698 research outputs found

    Practising critical resilience as an advanced peer support worker in London: A qualitative evaluation of a peer-led hepatitis C intervention amongst people experiencing homelessness who inject drugs

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    Background: Peer support has been used as a mechanism to facilitate active engagement with healthcare amongst underserved populations. The HepCare project upskilled experienced peer support workers (PSWs) to become equal members of a service provider team, taking on advanced clinical roles normally carried out by medical or nursing specialists. Method: A participatory case study approach was taken to the study following the methodological guidance of Merriam (1998). The subject of the case in our study is the advanced peer support workers (APSWs) functioning in the HepCare project as service providers. The object of the case is an exploration of their transition to service provider in the HCV screening and treatment support service. Five peer led in-depth interviews with APSWs were supplemented by a survey of health professionals, interviews with service users, documentary evidence in the form of job descriptions, observational notes and a blog from the field. Thematic analysis of the data was conducted, refined and finalised in a workshop with the research team and APSW participants. Results Three themes were generated from the data that explore the peer support worker's transition to APSW in the programme: Transition to Integration, Retaining ‘Peerness’, and Practising Critical Resilience. The advocacy and support enacted by the APSWs through the HepCare project, offer purpose and meaning alongside integration into a new social group. This is buffered by the supportive context of the programme and facilitates a motivating sense of worth. Conclusion: The programme offers policy guidance for the structured career development of APSWs and a platform for enactment of critical resilience as they transition to their advanced role, in the healthcare provider team

    Flexible access to conformationally-locked bicyclic morpholines

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    A preparatively accessible route to a series of conformationally-locked bicyclic morpholines has been developed. This flexible approach allows for diversification in order for a small array of lead-like scaffolds to be synthesised from readily available key building blocks

    Experienced tutors' deployment of thinking skills and what might be entailed in enhancing such skills

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    In the context of research that reports weaknesses in adults' critical thinking skills, the primary aim was to examine adults' use of critical thinking skills that are described in taxonomies and to identify areas for development. Position papers written by an opportunity sample of 32 experienced adult educators formed the data for a descriptive sample survey design intended to reveal participants' use of critical thinking skills. Each 6000-word paper was written during a development programme that supported such skills. A content analysis of the papers revealed that when participants drew on personal and published ideas about learning to derive their proposals for change, they accepted the ideas uncritically, thereby implying that they might find it difficult to help learners to examine ideas critically. The evidence supports research that implies that critical thinking skills are unlikely to develop unless overall course design privileges the development of epistemological understanding (King and Kitchener 1994, Kuhn 1999). A fundamental assumption underlying the study is that this understanding influences effective citizenship and personal development, as well as employability. A proposition that merits attention in future research is that the development of epistemological understanding is largely neglected in current curricula in formal post-16 education

    The significance of motivation in student-centred learning : a reflective case study

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    The theoretical underpinnings of student-centred learning suggest motivation to be an integral component. However, lack of clarification of what is involved in motivation in education often results in unchallenged assumptions that fail to recognise that what motivates some students may alienate others. This case study, using socio-cognitive motivational theory to analyse previously collected data, derives three fuzzy propositions which, collectively, suggest that motivation interacts with the whole cycle of episodes in the teachinglearning process. It argues that the development of the higherlevel cognitive competencies that are implied by the term, student-centred learning, must integrate motivational constructs such as goal orientation, volition, interest and attributions into pedagogical practices

    Academic achievement : the role of praise in motivating students

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    The motivation of students is an important issue in higher education, particularly in the context of the increasing diversity of student populations. A social-cognitive perspective assumes motivation to be dynamic, context-sensitive and changeable, thereby rendering it to be a much more differentiated construct than previously understood. This complexity may be perplexing to tutors who are keen to develop applications to improve academic achievement. One application that is within the control of the tutor, at least to some extent, is the use of praise. Using psychological literature the article argues that in motivating students, the tutor is not well served by relying on simplistic and common sense understandings of the construct of praise and that effective applications of praise are mediated by students' goal orientations, which of themselves may be either additive or interactive composites of different objectives and different contexts

    Helping education undergraduates to use appropriate criteria for evaluating accounts of motivation

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    The aim of the study was to compare students in a control group with those in a treatment group with respect to evaluative comments on psychological accounts of motivation. The treatment group systematically scrutinized the nature and interpretation of evidence that supported different accounts, and the assumptions, logic, coherence and clarity of accounts. Content analysis of 74 scripts (using three categories) showed that the control group students made more assertions than either evidential or evaluative points, whereas the treatment group used evaluative statements as often as they used assertion. The findings provide support for privileging activities that develop understanding of how knowledge might be contested, and suggest a need for further research on pedagogies to serve this end. The idea is considered that such understanding has a pivotal role in the development of critical thinking

    Representing addition and subtraction : learning the formal conventions

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    The study was designed to test the effects of a structured intervention in teaching children to represent addition and subtraction. In a post-test only control group design, 90 five-year-olds experienced the intervention entitled Bi-directional Translation whilst 90 control subjects experienced typical teaching. Post-intervention testing showed some significant differences between the two groups both in terms of being able to effect the addition and subtraction operations and in being able to determine which operation was appropriate. The results suggest that, contrary to historical practices, children's exploration of real world situations should precede practice in arithmetical symbol manipulation