11 research outputs found

    Remote Quality Management System Audit. Auditors’ and Auditees’ Perspective and Lessons Learned

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    Theoretical background: The pandemic situation affected the functioning of each organization, including the assessment of quality management systems. The implementation of remote audits, including remote internal audits, has become an urgent necessity.Purpose of the article: The purpose of this article is to present the results of research on potential difficulties in conducting remote internal audit, from the perspective of auditors and auditees. The auxiliary goal is to collect and organize definitions of remote audit and describe its essence in the light of scientific literature and other sources of a formal nature.Research methods: A review and critical analysis of the literature, the method of a diagnostic survey, and then the method of synthesis and logical reasoning were used.Main findings: Several bottlenecks related to certain difficulties can be identified. Both auditors and audited persons should not waste time searching for relevant documents or records. There is a need to check in advance to what extent the applied information technology is efficient, effective and available to all interested parties during the audit. It is necessary to clarify the roles and tasks before and during audits, and to make sure in advance that all resources, both tangible and intangible, are available during the audit


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    This paper investigates the phenomenon of food safety culture (FSC) from the perspective of SARS-CoV-2-related hazards. The importance of FSC in the context of organizational culture, and its role in strengthening the quality and food safety management system were explained. The aim of the article is to propose the tool to measure and assess the level FSC concerning the risk connected with SARS-CoV-2 contamination. The SARS-CoV-2-based FSC assessment tool have been developed and the reliability of this tools have been confirmed. It was possible to identify the overall and the partial FSC levels in seafood company and to show which variables most significantly affect the employees behavior, and beliefs against food safety, and based on that areas for further improvement. The tool propsed by us may be applied by various food entities, especially those interested in meeting the mandatory requirements contained in the current EU food law


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    Abstract Accepted: 12 January 2015 The purpose of the paper is to present MedCARVER+Shock method and Pareto analysis and its usability for the risk assessment of adverse events of nursing activities. 888 activities carried out by all 190 nurses working at the District Hospital X located in Poland were taken into account. During the research the qualitative approach was used. As the result sixteen groups of nursing activities causing the highest risk of adverse events were selected. Special attention required in: admission of a patient to the ward, sterilization, verbal communication with the patient, using of intravenous cannulas, needles, syringes, devices for transfusion of infusion liquids, servicing of hospital rooms, first aid in life-threatening situations, using medical devices and equipment. Ten basic causes of the risk of adverse events were identified, among others: lack of trainings, of modern equipment, of staff, failure to comply with procedures, lack of staff supervision, poor quality of ancillary materials, lack of management commitment. Finally MedCARVER+Shock method and Pareto analysis usability has been confirmed but it appeared that it is time-consuming and requires support from skilled professionals. Several suggestions have been put forward to improve the utility of MedCARVER+Shock

    Whistleblowing w organizacjach opieki zdrowotnej: przegląd literatury

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    Purpose: To receive the answers to the following research problems: (1) How is the interest of researchers in whistleblowing in health care organizations developing? (2) How do researchers define whistleblowing in health care? (3) What are the main problems (limitations) of whistleblowing in health care organizations? (4) What factors affect whistleblowing in health care organizations? Design/methodology/approach: The method of systematic literature review based on the PRISMA model was used. To identify the factors affecting whistleblowing, McKinsey’s 7S framework was used. Findings: The researchers from the UK definitely dominate, and the papers from Central European countries seem to be invisible. The vast majority of works came from the 2010s. Whistleblowing serves the good and safety of the patient; however, there are staff concerns about the consequences they may face. ‘Style’, ‘staff’ and ‘shared values’ seem to be the most crucial for whistleblowing, and these are factors considered ‘soft’. Research limitations: The access to databases managed by the home University. In future studies, there is a need to take into account other databases, including additional sources of knowledge, like books and grey literature. Originality/implications: Identifying the state and place of research worldwide on whistleblowing in health care, and a proposal of the whistleblowing verification matrix. New definitions of whistleblowing and whistleblowers were proposed. The above may be considered theoretical contribution to science.Cel: uzyskanie odpowiedzi na pytania: (1) jak rozwija się zainteresowanie badaczy whistleblowingiem w organizacjach opieki zdrowotnej; (2) jak badacze definiują whistleblowing w opiece zdrowotnej; (3) jakie są podstawowe problemy (ograniczenia) dotyczące whistleblowingu w organizacjach opieki zdrowotnej; (4) jakie czynniki wpƂywają na whistleblowing w organizacjach opieki zdrowotnej? Projekt/metodyka/podejƛcie: wykorzystano metodę systematycznego przeglądu literatury przedmiotu w oparciu o model PRISMA. W identyfikacji czynnikĂłw wpƂywających na whistleblowing zastosowano model 7S McKinseya. Wnioski: zdecydowanie dominują prace naukowcĂłw z Wielkiej Brytanii, natomiast opracowania z krajĂłw Europy Centralnej wydają się być niezauwaĆŒalne. Większoƛć prac pochodzi z pierwszej dekady XXI wieku. Whistleblowing przyczynia się do zapewnienia dobrostanu i bezpieczeƄstwa pacjenta, jednak istnieją obawy personelu związane z konsekwencjami, jakich mogą doƛwiadczyć w tym względzie. ‘Styl’, ‘kadry’ i ‘wspĂłlne wartoƛci’ jawią się jako krytyczne dla whistleblowingu i zaliczają się one do czynnikĂłw „miękkich”. Ograniczenia badania: dostęp do bazy danych tylko macierzystego Uniwersytetu. W przyszƂych badaniach naleĆŒy uwzględnić inne bazy danych, w tym dodatkowe ĆșrĂłdƂa, jak ksiÄ…ĆŒki i tzw. literaturę szarą. Oryginalnoƛć/implikacje: zidentyfikowanie stanu i miejsca ƛwiatowych badaƄ na temat whistleblowingu w opiece zdrowotnej i zaproponowanie macierzy do weryfikacji wdroĆŒenia whistleblowingu. Propozycja nowej definicji whistleblowingu i whistleblowera. PowyĆŒsze moĆŒe być uznane jako wkƂad do nauki

    The protective measures against SARS-COV-2 infection in the seafood company from the perspective of the employees

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    Purpose: To identify and discuss the protective measures implemented to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection among employees. Design/methodology/approach: The four-stage course of research. Case study and structured interviews with all employees, directly and indirectly, involved in food processing. Research questions: (R1) What measures have been taken to prevent the risk of infection among employees? (R2) What activities and responsibilities were the most difficult and easiest for employees to follow when implementing these measures? Findings: Administrative protective measures dominate in the organization. Wearing additional protective equipment, keeping distance, and following new hygienic procedures are the most difficult issues. Temperature self-measurement and signing of health declarations are not a problem for employees. It is a need to listen to employees about the protective measures. Research limitations/implications: The results refer to one unique case and should not be generalized. However, it is clear that protective measures and their implementation seem to make employees more aware of potential hazards. Therefore, the questions included in our interview can be recommended for use in other organizations, not only in food companies. Originality/value: The article fills in the research gap. According to the authors' knowledge, this is the first study in Poland that is based on the experience of a food company