9 research outputs found
Searching for external sources of the riboflavin stored in earthworm eleocytes
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is essential to maintain immune potency in animals and plants. So far is accepted that animals cannot synthesise riboflavin; they rely on plant-sourced diets and intestinal bacteria for their supplies. A unique feature of earthworm ‘hepatocyte-like’ chloragocytes and chloragocyte-derived eleocytes floating in celomic cavity is the storage of riboflavin within intracellular granules. The hypothesis was that vegetarian food-deprivation or antibiotic/antifungal treatment inhibits riboflavin accumulation in eleocytes of Eisenia andrei. The 7-week starvation inhibited worm body weight gain and worm reproduction but had insignificant effects on celomocytes, both amoebocytes and eleocytes, and eleocyte riboflavin accumulation. The 1 week or 3 week antibiotic exposure had insignificant effects on worm coelomocytes and riboflavin content. Thus, a vegetarian diet and intestinal bacteria are not the exclusive or perhaps even the main sources of eleocyte riboflavin. The role of endosymbionts in earthworm flavonoid economy warrants targeted investigation. Moreover, the possibility of horizontal transfer of riboflavin biosynthesis genes from bacteria/fungi to earthworm genomes cannot be neglected
Prevalence of antibiotic resistance in multi-drug resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci isolated from invasive infection in very low birth weight neonates in two polish NICUs
Multi-drug resistant coagulaso-negative staphylococci (CNS) have become an increasing problem in nosocomial infections connected with the presence of medical devices. The paper aimed to analyze the prevalence of antibiotic resistance in CNS isolated from invasive infection in very low birth weight (VLBW) neonates.
Continuous prospective target surveillance of infections was conducted in 2009 at two Polish NICUs that participated in the Polish Neonatology Surveillance Network (PNSN). The study covered 386 neonates with VLBW (≤1500 g), among which 262 cases of invasive infection were detected with predominance of CNS (123; 47%). Altogether, 100 CNS strains were analyzed. The resistance phenotypes were determined according to EUCAST. Resistance genes: mecA, ermA, ermB, ermC, msrA, aac(6')/aph(2''), ant(4')-Ia and aph(3')-IIIa were detected using multiplex PCR.
The most common species was S. epidermidis (63%), then S. haemolyticus (28%) and other CNS (9%). Among S. epidermidis, 98% of isolates were resistant to methicillin, 90% to erythromycin, 39% to clindamycin, 95% to gentamicin, 60% to amikacin, 36% to ofloxacin, 2% to tigecycline, 3% to linezolid and 13% to teicoplanin. Among S. haemolyticus isolates, 100% were resistant to methicillin, erythromycin and gentamicin, 18% to clindamycin, 50% to amikacin, 86% to ofloxacin, 14% to tigecycline and 4% to teicoplanin. No resistance to linezolid was detected for S. haemolyticus isolates. Moreover, all isolates of S. epidermidis and S. haemolyticus were susceptible to vancomycin. The mecA gene was detected in 98% of S. epidermidis isolates and all of S. haemolyticus ones. Among macrolide resistance isolates, the ermC was most common in S. epidermidis (60%) while msrA was prevalent in S. haemolyticus (93%). The ermC gene was indicated in all isolates with cMLSB, whereas mrsA was found in isolates with MSB phenotype. Of the aminoglycoside resistance genes, aac(6')/aph(2'') were present alone in 83% of S. epidermidis, whereas aac(6')/aph(2'') with aph(3')-IIIa were predominant in 84% of S. haemolyticus.
