124 research outputs found

    A-optimal biased spring balance weighing design

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    summary:In this paper we study the problem of estimation of individual measurements of objects in a biased spring balance weighing design under assumption that the errors are uncorrelated and they have different variances. The lower bound for the variance of each of the estimated measurements for this design and the necessary and sufficient conditions for this lower bound to be attained are given. The incidence matrices of the balanced incomplete block designs are used for construction of the A-optimal biased spring balance weighing design

    Phantom pain: a therapeutic challenge

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    Following the amputation of a limb or a part of it, the patient may experience sensations, illusions that the limb is still there. Such symptoms are referred to as phantom experiences. Directly after an amputation these symptoms are present in the majority of patients (in up to 97% of cases). With time, the sensory experiences and pain disappear and most patients develop a sensation that the amputated limb is shrinking and, as with a telescope, getting closer to the stump. Two years after the amputation and when the wound has completely healed, chronic and generally refractory pain affects only 2–4% of these patients. This pain is referred to as phantom pain. Both phantom experiences and phantom pain may also develop after the surgical amputation of other parts of the body, for instance after amputation of a breast. In some patients phantom pain may resolve after many years but quite often recurs. Its severity varies from the barely perceptible to the very troublesome, limiting a patient’s activity. The management of phantom pain is a considerable challenge, not only for doctors but also for the entire team providing comprehensive therapy (such as physical therapists and psychologists). Knowledge of the pathomechanisms of phantom pain and an understanding of the principles of and the need for a multidirectional approach determine the optimal treatment for a patient suffering from this kind of pain. Adv. Pall. Med. 2010; 9, 1: 21–28Following the amputation of a limb or a part of it, the patient may experience sensations, illusions that the limb is still there. Such symptoms are referred to as phantom experiences. Directly after an amputation these symptoms are present in the majority of patients (in up to 97% of cases). With time, the sensory experiences and pain disappear and most patients develop a sensation that the amputated limb is shrinking and, as with a telescope, getting closer to the stump. Two years after the amputation and when the wound has completely healed, chronic and generally refractory pain affects only 2–4% of these patients. This pain is referred to as phantom pain. Both phantom experiences and phantom pain may also develop after the surgical amputation of other parts of the body, for instance after amputation of a breast. In some patients phantom pain may resolve after many years but quite often recurs. Its severity varies from the barely perceptible to the very troublesome, limiting a patient’s activity. The management of phantom pain is a considerable challenge, not only for doctors but also for the entire team providing comprehensive therapy (such as physical therapists and psychologists). Knowledge of the pathomechanisms of phantom pain and an understanding of the principles of and the need for a multidirectional approach determine the optimal treatment for a patient suffering from this kind of pain. Adv. Pall. Med. 2010; 9, 1: 21–2

    Problems of palliative care in patients with multiple myeloma

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    Background. In cases of multiple myeloma, palliative care includes patients who still undergo active oncological treatment and those who have discontinued it. The aim of the research is to present the difficulties which doctors of palliative care and others taking care of patients with multiple myeloma may face. Material and methods. The trial included patients of home hospice care and the patients of a Palliative Care Ward. Retrospective analysis based on medical documentation was applied and, in patients that were still on treatment, prospective observation was conducted. Results. The analysis included four patients on chemotherapy and two patients for whom intensive oncological treatment had been discontinued. The most frequent symptoms were afflictions connected to bone pain. These were often accompanied by secondary neurological symptoms of pathological bone fractures or compressions caused directly by the neoplastic tumour and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. Secondary nephropathy (myelomic kidney) and a tendency to hypercalcaemia occurred. Various symptoms of blood hyperviscosity syndrome (dysfunctions of organs: kidneys, heart; bleeding gums and nose) were observed. Additionally during palliative care, it was essential to notice and counteract disease aggravations. Conclusion. Patients with multiple myeloma constitute a great challenge in palliative care due to the changeable clinical course of the disease, repetitive relapses and remissions. Numerous symptoms of the disease require continuous observation and the proper treatment, which demonstrates that simultaneous multi-specialist care is essential.Background. In cases of multiple myeloma, palliative care includes patients who still undergo active oncological treatment and those who have discontinued it. The aim of the research is to present the difficulties which doctors of palliative care and others taking care of patients with multiple myeloma may face. Material and methods. The trial included patients of home hospice care and the patients of a Palliative Care Ward. Retrospective analysis based on medical documentation was applied and, in patients that were still on treatment, prospective observation was conducted. Results. The analysis included four patients on chemotherapy and two patients for whom intensive oncological treatment had been discontinued. The most frequent symptoms were afflictions connected to bone pain. These were often accompanied by secondary neurological symptoms of pathological bone fractures or compressions caused directly by the neoplastic tumour and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. Secondary nephropathy (myelomic kidney) and a tendency to hypercalcaemia occurred. Various symptoms of blood hyperviscosity syndrome (dysfunctions of organs: kidneys, heart; bleeding gums and nose) were observed. Additionally during palliative care, it was essential to notice and counteract disease aggravations. Conclusion. Patients with multiple myeloma constitute a great challenge in palliative care due to the changeable clinical course of the disease, repetitive relapses and remissions. Numerous symptoms of the disease require continuous observation and the proper treatment, which demonstrates that simultaneous multi-specialist care is essential

