23 research outputs found

    The capability approach : from ethical foundations to empirical operationalization

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    Contains fulltext : 83180.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, 17 januari 2011Promotor : Staveren, I.P. van Co-promotor : Sent, E.-M.XVI, 222 p

    Capability and health functioning in Ethiopian households

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    Capability and health functioning in Ethiopian households

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    Contains fulltext : 74893.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)48 p

    Power in Households: Disentangling Bargaining Power

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    Introduction Within the household bargaining literature, bargaining power is generally understood in terms of economic resources, such as income or assets. Empirical analyses of women’s bargaining power in households in developed and developing countries find that, in general, higher female incomes lead to higher bargaining power, which in turn tends to increase women’s relative wellbeing (Quisumbing, 2003). For assets, the empirical literature comes up with similar results, indicating that when women hold more assets, their bargaining power improves, with a positive impact on decision making power and subsequently, on women’s individual wellbeing indicators (Agarwal, 1994). Such findings confirm the general idea behind household bargaining models stating that control over more economic resources strengthens women’s fallback position vis-à-vis their partners, and could serve as a threat point in case of conflicting interests. Moreover, in cooperative bargaining models, women’s contribution of economic goods to the household increases their economic value to the partner, so that even without using one’s fallback position as a threat point, women’s bargaining power is likely to increase with more control over economic resources because the opportunity costs to the partner of not cooperating will increase

    Influence of Skew Angle on Reinforced Concrete Slab Bridges

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    The effect of a skew angle on simple-span reinforced concrete bridges is presented in this paper using the finite-element method. The parameters investigated in this analytical study were the span length, slab width, and skew angle. The finite-element analysis (FEA) results for skewed bridges were compared to the reference straight bridges as well as the American Association for State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Standard Specifications and LRFD procedures. A total of 96 case study bridges were analyzed and subjected to AASHTO HS-20 design trucks positioned close to one edge on each bridge to produce maximum bending in the slab. The AASHTO Standard Specifications procedure gave similar results to the FEA maximum longitudinal bending moment for a skew angle less than or equal to 20°. As the skew angle increased, AASHTO Standard Specifications overestimated the maximum moment by 20% for 30°, 50% for 40°, and 100% for 50°. The AASHTO LRFD Design Specifications procedure overestimated the FEA maximum longitudinal bending moment. This overestimate increased with the increase in the skew angle, and decreased when the number of lanes increased; AASHTO LRFD overestimated the longitudinal bending moment by up to 40% for skew angles less than 30° and reaching 50% for 50°. The ratio between the three-dimensional FEA longitudinal moments for skewed and straight bridges was almost one for bridges with skew angle less than 20°. This ratio decreased to 0.75 for bridges with skew angles between 30 and 40°, and further decreased to 0.5 as the skew angle of the bridge increased to 50°. This decrease in the longitudinal moment ratio is offset by an increase of up to 75% in the maximum transverse moment ratio as the skew angle increases from 0 to 50°. The ratio between the FEA maximum live-load deflection for skewed bridges and straight bridges decreases in a pattern consistent with that of the longitudinal moment. This ratio decreased from one for skew angles less than 10° to 0.6 for skew angles between 40 and 50°