373 research outputs found

    Cosmic Discordance: Are Planck CMB and CFHTLenS weak lensing measurements out of tune?

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    We examine the level of agreement between low redshift weak lensing data and the CMB using measurements from the CFHTLenS and Planck+WMAP polarization. We perform an independent analysis of the CFHTLenS six bin tomography results of Heymans et al. (2013). We extend their systematics treatment and find the cosmological constraints to be relatively robust to the choice of non-linear modeling, extension to the intrinsic alignment model and inclusion of baryons. We find that the 90% confidence contours of CFHTLenS and Planck+WP do not overlap even in the full 6-dimensional parameter space of Λ\LambdaCDM, so the two datasets are discrepant. Allowing a massive active neutrino or tensor modes does not significantly resolve the disagreement in the full n-dimensional parameter space. Our results differ from some in the literature because we use the full tomographic information in the weak lensing data and marginalize over systematics. We note that adding a sterile neutrino to Λ\LambdaCDM does bring the 8-dimensional 64% contours to overlap, mainly due to the extra effective number of neutrino species, which we find to be 0.84 ±\pm 0.35 (68%) greater than standard on combining the datasets. We discuss why this is not a completely satisfactory resolution, leaving open the possibility of other new physics or observational systematics as contributing factors. We provide updated cosmology fitting functions for the CFHTLenS constraints and discuss the differences from ones used in the literature.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures. We compare our findings with studies that include other low redshift probes of structure. An interactive figure is available at http://bit.ly/1oZH0KQ. This version is that accepted by MNRAS, and so includes changes based on the referee's comments, and updates to the analysis cod

    S\'{e}rsic galaxy models in weak lensing shape measurement: model bias, noise bias and their interaction

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    Cosmic shear is a powerful probe of cosmological parameters, but its potential can be fully utilised only if galaxy shapes are measured with great accuracy. Two major effects have been identified which are likely to account for most of the bias for maximum likelihood methods in recent shear measurement challenges. Model bias occurs when the true galaxy shape is not well represented by the fitted model. Noise bias occurs due to the non-linear relationship between image pixels and galaxy shape. In this paper we investigate the potential interplay between these two effects when an imperfect model is used in the presence of high noise. We present analytical expressions for this bias, which depends on the residual difference between the model and real data. They can lead to biases not accounted for in previous calibration schemes. By measuring the model bias, noise bias and their interaction, we provide a complete statistical framework for measuring galaxy shapes with model fitting methods from GRavitational lEnsing Accuracy Testing (GREAT) like images. We demonstrate the noise and model interaction bias using a simple toy model, which indicates that this effect can potentially be significant. Using real galaxy images from the Cosmological Evolution Survey (COSMOS) we quantify the strength of the model bias, noise bias and their interaction. We find that the interaction term is often a similar size to the model bias term, and is smaller than the requirements of the current and shortly upcoming galaxy surveys.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Controlling and leveraging small-scale information in tomographic galaxy-galaxy lensing

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    The tangential shear signal receives contributions from physical scales in the galaxy-matter correlation function well below the transverse scale at which it is measured. Since small scales are difficult to model, this non-locality has generally required stringent scale cuts or new statistics for cosmological analyses. Using the fact that uncertainty in these contributions corresponds to an uncertainty in the enclosed projected mass around the lens, we provide an analytic marginalization scheme to account for this. Our approach enables the inclusion of measurements on smaller scales without requiring numerical sampling over extra free parameters. We extend the analytic marginalization formalism to retain cosmographic ("shear-ratio") information from small-scale measurements that would otherwise be removed due to modeling uncertainties, again without requiring the addition of extra sampling parameters. We test the methodology using simulated likelihood analysis of a DES Year 5-like galaxy-galaxy lensing and galaxy clustering datavector. We demonstrate that we can remove parameter biases due to the presence of an un-modeled 1-halo contamination of the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal, and use the shear-ratio information on small scales to improve cosmological parameter constraints.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure, submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcom
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