30 research outputs found

    The business (in)significance of the pre-dot domain name wording

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    Post-modern society and the global market heavily rely on the employment of information technology. Today’s successful business conduct requires an appropriate e-domiciliation within the Internet. The Internet space is spread in Top level domains (TLDs), each composed of sub-domains. The e-address consists of a numeric or word reference pointing to the relevant TLD (a pre-set few letters behind the dot) and sub-domains (a creative conglomerate of letters before the dot). Each TLD has its own legal and economic regime, and businesses should carefully study them in order to choose the best fitting TLD, so as to have the right few letters behind the dot. However, it is unclear how much importance should be placed on the word designation of the sub-domain(s), i.e. there is no conclusive evidence or commonly accepted consensus about the (in)significance of the letters before the dot. This issue requires an interdisciplinary study and a comparative analysis reflecting actual business reality. This paper summarizes underlying technical setting, concepts and functions of the pre-dot part of a domain name, rejects contemporary shortcuts and presents the domain name and its role from a global and super-temporal perspective. Considering the insufficiency of statistical data, independent studies and generally agreed upon conclusions, even approaches, it is vital to review underlying concepts and settings, and to engage in a comparative analysis along with observations from various angles. The ultimate goal is to enhance awareness and to open a constructive dialogue about intellectual property and domain names, in short, to move from the black-and-white and all-or-nothing perception to a more nuanced approach differentiating between domain names from the same TLD

    Analiza skuteczności, wydajności i uczciwości europejskiego portalu „e-Sprawiedliwość” w kontekście społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesu

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    The EU’s current ten-year strategy, Europe 2020, is influenced by the drive for sustainable development and corporate responsibility, i.e. by the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and by increasing digital demand. This has led to the creation of the European e-Justice Portal, which is conceived as an electronic one-stop-shop in the area of justice, and which includes access to business registers at both European and national levels. The available data on CSR and free e-access to such data are intended as a valuable contribution to awareness and transparency, and to assist, at the ultimate stakeholder level, the Europe 2020 triad of priorities. The objective of this paper is to assess how this works in reality, and the hypothesis is that the operation of this Portal remains behind expectations. A cross-disciplinary and multi-jurisdictional study is made using both primary data, especially a field search and direct operation testing, and secondary data, especially well-recognized academic sources, and yields interesting results. A holistic meta-analysis is used to process this data and to explore the CSR definition and framework associated with the Portal, and reveals configurational and operational problems that impair effectiveness, efficiency and fairness. Thus, the hypothesis concerning the problematic operation of the Portal is confirmed, and suggestions for corrections and improvements are offered.Obecna strategia dziesięcioletnia UE, strategia „Europa 2020”, ma wpływ na dążenie do zrównoważonego rozwoju i odpowiedzialności społecznej, tj. poprzez społeczną odpowiedzialność biznesu (CSR) oraz rosnący popyt cyfrowy. Doprowadziło to UE do stworzenia europejskiego portalu „e-Sprawiedliwość”, który jest elektronicznym punktem kompleksowej obsługi w dziedzinie wymiaru sprawiedliwości i obejmuje dostęp do rejestrów przedsiębiorstw, zarówno na poziomie europejskim, jak i krajowym. Zawarte w nim dane na temat CSR i bezpłatny dostęp powinny stanowić cenny wkład w podnoszenie świadomości i przejrzystości prawa. Celem artykułu jest ocena tego, jak działa w rzeczywistości, a hipoteza określa, że działanie tego portalu pozostaje wciąż niedopasowane do oczekiwań odbiorców. Przeprowadzono interdyscyplinarne i obejmujące wiele jurysdykcji badania dotyczące zarówno danych pierwotnych, w szczególności poprzez badania terenowe i bezpośrednie badania operacyjne. Dodatkowo analiza danych wtórnych, w szczególności uznanych źródeł akademickich, które dostarczają interesujących danych. Holistyczna Meta-Analiza przetwarza te dane, bada determinację i ramy CSR wraz z tym portalem i ujawnia problemy z ustawieniami i działaniami, które osłabiają skuteczność, wydajność i uczciwość. Postawiona hipoteza o problematycznym działaniu portalu jest zweryfikowana i potwierdzona a dodatkowo zaproponowano sugestie dotyczące zmian i ulepszeń

    Harmonization of the protection against misleading commercial practices: ongoing divergences in Central European countries

