5 research outputs found

    Yield and seed quality of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Meru.) As affected by the application of defoliants.

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    Suatu penelitian dengan percobaan telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penyemprotan beberapa jenis defolian dan saat penggunaannya terhadap hasil dan kualitas benih kedelai. Penelitian ini juga bermaksud untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap umur panen. Defolian yang dipergunakan adalab: Sodium chlorate, 2,4 D ester, Glyphosate dan pemetikan daun secara manual sebagai control. Saat penyemprotan pada tingkat kemasakan benih yang berbeda: saat 10% benih masak, saat 50% benih masak, saat 90% benih masak dan saat seluruh benih telah masak dan polong•berwarna coklat. Penyemprotan defolian sebelum benih masak phisiologis, secara nyata me• nurunkan berat 100 butir biji, prosentase perkecambahan, vigor index, hasil dan meningkatkan prosentase kecambah abnormal. Penyemprotan defolian memperpendek umur panen kedelai. Penyemprotan dengan Sodium chlorate tidak berpengaruh terhadap kualitas phisologis benih. Kecambah abnormal ditandai dengan adanya hipocotil yang pendek, daun pertama tidak berkembarig, juga pada tunas yang tumbuh tidak normal. Abstract An experiment to evaluate the effects of various defoliants and time of application on soybean has been done..The various defoliants used were: Sodium chlorate, 2,4 D Ester, Glyphosate and handpicking defoliation as control. The defoliants were applied at different stages of seed maturity: 10% of seeds have reached their physiological maturity, 50% have reached their maturity, 90% have reached their maturity and at post physiological maturity (when almost of pods have turned to brown). Application of defoliants prior to physiological maturity of seeds, significantly reduced one-hundred seed weight, germination percentage, vigor index, yield and increased the percentage of abnormal seedlings. The abnormal seedling are exhibited by the stunted hypocotyl, defective primary leaves and terminal buds

    Fungi of the Genera Alternaria as Producers of Biological Active Compounds and Mycoherbicides

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