved by lentiviral infection of porcine embryos. PCR assessment of gene transfer, observations of behavior, and postmortem biochemical and immunohistochemical studies were conducted. Results: One copy of the human HTT transgene encoding 124 glutamines integrated into chromosome 1 q24-q25 and successful germ line transmission occurred through successive generations (F0, F1, F2 and F3 generations). No developmental or gross motor deficits were noted up to 40 months of age. Mutant HTT mRNA and protein fragment were detected in brain and peripheral tissues. No aggregate formation in brain up to 16 months was seen by AGERA and filter retardation or by immunostaining. DARPP32 labeling in WT and TgHD minipig neostriatum was patchy. Analysis of 16 month old sibling pairs showed reduced intensity of DARPP32 immunoreactivity in neostriatal TgHD neurons compared to those of WT. Compared to WT, TgHD boars by one year had reduced fertility and fewer spermatozoa per ejaculate. In vitro analysis revealed a significant decline in the number of WT minipig oocytes penetrated by TgHD spermatozoa. Conclusions: The findings demonstrate successful establishment of a transgenic model of HD in minipig that should be valuable for testing long term safety of HD therapeutics. The emergence of HD-like phenotypes in the TgHD minipigs will require more study

    Vitamin a update: Forms, sources, kinetics, detection, function, deficiency, therapeutic use and toxicity

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    Vitamin A is a group of vital micronutrients widely present in the human diet. Animalbased products are a rich source of the retinyl ester form of the vitamin, while vegetables and fruits contain carotenoids, most of which are provitamin A. Vitamin A plays a key role in the correct functioning of multiple physiological functions. The human organism can metabolize natural forms of vitamin A and provitamin A into biologically active forms (retinol, retinal, retinoic acid), which interact with multiple molecular targets, including nuclear receptors, opsin in the retina and, according to the latest research, also some enzymes. In this review, we aim to provide a complex view on the present knowledge about vitamin A ranging from its sources through its physiological functions to consequences of its deficiency and metabolic fate up to possible pharmacological administration and potential toxicity. Current analytical methods used for its detection in real samples are included as well

    Phospholipids and Hyaluronan: From Molecular Interactions to Nano- and Macroscale Friction

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    Phospholipids and hyaluronan are two key biomolecules that contribute to the excellent lubrication of articular joints. Phospholipids alone and in combination with hyaluronan have also displayed low friction forces on smooth surfaces in micro- and nanosized tribological contacts. In an effort to develop aqueous-based lubrication systems, it is highly relevant to explore if these types of molecules also are able to provide efficient lubrication of macroscopic tribological contacts involving surfaces with roughness larger than the thickness of the lubricating layer. To this end, we investigated the lubrication performance of hyaluronan, the phospholipid 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC), and mixtures of these two components using glass surfaces in a mini-traction machine. We compared our data with those obtained using flat silica surfaces in previous atomic force microscopy studies, and we also highlighted insights on hyaluronan–phospholipid interactions gained from recent simulations. Our data demonstrate that hyaluronan alone does not provide any lubricating benefit, but DPPC alone and in mixtures with hyaluronan reduces the friction force by an order of magnitude

    Vitamin K - sources, physiological role, kinetics, deficiency, detection, therapeutic use, and toxicity

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    Vitamin K is traditionally connected with blood coagulation, since it is needed for the posttranslational modification of 7 proteins involved in this cascade. However, it is also involved in the maturation of another 11 or 12 proteins that play different roles, encompassing in particular the modulation of the calcification of connective tissues. Since this process is physiologically needed in bones, but is pathological in arteries, a great deal of research has been devoted to finding a possible link between vitamin K and the prevention of osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases. Unfortunately, the current knowledge does not allow us to make a decisive conclusion about such a link. One possible explanation for this is the diversity of the biological activity of vitamin K, which is not a single compound but a general term covering natural plant and animal forms of vitamin K (K1 and K2) as well as their synthetic congeners (K3 and K4). Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) is found in several vegetables. Menaquinones (MK4-MK13, a series of compounds known as vitamin K2) are mostly of a bacterial origin and are introduced into the human diet mainly through fermented cheeses. Current knowledge about the kinetics of different forms of vitamin K, their detection, and their toxicity are discussed in this review

    Biological Properties of Vitamins of the B-Complex, Part 1: Vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B5

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    This review summarizes the current knowledge on essential vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B5 . These B-complex vitamins must be taken from diet, with the exception of vitamin B3, that can also be synthetized from amino acid tryptophan. All of these vitamins are water soluble, which determines their main properties, namely: they are partly lost when food is washed or boiled since they migrate to the water; the requirement of membrane transporters for their permeation into the cells; and their safety since any excess is rapidly eliminated via the kidney. The therapeutic use of B-complex vitamins is mostly limited to hypovitaminoses or similar conditions, but, as they are generally very safe, they have also been examined in other pathological conditions. Nicotinic acid, a form of vitamin B3, is the only exception because it is a known hypolipidemic agent in gram doses. The article also sums up: (i) the current methods for detection of the vitamins of the B-complex in biological fluids; (ii) the food and other sources of these vitamins including the effect of common processing and storage methods on their content; and (iii) their physiological function