11 research outputs found

    Products Certification Department

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    Przedstawiono zakres certyfikacji dobrowolnej w ramach akredytacji PCA, akredytacji OiB oraz notyfikacji. Podano informacje o znakach bezpieczeństwa i znaku ekologicznym Zakładu Certyfikacji Wyrobów ITB "MORATEX". Zamieszczono wykaz wydanych certyfikatów zgodności, certyfikatów WE i certyfikatów OiB w latach 2009-2010.The scope of voluntary certification within the range of PCA accreditation, OiB accreditation as well as the notification was presented. The information was given on the safety marks and ecology mark from the Products Certification Department of "MORATEX" Institute. The list of Certificates of Conformity, WE Certificates and OiB Certificates issued in 2009 and 2010 was included

    Audit as an improvement process

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    W referacie zostaną omówione zagadnienia dotyczące procesu doskonalenia systemu jakości organizacji oraz rola i wpływ auditu na doskonalenie. Przybliżone zostaną definicje związane z auditem, jego etapami i rodzajami. Zostaną omówione zasady przeprowadzenia auditu, gromadzenia dowodów auditowych oraz rola auditora w systemie jakości organizacji.The paper shall discuss the matters regarding the process of improving the quality system of an organisation, as well as the role and impact od the audit o the improvement. Some definitions related to the audit, its stages and kinds are made familiar. The rules of audit execution, gathering the audit evidences and the role of auditor in the organisational quality system shall be discussed

    Milestones in the analysis of alkali-activated binders

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    The use of alkali activation to achieve environmental savings in the production of construction materials is currently an extremely active area of research and development. There is now a diverse range of chemistries and applications that have been developed within the broader theme of ‘alkali-activated materials’, including the subclass of lower-calcium binders which are also known as ‘geopolymers’. Academic research and commercial development have combined to bring these materials to a level of technological maturity where larger scale deployment is now taking place. This paper reviews some of the key aspects of alkali-activation technology which have brought the field to this point, with a particular view towards re-assessing key points and comments which have been raised in several historical reviews and discussions of this class of materials. Conclusions are therefore drawn regarding which among these key questions have been answered, and which remain outstanding in an engineering or scientific sense