Knowing the epidemiology and antibiotic resistance of CNS isolated from invasive infection in VLBW neonates is a key step in developing targeted prevention strategies and reducing antibiotic consumption
Late-onset bloodstream infections of Very-Low-Birth-Weight infants: data from the Polish Neonatology Surveillance Network in 2009–2011
BACKGROUND: Late-Onset Bloodstream Infections (LO-BSI) continue to be one of the most important complications associated with hospitalization of infants born with very low birth weight (VLBW). The aims of this study were to assess the epidemiology of LO-BSI together with the risk factors and the distribution of causative pathogens at six Polish neonatal intensive care units that participated in the Polish Neonatology Surveillance Network from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2011. METHODS: The surveillance covered 1,695 infants whose birth weights were <1501 grams (VLBW) in whom LO-BSI was diagnosed >72 hours after delivery. Case LO-BSI patients were defined according to NeoKISS. RESULTS: Four hundred twenty seven episodes of LO-BSI were diagnosed with a frequency of 25.3% and an incidence density of 6.7/1000 patient-days (pds). Results of our multivariate analysis demonstrated that surgical procedures and lower gestational age were significantly associated with the risk of LO-BSI. Intravascular catheters were used in infants with LO-BSI significantly more frequently and/or for longer duration: Central venous cathters (CVC) (OR 1.29) and Peripheral venous catheters (PVC) (OR 2.8), as well as, the total duration of total parenteral nutrition (13 vs. 29 days; OR 1.81). Occurrence of LO-BSI was significantly associated with increased the length of mechanical ventilation (MV) (OR 2.65) or the continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) (OR 2.51), as well as, the duration of antibiotic use (OR 2.98). The occurrence of more than one infection was observed frequently (OR 9.2) with VLBW with LO-BSI. Microorganisms isolated in infants with LO-BSI were dominated by Gram-positive cocci, and predominantly by coagulase-negative staphylococci (62.5%). CONCLUSIONS: Independent risk factor for LO-BSI in VLBV infants are: low gestational age and requirement for surgery. The incidence rates of LO-BSI especially CVC-BSI were higher in the Polish NICUs surveillance than those of other national networks, similar to the central- and peripheral utilization ratio
Native aortic coarctation stenting in patients ≥ 46 years old
Introduction : Stent implantation is an effective therapy for aortic coarctation (CoA) in adolescents and adults.
Aim : To present a unique group of patients with native coarctation of the aorta older than or equal to 46 years treated with bare metal or covered stents.
Material and methods : Since 2002 we have performed stent implantations by applying bare metal stents or covered stents using femoral access in 24 patients aged 46 and older.
Results : We used the Mullins technique in all cases, implanting different stents: Palmaz, Cheatham-Platinum (CP), covered CP or Andrastents XL/XXL. Twenty-one procedures were elective and 3 were urgent. Eighteen bare metal stents (2 stents in one patient) and 7 covered stents were used. All procedures were effective (CoA gradient reduced < 20 mm Hg), despite 2 migrations of bare metal stents. Mean gradient was reduced from 50.6 ±15.3 to 6.8 ±6.5 mm Hg (p < 0.001) and mean lumen diameter of stenosed aorta increased from 5.5 ±2.5 to 14.9 ±5.2 mm (p < 0.001). One special case is discussed – a 49-year-old man with end staged heart failure and severe CoA, who underwent a rescue procedure with a bare metal stent. One serious complication – stroke of the central nervous system – was observed in a 53-year-old woman during covered stent implantation (symptoms resolved during rehabilitation process).
Conclusions : Stent implantation of native coarctation of the aorta is also a safe procedure in the eldest patients and is associated with persistent relief of aortic obstruction
Implantacja stentów w poszerzaniu pooperacyjnej rekoarktacji aorty u osób dorosłych i nastolatków
Background: Results of stent implantation (SI) of postsurgical recoarctation of the aorta (ReCoA) are not frequently published.
Aim: This study sought to retrospectively evaluate results of SI in ReCoA in older children and adults.
Methods: Twenty-eight SIs were performed on 26 ReCoA patients with a median age of 23 (10–65) years. Dependent upon availability, the following stents were applied: Palmaz, Cheatham Platinum (CP), Andrastents XL/XXL (AS), Covered CP (CVCP) stents, and self-expanding stents (Smart). Generally, high-pressure balloons were applied to dilate stents.
Results: The procedure was effective in 20/26 patients (77.7%). The mean peak systolic gradient reduced from 40.5 ± 18.7 mm Hg to 13.1 ± 12.1 mm Hg (p < 0.05), and the diameter of the stenosed segment increased from 7.5 ± 3.02 mm to 13.1 ± 3.32 mm (p < 0.05). In six cases (including a patient treated with a Smart stent) transaortic pressure gradient after SI remained > 20 mm Hg (stiff postsurgical lesion). For one patient (40-year-old male), an acute dissection of the aorta occurred during balloon predilatation. Immediate CVCP implantation resolved this problem. Two more CVCPs were used — one to close a small aortic aneurysm that appeared five years after a Palmaz SI and another to stabilise a broken CP bare metal stent. There were no deaths or aortic dissections during follow-up, and most patients were able to reduce or suspend their medication for systemic hypertension.
Conclusions: Endovascular stenting of ReCoA in adults and adolescents appears to be an acceptable method of treatment in experienced hands. However, for some patients the presence of a stiff lesion can provoke suboptimal results. Considering the serious complications that can occur after SI, all patients should have regular follow-up (including an imaging study). Covered stents should always be available in the cathlab as a rescue device when implanting stents in coarctation of the aorta patients.Wstęp: Wyniki implantacji stentów w pooperacyjnej rekoarktacji aorty są rzadko publikowane.