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    Research background: Modern European integration focuses on competition in the internal single market, embracing both competitiveness and consumer protection, and it aims at full harmonization in this arena. The hallmark, the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive from 2005, aims to overcome diverse social, political, legal and economic traditions. Is the implied protection against misleading practices an opportunity or a threat for Central European Regions? Purpose of the article: The primary purpose is to comparatively describe and critically assess the transposed legal frameworks. The secondary purpose is to study and evaluate their coherence in the light of the case law and their impact in Central Europe, in particular whether it represents an opportunity or a threat for the smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, i.e. boosting competitiveness and innovation along with consumer welfare. Methods: The cross-disciplinary and multi-jurisdictional nature of this paper, and its dual purposes, implies the use of Meta-Analysis, of various interpretation techniques suitable for legal texts and judicial decisions, of the critical comparison and of a holistic assessment of approaches and impacts. Legislation and case law are explored and the yielded knowledge and data are confronted with a field search and case studies. The dominating qualitative research and data are complemented by the quantitative research and data. Findings & Value added: For over one decade, the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive has required full harmonization of the protection against, among other items, misleading commercial practices, by legislatures and judges in the EU. The exploration pursuant to the two purposes suggests that this ambitious legislative and case law project entails a number of transposition approaches with varying levels of coherence, importance and impacts on the competitiveness and innovation of business and consumer welfare in Central Europe. Therefore, full harmonization should be either readjusted or relaxed

    (Ne)důležitost doménových jmen pro e-commerce

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    Společnost 21. globálním trhem jsou silně poznamenány informačními a komunikačními technologiemi a jejich využitím. Internetový prostor se stal arénou pro nový způsob podnikání – konkrétně e-commerce. Není pochyb o tom, že e-domiciliace má technický význam. Nicméně vliv doménového jména na e-Commerce a jeho úspěšnost zůstavá sporným. Tento článek předkládá interdisciplinární studii a reflexní analýzu ohledně charakteristických rysů a vzájemného ovlivňování mezi doménovými jmény a e-commerce z národního i globálního, podnikatelského i zákaznického pohledu. Toto vede k dílčím závěrům stejně jako další diskusi a podnětům pro další výzkum. V každém případě důležitost doménových jmen pro e-Commerce se stává čím dál zjevnější

    The (dis)harmony of opinions regarding domain names in the Czech Republic

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    The Internet is a key venue for business conduct in the 21st century and the address on it, the domain name, has a potential to satisfy a myriad of functions and to become a valuable intangible asset. Domain names are not only vital for business conduct regarding practically all types of goods and services, but they themselves can become commodities to be marketed. A research, meta-analysis and critical comparative re-assessment of the already published data was confronted with information extracted from a unique target questionnaire survey completed by a homogenous poll of respondents from the Czech Republic with a superior knowledge about the intellectual property and with a potential to be domain name adviser or even registrant. The principal objective was to assess the understanding and perception of domain names by such a homogenous group, based on their answers to questions targeting five critical hypotheses. The outcome was highly surprising and with an extremely low level of reconciliability. Plainly, intellectual property specialists from the Czech Republic fully endorse the importance of domain names and recognize their in rem regime, but they are incapable to identify domain names with the highest potential and to calculate their price. The asymmetry of information by Czech specialists in this arena is not sustainably acceptable

    Corporate Social Responsibility Information in Annual Reports in the EU—A Czech Case Study

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    The commitment of the European Union (EU) to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is projected into EU law about annual reporting by businesses. Since EU member states further develop this framework by their own domestic laws, annual reporting with CSR information is not unified and only partially mandatory in the EU. Do all European businesses report CSR information and what public declaration to society do they provide with it? The two main purposes of this paper are to identify the parameters of this annual reporting duty and to study the CSR information provided by the 10 largest Czech companies in their annual statements for 2013–2017. Based on legislative research and a teleological interpretation, the current EU legislative framework with Czech particularities is presented and, via a case study exploring 50 annual reports, the data about the type, extent and depth of CSR is dynamically and comparatively assessed. It appears that, at the minimum, large Czech businesses satisfy their legal duty and e-report on CSR to a similar extent, but in a dramatically different quality. Employee matters and adherence to international standards are used as a public declaration to society more than the data on environmental protection, while social matters and research and development (R&D) are played down

