119 research outputs found

    Products of compressions of kthk^{th}-order slant Toeplitz operators to model spaces

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    In this paper we investigate intertwining relations for compressions of kthk^{th}--order slant Toeplitz operators to model spaces. We then ask when a product of two such compressions is a compression itself.Comment: 23 page

    The genus Fusicladium (Hyphomycetes) in Poland

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    The paper presents new and historical data on the genus Fusicladium verified on the base of the recently published critical monograph. Fifteen species recorded in Poland under the name Fusicladium and synonymous Pollaccia and Spilocaea are reported; 5 are documented by authors’ materials from Central Poland while the other taxa are supported with literature data only, including three species belonging currently to Fusicladiella and Passalora. Three species, reported here for the first time in Poland: Fusicladium convolvularum Ondřej, F. scribnerianum (Cavara) M. B. Ellis and F. virgaureae Ondřej, are known from a few localities in the world. All the species are provided with the distribution maps and the newly reported ones are illustrated with ink drawings

    Some interesting species of the genus Ascochyta

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    The paper presents eleven species of Ascochyta recently collected in central and southern part of Poland. Two of them, Ascochyta bondarceviana Melnik and Ascochyta equiseti (Desm.) Grove noted in Poland for the first time, are illustrated with microphotographs. In addition, nine other species are newly reported on their host plants species in the country. Short characteristics of the fungi species based on the collected specimens and the distribution maps of all fungi taxa are presented

    Analysis of faecal bacteria isolated from air and seawater samples following an emergency sewage discharge into the Gulf of Gdansk in 2018 — preliminary study

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    Background: Knowing the numbers of bacteria in coastal atmospheric air as well as in coastal waters significantly contributes to a better understanding of the processes affecting the health of people who stay temporarily or permanently in areas where the synergistic effect of the atmospheric conditions and the aquatic environment on a human body is particularly strong. Materials and methods: Seawater and air samples were collected from 22 May to 22 July 2018 in the seaside towns of Hel, Puck, Gdynia, Sopot, Gdansk-Brzezno, all located along the Gulf of Gdansk. The number of psychrophilic, mesophilic as well as coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli was determined in both the water and the ambient air samples. In total, 232 seawater and coastal air samples were collected for the study purposes. Results: The study showed a deterioration of coastal waters and atmospheric air in the Gulf of Gdansk which may have resulted from an increase of potentially pathogenic mesophilic bacteria following the emergency discharge of raw sewage from the Gdansk-Wschod wastewater plant. Conclusions: An increase in the number of coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli in the seawater and in the air across the Gulf of Gdansk is related to the emergency sewage discharge

    Dom z kuczką jako znak dziedzictwa żydowskiego. Zagadnienia ochrony

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    The varied cultural landscape of Polish cities and towns abounds in often unnoticed examples of former coexistence of cultures and religions. The Jewish sukkah, inside which the followers of Judaism would spend 7 days during the autumn holiday of Sukoth, is such a mark that still exists today near many residential buildings. In Poland, due to the climate and culture, the sukkah took the form of wooden or brick structures, walled-off balconies, loggias or verandas, which all featured an opening roof. The hatch was often operated with complex mechanical devices - products of folk engineering and ingenuity. Quite often the shed’s outside was richly decorated. The current state of surviving sukkah, which make a vital element of the cultural landscape of Polish towns, is usually very bad. The knowledge about the sukkah, as an element of Polish cultural heritage, should be promoted and currently existing interest should be exploited. It is vital to initiate the creation of academic and historical studies, strengthen legal protection and teach local authorities, owners and property managers.Krajobraz kulturowy polskich miast i miasteczek obfituje w objawy dawnej współegzystencji kultur i religii. Jednym ze znaków tej wielokulturowości jest istnienie do dzisiejszego dnia, przy wielu budynkach mieszkalnych, żydowskich kuczek. Wyznawcy judaizmu spędzali w nich 7 dni jesiennego święta Sukoth. Na skutek uwarunkowań klimatycznych i kulturowych kuczki z Polsce przybrały formę, drewnianych lub murowanych, zabudowanych balkonów, loggii lub ganków. Ich charakterystyczną cechą był otwierany dach. Klapy w dachach kuczek często podnoszono za pomocą mechanizmów, będących wytworami ludowej inżynierii i pomysłowości rzemieślników. Nierzadko zewnętrzne ściany szałasu otrzymywały bogatą dekorację. Obecny stan zachowania kuczek – jednego z nierozerwalnych składników krajobrazu kulturowego polskich miast, jest zazwyczaj bardzo zły. Wobec zagrożeń dla trwania kuczek jako składnika polskiego dziedzictwa kulturowego, należy pobudzać i wykorzystać już istniejące zainteresowanie społeczne. Konieczne jest inicjowanie działań mających na celu opracowania naukowo-historyczne, inwentaryzację, dokumentację, wzmocnienie ochrony prawnej oraz uświadamianie samorządów lokalnych, właścicieli i zarządców nieruchomości