Cel: Celem niniejszej pracy była retrospektywna ocena wyników implantacji stentów w pooperacyjnej rekoarktacji aorty u starszych dzieci oraz u osób dorosłych,
Metody: Dwadzieścia osiem implantacji stentów zostało przeprowadzonych u 26 pacjentów z rekoarktacją aorty, których średni wiek wynosił 23 (10–65) lata. Zależnie od dostępności stosowano następujące stenty: Palmaz, Cheatham Platinum (CP), Andrastenty XL/XXL (AS), Covered CP (CVCP) oraz u jednego dziecka stent samorozprężalny (Smart). U większości stenty były rozprężane przy użyciu balonów wysokociśnieniowych.
Wyniki: Zabieg był skuteczny u 20/26 pacjentów (77,7%). Średni gradient obniżył się z 40,5 ± 18,7 mm Hg do 13,1 ± ± 12,1 mm Hg (p < 0,05), a średnica aorty na poziomie zwężenia zwiększyła się z 7,5 ± 3,02 mm do 13,1 ± 3,32 mm (p < 0,05). U 6 osób (w tym u 1 pacjenta, u którego zastosowano stent Smart) gradient w pomiarze bezpośrednim po implantacji stentu utrzymywał się > 20 mm Hg (niepodatne zwężenie pooperacyjne). U 1 chorego (40-letni mężczyzna) wystąpiło ostre rozwarstwienie aorty w trakcie balonowej predylatacji. Natychmiastowa implantacja stentu CVCP rozwiązała problem. Ponadto zastosowano 2 stenty CVCP — jeden do zamknięcia małego tętniaka aorty, który pojawił się 5 lat po implantacji stentu Palmaz, oraz jeden do stabilizacji złamanego metalowego stentu CP. W okresie obserwacji nie odnotowano żadnego zgonu czy rozwarstwienia aorty, a u większości pacjentów możliwa była redukcja dawek lub całkowite zaprzestanie stosowania leków hipotensyjnych.
Wnioski: Wewnątrznaczyniowa implantacja stentu w rekoarktacji aorty u osób dorosłych oraz nastolatków wydaje się dobrą metodą terapii stosowaną przez doświadczonych lekarzy. Jednak u pacjentów, u których występuje niepodatne zwężenie, wyniki mogą być tylko częściowo zadowalające. Stenty pokryte powinny być zawsze dostępne w pracowniach hemodynamiki, w których poszerzana jest koarktacja aorty, jako urządzenie mogące zabezpieczyć potencjalne komplikacje, a nawet uratować życie pacjenta. Uwzględniając poważne powikłania, które mogą wystąpić po implantacji stentu w okresie pozabiegowym, wszyscy chorzy powinni zostać objęci obserwacją (uwzględniając kontrolne badania obrazowe)
The following article is a summary of research on the influence of season on the reproductive processes in undomesticated animals. The results presented below show: a / an annual hormonal profile of domestic pig and wild boar crossbreed and the antioxidant blood system in the different seasons, b / the possibility of gonadptropic hormone stimulation in chinchillas which are in diestrus or infertile, c / the possibility of using bison’s semen (collected
Clinical and Epidemiological Characteristics of 1283 Pediatric Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 during the First and Second Waves of the Pandemic—Results of the Pediatric Part of a Multicenter Polish Register SARSTer
This prospective multicenter cohort study aimed to analyze the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in children. The study, based on the pediatric part of the Polish SARSTer register, included 1283 children (0 to 18 years) who were diagnosed with COVID-19 between 1 March 2020 and 31 December 2020. Household contact was reported in 56% of cases, more frequently in younger children. Fever was the most common symptom (46%). The youngest children (0–5 years) more frequently presented with fever, rhinitis and diarrhea. Teenagers more often complained of headache, sore throat, anosmia/ageusia and weakness. One fifth of patients were reported to be asymptomatic. Pneumonia was diagnosed in 12% of patients, more frequently in younger children. During the second wave patients were younger than during the first wave (median age 53 vs. 102 months, p < 0.0001) and required longer hospitalization (p < 0.0001). Significantly fewer asymptomatic patients were noted and pneumonia as well as gastrointestinal symptoms were more common. The epidemiological characteristics of pediatric patients and the clinical presentation of COVID-19 are age-related. Younger children were more frequently infected by close relatives, more often suffered from pneumonia and gastrointestinal symptoms and required hospitalization. Clinical courses differed significantly during the first two waves of the pandemic