95 research outputs found

    Measurement of Logistic Performance of Imported Frozen Meat in Perum Bulog

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    Perum BULOG received a mission to import frozen meat by the government in accordance with Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 48 of 2016. As a company engaged in food logistics, Perum BULOG is expected to be able to carry out imported frozen meat logistics activities to meet domestic needs. Logistics activities of imported frozen meat in Perum BULOG are divided into three stages, starting from the assignment mechanism, import mechanism, and sales mechanism. This causes the realization of frozen meat has not been achieved in accordance with the assignment. This study aims to measure the logistics performance of the imported frozen meat logistics activities carried out by the State Logistics Agency. The analytical method used the Logistic Scorecard Model, by identifying business strategies to obtain KPIs, and compiling logistical performance measurements. The results obtained by the logistics performance score of 2.691. This means that logistical performance for imported frozen meats run by Perum BULOG is at level 2, so Perum BULOG's logistics performance is poor. The improvement recommendation is by making a map of the frozen meat commodity business and making a direct shipping distribution strategy. Keywords: activities of logistics, logistics performance measurement, logistic scorecard, perum bulog, frozen mea


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    This study aims to analyze employee perceptions of the implementation of talent management in the Ministry of Finance, as well as to analyze the relationship between the profile of respondents and the four stages of talent management. The population in this study was 80,996 employees within the Ministry of Finance and the sample size was 408 employees who were determined by using stratified random sampling technique. Data analysis using a quantitative approach includes validity and reliability tests, averaging, two boxes, cross tabulation, and different tests. The results showed that employees' perceptions of the implementation of talent management at the Ministry of Finance were good, but improvements were needed in 7 indicators: (1) understanding of the 9 boxes for mapping employees, (2) searching for talented people by organizations, (3) information criteria to become talent, (4) information about employees who are determined to be talents, (5) motivation of leaders to develop employee careers, (6) objective assessment of career development, and (7) facilities for employee competency development programs. There is a relationship between respondents and these 7 indicators. Meanwhile, there are differences in respondents' perceptions with these 7 indicators. The managerial implications that can be applied are the socialization of talent management to all employees, employee development programs to improve competence and careers, and paying attention to the profile of respondents in developing talent management. Keywords: career development, competency, manpower planning, Ministry of Finance, talent mappin

    Scenario in Managing Employee Performance at PT XYZ

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    Employee performance improvement is very essential for company organization because it could improve the company's existence in the market competition and also expand their business innovation. However, to improve the employee's performance, there are several factors and variables that could affect it. Therefore, this research aimed to analyze the effect of those variables, which are knowledge management, affective commitment, organization culture, and employee motivation. Furthermore, to analyze those variables, this research used a quantitative method and questionnaire with 52 respondents in the PT XYZ operational area. The data will be processed using SEM PLS analysis, and the result shows that knowledge management, affective commitment, and employee culture have a significant impact on employee performance. The only variable that does not have a significant effect is organizational culture, but it could indirectly affect employee performance through the motivation variable. There are two scenario plans created using the TAIDA approach. Scenario 1 is conducting extensive training for all employees based on the needs of the division in which they operate. Scenario 2 training and education is only available for employees with high potential for cost efficiency. Keywords: commitment affective, employee motivation, employee performance, knowledge management, organization cultur

    Scenario Planning of Hybrid Working Model Effectivity (Work From Home & Work From Office) at PT. XYZ

