18 research outputs found

    Point-of-care tests for syphilis and yaws in a low-income setting: a qualitative study of healthcare worker and patient experiences

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    The human treponematoses comprise venereal syphilis and the three non-venereal or endemic treponematoses yaws, bejel, and pinta. Serological assays remain the most common diagnostic method for all treponemal infections. Point-of-care tests (POCTs) for syphilis and yaws allow testing without further development of infrastructure in populations where routine laboratory facilities are not available. Alongside the test’s performance characteristics assessed through diagnostic evaluation, it is important to consider broader issues when rolling out a POCT. Experience with malaria POCT roll-out in sub-Saharan Africa has demonstrated that both healthcare worker and patient beliefs may play a major role in shaping the real-world use of POCTs. We conducted a qualitative study evaluating healthcare worker and patient perceptions of using a syphilis/yaws POCT in clinics in the East Malaita region of Malaita province in the Solomon Islands. Prior to the study serology was only routinely available at the local district hospital

    In vivo confocal microscopy in scarring trachoma.

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    OBJECTIVE: To characterize the tissue and cellular changes found in trachomatous scarring (TS) and inflammation using in vivo confocal microscopy (IVCM). DESIGN: Two complimentary case-control studies. PARTICIPANTS: The first study included 363 cases with TS (without trichiasis), of whom 328 had IVCM assessment, and 363 control subjects, of whom 319 had IVCM assessment. The second study included 34 cases with trachomatous trichiasis (TT), of whom 28 had IVCM assessment, and 33 control subjects, of whom 26 had IVCM assessment. METHODS: All participants were examined with ×2.5 loupes. The IVCM examination of the upper tarsal conjunctiva was carried out with a Heidelberg Retina Tomograph 3 with the Rostock Cornea Module (Heidelberg Engineering GmbH, Dossenheim, Germany). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The IVCM images were graded in a masked manner using a previously published grading system evaluating the inflammatory infiltrate density; the presence or absence of dendritiform cells (DCs), tissue edema, and papillae; and the level of subepithelial connective tissue organization. RESULTS: Subjects with clinical scarring had a characteristic appearance on IVCM of well-defined bands and sheets of scar tissue visible. Similar changes were also seen in some clinically normal subjects consistent with subclinical scarring. Scarred subjects had more DCs and an elevated inflammatory infiltrate, even after adjusting for other factors, including the level of clinical inflammation. Cellular activity was usually seen only in or just below the epithelium, rarely being seen deeper than 30 ÎŒm from the surface. The presence of tissue edema was strongly associated with the level of clinical inflammation. CONCLUSIONS: In vivo confocal microscopy can be quantitatively used to study inflammatory and scarring changes in the conjunctiva. Dendritic cells seem to be closely associated with the scarring process in trachoma and are likely to be an important target in antifibrotic therapies or the development of a chlamydial vaccine. The increased number of inflammatory cells seen in scarred subjects is consistent with the immunopathologic nature of the disease. The localization of cellular activity close to the conjunctival surface supports the view that the epithelium plays a central role in the pathogenesis of trachoma. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE(S): The author(s) have no proprietary or commercial interest in any materials discussed in this article

    Chlamydia trachomatis ompA Variants in Trachoma: What Do They Tell Us?

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    Trachoma is an important cause of blindness resulting from transmission of the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. One way to understand better how this infection is transmitted and how the human immune system controls it is to study the strains of bacteria associated with infection. Comparing strains before and after treatment might help us learn if someone has a new infection or the same one as before. Identifying differences between disease-causing strains should help us understand how infection leads to disease and how the human host defences work. We chose to study variation in the chlamydial gene ompA because it determines the protein MOMP, one of the leading candidates for inclusion in a vaccine to prevent trachoma. If immunity to MOMP is important in natural trachoma infections, we would expect to find evidence of this in the way the strains varied. We did not find this, but instead found that two common strains seemed to cause different types of disease. Although their MOMPs were very slightly different, this did not really explain the differences. We conclude that methods of typing strains going beyond the ompA gene will be needed to help us understand the interaction between Chlamydia and its human host

    Efficacy of oral azithromycin versus topical tetracycline in mass treatment of endemic trachoma

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the impact of mass treatment with oral azithromycin and topical tetracycline on the prevalence of active trachoma. METHODS: A total of 1803 inhabitants from 106 households of eight Gambian villages were randomized, in pairs, to receive either three doses of azithromycin at weekly intervals, or daily topical tetracycline over 6 weeks. Ocular examinations were conducted before treatment, and 2, 6 and 12 months after treatment. FINDINGS: Prior to treatment, 16% of the study participants had active trachoma. Two months after treatment, the prevalence of trachoma was 4.6% and 5.1% in the azithromycin and the tetracycline groups, respectively (adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 1.09; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.53, 2.02). Subsequently, the prevalence rose to 16% in the tetracycline group, while remaining at 7.7% in the azithromycin group (adjusted OR at 12 months = 0.52; 95% CI = 0.34, 0.80). At 12 months post-treatment, there were fewer new prevalent cases in the azithromycin group, and trachoma resolution was significantly better for this group (adjusted OR = 2.02; 95% CI = 1.42, 3.50). CONCLUSION: Oral azithromycin therefore appears to offer a means for controlling blinding trachoma. It is easy to administer and higher coverages may be possible than have been achieved hitherto

