127 research outputs found

    CIM: Constrained Intrinsic Motivation for Sparse-Reward Continuous Control

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    Intrinsic motivation is a promising exploration technique for solving reinforcement learning tasks with sparse or absent extrinsic rewards. There exist two technical challenges in implementing intrinsic motivation: 1) how to design a proper intrinsic objective to facilitate efficient exploration; and 2) how to combine the intrinsic objective with the extrinsic objective to help find better solutions. In the current literature, the intrinsic objectives are all designed in a task-agnostic manner and combined with the extrinsic objective via simple addition (or used by itself for reward-free pre-training). In this work, we show that these designs would fail in typical sparse-reward continuous control tasks. To address the problem, we propose Constrained Intrinsic Motivation (CIM) to leverage readily attainable task priors to construct a constrained intrinsic objective, and at the same time, exploit the Lagrangian method to adaptively balance the intrinsic and extrinsic objectives via a simultaneous-maximization framework. We empirically show, on multiple sparse-reward continuous control tasks, that our CIM approach achieves greatly improved performance and sample efficiency over state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, the key techniques of our CIM can also be plugged into existing methods to boost their performances

    Distilling Cognitive Backdoor Patterns within an Image

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    This paper proposes a simple method to distill and detect backdoor patterns within an image: \emph{Cognitive Distillation} (CD). The idea is to extract the "minimal essence" from an input image responsible for the model's prediction. CD optimizes an input mask to extract a small pattern from the input image that can lead to the same model output (i.e., logits or deep features). The extracted pattern can help understand the cognitive mechanism of a model on clean vs. backdoor images and is thus called a \emph{Cognitive Pattern} (CP). Using CD and the distilled CPs, we uncover an interesting phenomenon of backdoor attacks: despite the various forms and sizes of trigger patterns used by different attacks, the CPs of backdoor samples are all surprisingly and suspiciously small. One thus can leverage the learned mask to detect and remove backdoor examples from poisoned training datasets. We conduct extensive experiments to show that CD can robustly detect a wide range of advanced backdoor attacks. We also show that CD can potentially be applied to help detect potential biases from face datasets. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/HanxunH/CognitiveDistillation}.Comment: ICLR202

    Unlearnable Examples For Time Series

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    Unlearnable examples (UEs) refer to training samples modified to be unlearnable to Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). These examples are usually generated by adding error-minimizing noises that can fool a DNN model into believing that there is nothing (no error) to learn from the data. The concept of UE has been proposed as a countermeasure against unauthorized data exploitation on personal data. While UE has been extensively studied on images, it is unclear how to craft effective UEs for time series data. In this work, we introduce the first UE generation method to protect time series data from unauthorized training by deep learning models. To this end, we propose a new form of error-minimizing noise that can be \emph{selectively} applied to specific segments of time series, rendering them unlearnable to DNN models while remaining imperceptible to human observers. Through extensive experiments on a wide range of time series datasets, we demonstrate that the proposed UE generation method is effective in both classification and generation tasks. It can protect time series data against unauthorized exploitation, while preserving their utility for legitimate usage, thereby contributing to the development of secure and trustworthy machine learning systems

    Hufu: A Modality-Agnositc Watermarking System for Pre-Trained Transformers via Permutation Equivariance

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    With the blossom of deep learning models and services, it has become an imperative concern to safeguard the valuable model parameters from being stolen. Watermarking is considered an important tool for ownership verification. However, current watermarking schemes are customized for different models and tasks, hard to be integrated as an integrated intellectual protection service. We propose Hufu, a modality-agnostic watermarking system for pre-trained Transformer-based models, relying on the permutation equivariance property of Transformers. Hufu embeds watermark by fine-tuning the pre-trained model on a set of data samples specifically permuted, and the embedded model essentially contains two sets of weights -- one for normal use and the other for watermark extraction which is triggered on permuted inputs. The permutation equivariance ensures minimal interference between these two sets of model weights and thus high fidelity on downstream tasks. Since our method only depends on the model itself, it is naturally modality-agnostic, task-independent, and trigger-sample-free. Extensive experiments on the state-of-the-art vision Transformers, BERT, and GPT2 have demonstrated Hufu's superiority in meeting watermarking requirements including effectiveness, efficiency, fidelity, and robustness, showing its great potential to be deployed as a uniform ownership verification service for various Transformers
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