    Die (un)bedeutung der domain namen für den internethandel

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    Společnost 21. globálním trhem jsou silně poznamenány informačními a komunikačními technologiemi a jejich využitím. Internetový prostor se stal arénou pro nový způsob podnikání – konkrétně e-commerce. Není pochyb o tom, že e-domiciliace má technický význam. Nicméně vliv doménového jména na e-Commerce a jeho úspěšnost zůstavá sporným. Tento článek předkládá interdisciplinární studii a reflexní analýzu ohledně charakteristických rysů a vzájemného ovlivňování mezi doménovými jmény a e-commerce z národního i globálního, podnikatelského i zákaznického pohledu. Toto vede k dílčím závěrům stejně jako další diskusi a podnětům pro další výzkum. V každém případě důležitost doménových jmen pro e-Commerce se stává čím dál zjevnější.Społeczeństwo XXI funkcjonujące na globalnym rynku znajduje się pod dużym wpływem technologii informacyjno–komunikacyjnych oraz ich wykorzystywania. Przestrzeń wirtualna stała się areną nowego sposobu prowadzenia działalności - a mianowicie e-commerce, czyli handlu elektronicznego. Nie ma wątpliwości, że e-rezydencja ma znaczenie techniczne. Jednak wpływ nazwy domeny na handel elektroniczny i jego sukces pozostaje kwestią sporną. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono badania interdyscyplinarne oraz analizę refleksyjną dotyczącą cech charakterystycznych oraz wzajemnego oddziaływania pomiędzy nazwami domen a e-commerce z punktu widzenia krajowego i globalnego, jak również z punktu widzenia przedsiębiorcy i klienta. To jest podstawą do sformułowania cząstkowych wniosków oraz podjęcia dalszej dyskusji i kontynuowania dalszych badań. Ważność nazw domen staje się w każdym razie dla handlu elektronicznego coraz bardziej odczuwalna.The 21st century society together with its global market relies heavily on using information and communication technology and on employing e-commerce. Well established and regarded academic and practical opinion streams proclaim the heavy importance of e- commerce on current business. No doubt e-domiciliation has a technical significance. However, the impact of the verbal transcription of an e-address, a domain name, for e- commerce and its success is yet questionable. This issue requires interdisciplinary study and comparative analysis reflecting business reality, legal framework, behaviour patterns, consumer choices, national particularities and industry specifics. This paper researches and summarizes the underlying setting, concepts, functions, and attempts to analyze the features, role, and function of domain names from a Czech, European, and even global and super-temporal perspective and link it to the manner and success rate of e-commerce. Various surveys, data collection and case observations are linked to published opinions in order to be compared, contrasted and if possible reconciled. This leads to a number of conclusions reflecting the ultimate goal. This is to enhance awareness about differences in perception of various types of domains based on the origins of business and customers as well as involved industry branches. From both business and consumer perspectives, the recognition of the significance of domain names for e-commerce and the interaction between the business itself, its intellectual property portfolio, domain and domain name is on the rise.Die Gesellschaft des 21. Jahrhunderts mit ihrem globalen Markt ist stark durch die Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik gezeichnet. Der Internet-Raum ist eine Arena für eine neue Art der Geschäftsführung, nämlich den Internethandel, geworden. Es gibt keinen Zweifel daran, dass die e-Domiciliation eine technische Bedeutung hat. Jedoch bleibt die Auswirkung des Domain-Namen für den E-Commerce und seinen Erfolg fraglich. Dieser Artikel legt eine interdisziplinäre Studie und eine reflektierende Analyse über die charakteristischen Zeichen und die reziproke Auswirkung zwischen Domain-Namen und Internethandel aus der sowohl nationalen Geschäfts- und Kundenperspektive vor. Dieses führt zu einigen Schlussfolgerungen sowie auch zu weiteren Diskussions- und Vorschlagslinien für zusätzliche Forschungen. In jedem Fall scheint die Anerkennung der Bedeutung von Domain-Namen für den Internethandel immer mehr an Bedeutung zu gewinnen

    The nature and meaning of the Directive 2013/34/EU on financial statements according to the CJ EU

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    The Directive 2013/34/EU is a fundamental part of European Union (EU) legislation harmonising the regime of financial and non-financial reporting throughout the entire EU, including reporting about corporate social responsibility (CSR). Inasmuch as its transposition deadline expired in 2015, it is possible and also highly elucidating to holistically study its nature and actual transposition. A related literature summing up, accompanied with a legislation and transposition review compiled via the EUR-Lex database, makes for a solid foundation for a holistic and critical exploration of the related case law of the ultimate judicial authority for the interpretation and application of the Directive 2013/34/EU, namely the Court of Justice of the EU (CJ EU). Researching this case law within the Curia database brings forth an interesting meta-analysis, refreshed by Socratic questioning, which reveals the approach of the CJ EU to the Directive 2013/34/EU. The hypothesis suggests that this case law of the CJ EU offers valuable and as-yet hitherto-neglected indices, signifiers about the EU conforming to the perception of the nature and meaning of the Directive 2013/34/EU. These indices could be pivotal for further improvement of the harmonized regime of financial and non-financial reporting, for the boosting of CSR and also for supporting European integration and its legitimacy