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    The research objective is to analyze the effects of leadership and work-life balance on the performance of PT XYZ employees, to analyze the effects of work-life balance and employee engagement on the performance of PT XYZ employees, and to formulate the scenario planning of the effectivity of hybrid working model that can be suggested to PT XYZ. The sample of this study is employees of PT XYZ who have been working for at least 6 months in the hybrid working model, particularly at non production divisions. The evaluated variables in this study are work-life balance, employee engagement, leadership dan performance. The survey data is collected from 104 respondents who filled out the online questionnaire (Google Form) and from 8 experts via discussion and interview sessions. This study used a descriptive analysis, PLS-SEM and TAIDA (Tracking, Analyzing, Imaging, Deciding, and Acting) methods. The results showed that work-life balance had positive and significant effects on employee engagement and leadership but it does not have significant effect on performance, employee engagement had positive and significant effects on leadership and performance, as well as leadership had positive and significant effects on performance. Regarding the managerial impact, the hybrid work model affected the cost, people and technology that moreover it can be an added value for the company. Keywords: hybrid work model, work from home, work from office, scenario planning, TAID

    The Effectiveness of Corporate Management Training on MSME Owners of Dharma Bhakti Astra Foundation Partner

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    MSMEs have an important role and strategic in national economic development. The presence of MSMEs can increase workforce absorption, encourage economic growth and distribution of development results. In managing SMEs, skills and knowledge are required by the owner to be able to run the business properly, which can be acquired through the corporate management training program. This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of a corporate management training program by seeing the competencies and performances of business owners after participating in training and creating an effective strategy to increase performance through the corporate management training program. The sample collection method in this study is census sampling from 30 respondents who participated in a management training program. Collected data is analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling – Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) Smart PLS 2.0 program for all variables and also Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The result of the findings shows that training influenced competency and performance significantly, while competency also influenced performance significantly. The alternative strategy that becomes a priority is to adjust the training topic specifically according to business owner needs. This study will be useful for institutions or training organizers for MSMEs in the future. Keywords: management training, competencies and performances, MSMEs, SEM-PLS, AH

    Efektivitas Struktur Organisasi Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme Republik Indonesia

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of organizationalstructure. Based on the results of the analysis of the range of criteria for 62 respondents, it shows that the organizational structure of NCTA at the time of the study was quite effective. Three components of organizational structure, complexity, formalization, and centralization have a significant relationship with the effectiveness of the organizational structure. These results were obtained from the Spearman Rank correlation test. The results of the AHP showed that among the criteria, thecomplexity criterion was of the highest important and the alternative strategy that becomes the main priority is competency measurement.Keywords: Effectiveness of Organizational Structure; National Counter Agency AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis efektivitas struktur organisasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis rentang kriteria 62 responden menunjukkan bahwa struktur organisasi KNKT pada saat penelitian cukup efektif. Tiga komponen struktur organisasi, kompleksitas, formalisasi, dan sentralisasi memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan efektivitas struktur organisasi. Hasil ini diperoleh dari uji korelasi Rank Spearman. Hasil AHP menunjukkan bahwa diantara kriteria tersebut, kriteria kompleksitas merupakan yang paling penting dan alternatif strategi yang menjadi prioritas utama adalah pengukuran kompetensi.Kata Kunci: Efektifitas Struktur Organisasi; Badan Kontra Nasiona

    Effect of Quality of Work Life and Leadership on Job Satisfaction and Performance Workforce at the State University of Medan

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    The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) the influence of Quality of Work Life and leadership, both simultaneously and partially on job satisfaction (2) the influence of Quality of Work Life, leadership and job satisfaction simultaneously and partially on the performance of education personnel (3) the effect of job satisfaction on the performance of educators (4) the amount of the indirect influence of Quality of Work Life, leadership and job satisfaction on the performance of education personnel. The Research was conducted on educational personnel administrative center of the State University of Medan. The method used is a quantitative descriptive method using a questionnaire and analysis using Structural Equation Modeling. The results showed that the Quality of Work Life, leadership, both simultaneously and partially influence on job satisfaction, and leadership and job satisfaction simultaneously and partially on the performance of education personnel, while the Quality of Work Life does not influence simultaneously but partial effect and results research also showed job satisfaction can significantly affect the performance of educators. From the results of existing research suggests that the Quality of Work Life, leadership and job satisfaction indirectly provide improved performance in the university academic staff

