6 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Fluid Vesicles in Oscillatory Shear Flow

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    The dynamics of fluid vesicles in oscillatory shear flow was studied using differential equations of two variables: the Taylor deformation parameter and inclination angle Ξ\theta. In a steady shear flow with a low viscosity ηin\eta_{\rm {in}} of internal fluid, the vesicles exhibit steady tank-treading motion with a constant inclination angle Ξ0\theta_0. In the oscillatory flow with a low shear frequency, Ξ\theta oscillates between ±Ξ0\pm \theta_0 or around Ξ0\theta_0 for zero or finite mean shear rate γ˙m\dot\gamma_{\rm m}, respectively. As shear frequency fÎłf_{\gamma} increases, the vesicle oscillation becomes delayed with respect to the shear oscillation, and the oscillation amplitude decreases. At high fÎłf_{\gamma} with γ˙m=0\dot\gamma_{\rm m}=0, another limit-cycle oscillation between Ξ0−π\theta_0-\pi and −ξ0-\theta_0 is found to appear. In the steady flow, Ξ\theta periodically rotates (tumbling) at high ηin\eta_{\rm {in}}, and Ξ\theta and the vesicle shape oscillate (swinging) at middle ηin\eta_{\rm {in}} and high shear rate. In the oscillatory flow, the coexistence of two or more limit-cycle oscillations can occur for low fÎłf_{\gamma} in these phases. For the vesicle with a fixed shape, the angle Ξ\theta rotates back to the original position after an oscillation period. However, it is found that a preferred angle can be induced by small thermal fluctuations.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figure

    Effect of tube diameter and capillary number on platelet margination and near-wall dynamics

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    The effect of tube diameter DD and capillary number CaCa on platelet margination in blood flow at ≈37%\approx 37\% tube haematocrit is investigated. The system is modelled as three-dimensional suspension of deformable red blood cells and nearly rigid platelets using a combination of the lattice-Boltzmann, immersed boundary and finite element methods. Results show that margination is facilitated by a non-diffusive radial platelet transport. This effect is important near the edge of the cell-free layer, but it is only observed for Ca>0.2Ca > 0.2, when red blood cells are tank-treading rather than tumbling. It is also shown that platelet trapping in the cell-free layer is reversible for Ca≀0.2Ca \leq 0.2. Only for the smallest investigated tube (D=10ÎŒmD = 10 \mu\text{m}) margination is essentially independent of CaCa. Once platelets have reached the cell-free layer, they tend to slide rather than tumble. The tumbling rate is essentially independent of CaCa but increases with DD. Tumbling is suppressed by the strong confinement due to the relatively small cell-free layer thickness at ≈37%\approx 37\% tube haematocrit.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Computational study of radial particle migration and stresslet distributions in particle-laden turbulent pipe flow

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    Particle-laden turbulent flows occur in a variety of industrial applications as well as in naturally occurring flows. While the numerical simulation of such flows has seen significant advances in recent years, it still remains a challenging problem. Many studies investigated the rheology of dense suspensions in laminar flows as well as the dynamics of point-particles in turbulence. Here we employ a fully-resolved numerical simulation based on a lattice Boltzmann scheme, to investigate turbulent flow with large neutrally buoyant particles in a pipe flow at low Reynolds number and in dilute regimes. The energy input is kept fixed resulting in a Reynolds number based on the friction velocity around 250. Two different particle radii were used giving a particle-pipe diameter ratio of 0.05 and 0.075. The number of particles is kept constant resulting in a volume fraction of 0.54% and 1.83%, respectively. We investigated Eulerian and Lagrangian statistics along with the stresslet exerted by the fluid on the spherical particles. It was observed that the high particle-to-fluid slip velocity close to the wall corresponds locally to events of high energy dissipation, which are not present in the single-phase flow. The migration of particles from the inner to the outer region of the pipe, the dependence of the stresslet on the particle radial positions and a proxy for the fragmentation rate of the particles computed using the stresslet have been investigated

    Cell Distribution and Segregation Phenomena During Blood Flow

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