    Pilot study of the use of community volunteers to distribute azithromycin for trachoma control in Ghana

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the skills of community health volunteers in diagnosing active trachoma and distributing azithromycin in the Northern Region of Ghana. METHODS: Six community health volunteers from Daboya were trained to diagnose trachoma and to treat the disease using azithromycin. They were also informed of the drug?s possible side-effects. Under supervision, each volunteer then examined, and if necessary treated, 15 households. The dose of azithromycin was determined by weight; height was also measured. Tablets were given in preference to suspension when possible. RESULTS: The volunteers? diagnostic sensitivity for active trachoma was 63%; their specificity was 96%. At the household level, their ??decision to treat?? was correct in 83% of households. In 344 treatment episodes, volunteers planned a dose of azithromycin outside the range 15-30 mg/kg on only seven occasions (2.0% of all planned treatments). The volunteers? drug management skills were good, the response of the community was excellent, and adverse reactions were infrequent. Diagnosis of active trachoma, record-keeping skills, and knowledge of side-effects were found to need greater emphasis in any future education programme. Most people aged four years or older were able to swallow tablets. For those taking tablets, the correlation between the data gathered for height and weight shows that calculating azithromycin doses by height is a valid alternative to calculating it by weight. CONCLUSION: Trained community health volunteers have a potential role in identifying active trachoma and distributing azithromycin. To simplify training and logistics, it may be better to base dosage schedules on height rather than weight for those taking tablets, which included most people aged four years or more in the population studied

    Genotyping of Chlamydia trachomatis from a trachoma-endemic village in the Gambia by a nested polymerase chain reaction: identification of strain variants

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    Direct amplification of the major outer membrane protein (MOMP) gene by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to identify Chlamydia trachomatis in eye swabs from clinically active cases of endemic trachoma in a Gambian village. Chlamydial DNA was detected in 51% of 96 subjects with clinically active disease and in 5% of 37 clinically negative individuals. The PCR detection was combined with typing, using nested primers to variable sequences (VS) 1, 2, and 4 of the MOMP genes to distinguish between trachoma genotypes A, B, and C, respectively. Genotypes A and B were detected in the village, with some individuals harboring both genotypes within the same eye. DNA sequencing revealed strain variants of both genotypes. Typing of genotype and strain variants is now in progress to study trachoma transmission within the village

    Impact of azithromycin administration for trachoma control on the carriage of antibiotic-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae

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    Community distribution of azithromycin has an important role to play in trachoma control. Previous studies have suggested that this may increase the prevalence of macrolide-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae. S. pneumoniae was isolated from children under 7 years of age in Rombo District, northern Tanzania, before and 2 and 6 months after community-wide administration of azithromycin. Overall carriage rates were 11, 12, and 7%, respectively. Only one macrolide-resistant isolate carrying the mef gene was obtained 6 months after azithromycin administration. This contrasted with cotrimoxazole and penicillin resistance, both of which were common (cotrimoxazole resistance, 42, 43, and 47%, and penicillin resistance, 21, 17, and 16% at baseline, 2 months, and 6 months, respectively). There was a significant association between cotrimoxazole and penicillin resistance (P &lt; 0.0001, Fisher's exact). These data suggest that in communities where macrolide resistance is rare, azithromycin distribution for trachoma control is unlikely to increase the prevalence of resistant organisms.</p

    <i>Chlamydia trachomatis</i> strains identified in this study.

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    <p>Only single nucleotide polymorphisms and their locations are shown. Reference strains are <i>C. trachomatis</i> HAR 13 (genovar A) (NC_007429) and <i>C. trachomatis</i> M33636 (genovar B). Letters in parenthesis represent the amino acid and any resulting change. Genotype B2 is identical to the reference strain. (VS, variable sequence. CS, conserved sequence.)</p

    Clinical activity, infection (Amplicor) and genotypes by village and timepoint.

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    <p>For each village, ‘Examined’ is the number of people examined ‘TF/TI’ is the number of individuals (all ages) with active trachoma, and ‘CT+’ the number of those whose ocular swabs tested positive by Amplicor. The numbers bracketed after the genotype indicate the number of times it appeared: A2 (14) denotes 14 samples contained genotype A2.</p