    Strategi pengambilan keputusan untuk pengembangan pertahanan nasional menggunakan multi criteria decision making: pembelajaran dari Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat

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    Tugas pertahanan nasional sesungguhnya adalah tugas seluruh warga negara, bukan hanya bagi aparatur negara saja khususnya angkatan bersenjata, tetapi juga masyarakat sipil lainnya. Pemerintah Indonesia sebagaimana juga pemerintah lainnya di seluruh dunia menyediakan suatu kementerian yang menangani pertahanan. Melalui Kementerian Pertahanan inilah sejumlah kebijakan yang merupakan keputusan strategis diambil dengan melibatkan banyak pihak, terutama para pakar yang menguasai bidangnya masing-masing. Salah satu metode yang sering digunakan dalam pengambilan keputusan, termasuk di negara-negara maju seperti Amerika Serikat adalah Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari strategi pengambilan keputusan bagi pengembangan pertahanan nasional menggunakan MCDM sebagai sebuah pembelajaran dari Departeman Pertahanan di Amerika Serikat. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Kementerian Pertahanan Republik Indonesia sebagai kementerian yang secara spesifik mengelola sejumlah agenda kebijakan pertahanan, memerlukan penerapan MCDM dalam pengambilan keputusan-keputusan strategis. Melalui beragam metode yang telah berkembang saat ini diharapkan dapat digunakan dalam membantu, memudahkan, mempercepat, memperjelas, dan mempersingkat pengambilan keputusan tersebut. Pembelajaran dari Departemen Pertahanan Amerika Serikat (Dephan-AS) dalam merumuskan berbagai analisa alternatif bagi implementasi program pengembangan pertahanan, baik militer maupun nirmiliter menjadi pelajaran berharga untuk dapat menjadi model bagi kebijakan pengembangan pertahanan di Indonesia

    Persepsi Petani Terhadap Digitalisasi Pertanian untuk Mendukung Kemandirian Petani

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    The importance of the role of farmers in the agribusiness system is not directly proportional to the welfare of the farmers themselves, this is because the bargaining power of farmers in the system is very low. If we look at the high capacity of rice production in Sambas Regency, it is hoped that it can be maximized by the implementation of agricultural digitization in this district, as well as being an example for the application of agricultural digitization in other districts. This study aims to to identify existing conditions that occur in agriculture in the Sambas Regency area, then analyze farmers' perceptions of agricultural digitization, and formulate a model for developing agricultural digitization to support farmers' self-reliance in Sambas. The scope of this research is only farmers in Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan as a contributor to 20% of food production, especially rice in West Kalimantan Province. This research includes causality research (cause and effect). The method used in this study is the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method and the analysis of the development of agricultural digitization models through the synthesis of SEM analysis and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in order to advance the analysis. The results of the study describe farmers' perceptions, farmer characteristics, and the role of assistants farming has a significant influence on agricultural digitization, but for farmers' perceptions the effect is negative. Keywords: agricultural digitalization, assistants farming, farmer characteristics, farmers perception, FGD, SE


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    Poor productivity of labor construction causes project cost to increase and project completion schedule behind target. Underground mining company such as PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) struggle to overcome problem with productivity. It is critical for mining underground company to keep up labor productivity due to importance of mining production. Therefore, the purpose of this research are: (1) to identify the factors that influence labor productivity; (2) to formulate alternative strategies to increase the productivity; and (3) to formulate recommendations carried out by PTFI in order to increase the productivity. This research use literature review and expert discussion to identify factors affecting labor productivity in the construction industry. The analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method used to find the best strategies to increase labor productivity. The result of this research showed that the factors that has the most influence is labor management, the most influencing actor is construction management, the most important goal is to improve project management implementation and the best strategy to increase labor productivity is to create a Project Management Office (PMO) system. The recommendation that can be given is that PTFI needs to develop guidelines and programs for PMO system development and apply PMO to all PTFI mining activity. Keywords: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Labor productivity, Project Management Office (PMO), Strategies, Underground minin