7 research outputs found
When the world has peace again
Gift of Dr. Mary Jane Esplen.B flat [key]Valse [tempo]Piano vocal [instrumentation]Popular song [form/genre]When you think of the boys [first line]When the world has peace again [first line of chorus]Dove leaves bannerAuthor of We'll never let the old flag fall on front [note]Publisher's advertisement on back cover [note
The birthday of Confederation
Gift of Dr. Mary Jane Esplen.Piano vocal [instrumentation]Ever since confederation we have been aready [first line]In Canada there's a bond of love [first line of chorus]B flat [key]Brightly [tempo]Fathers of Confederation (Frederick S. Challener, artist), John A. MacDonald, Queen Victoria, W. L. MacKenzie King (cameos) [illustration]March song [form/genre]Publisher's advertisement on back cover [note]Canadian National Exhibition grand stand spectacle [note
The vale of aching hearts
Gift of Dr. Mary Jane Esplen.Piano [instrumentation]The stars are gleaming o'er this moon lit lake tonight [first line]For I dwell in the Vale of Aching Hearts in the land of misery [first line of chorus]F [key]Forte [tempo]Heart [illustration]Prof. Bryon G. Tapley [arranger]Popular song ; novelty [form/genre]No publisher's advertisement [note
By order of the King
Gift of Dr. Mary Jane Esplen.Piano vocal [instrumentation]The Empire's pride [first line]By order of the King, God bless him, we'll fight and win or die [first line of chorus]G [key]Tempo di Marcia [tempo]King George V (photograph) [illustration]Patriotic song [form/genre]Publisher's advertisement on back cover [note]10309 / From A.E. Toobe, Music Dealer, 177 Queen St., Charlottetown, P.E.I. ; 10310 / Musgrave Dominion Music, 8 Yonge St. Arcade, Toronto ; 10312 / Mason & Risch, 117 King St. E., Hamilton, Ont., Sheet Music, Victrolas and Records [dealer stamp]Sung with great success by Donald C. MacGregor, Hartwell DeMille, H. Ruthven McDonald, Howard Russell, William Moore, and other leading vocalists [list of vocalist] [note]Orchestral Accompaniment Net 25c. [note
Pig-Skin Peters
Gift of Dr. Mary Jane Esplen.C [key]Piano vocal [instrumentation]Novelty song [form/genre]Now Pig-Skin was a swimmer bold [first line]All know Pig-Skin Peters [first line of chorus]Publisher's advertisement on back cover [note]Man with cigarrette swimming [illustration
We'll never let the old flag fall
Gift of Dr. Mary Jane Esplen.Piano vocal [instrumentation]Britain's flag has always stood for justice [first line]We'll never let the old flag fall [first line of chorus]A flat [key]Tempo di marcia [tempo]Union Jack [illustration]Marching song ; patriotic song [form/genre]Publisher's advertisement on back cover [note]Orchestral accompaniment may be obtained [note]From Musgrave Bros., 7 Yonge Arcade, Toronto, Ont. / 9875 ; Barret & Co., Everything in muisc, High Grade Piano, Belleville, Ont. / 9880
We'll never let the old flag fall
Gift of Dr. Mary Jane Esplen.Piano vocal [instrumentation]Britain's flag has always stood for justice [first line]We'll never let the old flag fall [first line of chorus]A flat [key]March time [tempo]March song [form/genre]Goulden & Wind, Ramsgate ; Enoch and Sons [dealer stamp]"This is one of the boys and families" [note]Publisher's advertisement on back cover [note]The great Canadian success (caption) [note]Printed in England [note