    What is the role of a physiotherapist in palliative care? Cases report

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    Physiotherapy may enhance the quality of life of patients provided with palliative care. In this article the authors present 3 cases of advanced cancer patients, whose symptoms were successfully treated with physiotherapy. In addition, this publication describes individual physiotherapy interventions and how they benefit patients with advanced cancer. The authors proved that physiotherapy applied in patients provided with palliative care is of great importance to the process of symptom treatment. It minimizes complications and effects of the disease and optimizes patients’ condition.Physiotherapy may enhance the quality of life of patients provided with palliative care. In this article the authors present 3 cases of advanced cancer patients, whose symptoms were successfully treated with physiotherapy. In addition, this publication describes individual physiotherapy interventions and how they benefit patients with advanced cancer. The authors proved that physiotherapy applied in patients provided with palliative care is of great importance to the process of symptom treatment. It minimizes complications and effects of the disease and optimizes patients’ condition

    Sustainable development in the city of Heidelberg

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    The city of Heidelberg has won twice the price of European Sustainable City Award. The paper presents the latest author’s investigation (July 2014) about the sustainable development in the Heidelberg. The aim of the article is an analyses and assessment of the implementation of sustainable development in the city. The policy and economical instruments implemented at the local level at the very early stage (early 90s) help the city to build ecological education and shape ecological style of life.. The city citizens have a very high level of ecological awareness and very often participate in policy decisions, shaping sustainable development goals of the Heidelberg. The main local priorities for sustainable development are: climate and environment protection, rising energy efficiency by using renewable energy sources, local heat district, ecological transport and building in passive standard

    Implementation of modified manual lymphoedema treatment - complex physical therapy (MLT-CPT) in terminally ill patient

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    Lymphoedema is a common symptom of advanced cancer, which may significantly decrease the patient’s quality of life. The aim of lymphoedema treatment is to reduce swelling, prevent recurrent pooling of fluid and make the patient feel more comfortable. Lymphoedema is managed using a combination of physiotherapeutic strategies including skin care, exercise, manual lymphatic drainage, massage and support or compression therapy. In this article we present a case of advanced cervical cancer patient, whose painful tension of the skin due to lymphodema was successfully reduced by multi-layer bandaging and limbs elevation.Lymphoedema is a common symptom of advanced cancer, which may significantly decrease the patient’s quality of life. The aim of lymphoedema treatment is to reduce swelling, prevent recurrent pooling of fluid and make the patient feel more comfortable. Lymphoedema is managed using a combination of physiotherapeutic strategies including skin care, exercise, manual lymphatic drainage, massage and support or compression therapy. In this article we present a case of advanced cervical cancer patient, whose painful tension of the skin due to lymphodema was successfully reduced by multi-layer bandaging and limbs elevation

    Peripheral neuropathy in systemic lupus — case report

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    Toczeń rumieniowaty układowy to schorzenie autoimmunologiczne rozwijające się wskutek złożonych zaburzeń układu odpornościowego, które prowadzą do przewlekłego stanu zapalnego obejmującego liczne tkanki i narządy. Zmiany w nerkach (nefropatia toczniowa) rozwijają się obecnie u 60–80% pacjentów (w Europie 30%–50%). Nefropatia toczniowa to jedna z najcięższych manifestacji klinicznych tocznia rumieniowatego. Dzieje się tak za sprawą odkładania kompleksów immunologicznych we wszystkich strukturach nerki. Nefropatia może przebiegać jako przewlekłe kłębuszkowe zapalenie nerek, często z towarzyszącym białkomoczem i klinicznym obrazem zespołu nerczycowego, krwinkomoczem oraz postępującym zmniejszeniem filtracji kłębuszkowej. W niektórych przypadkach jednak przebiega gwałtownie, prowadząc do ostrej niewydolności tego narządu. Choroba, jaką jest toczeń, powoduje także liczne zmiany w układzie nerwowym, których objawy mogą być różne. Częstotliwość zajęcia układu nerwowego jest prawie tak wysoka, jak częstość występowania nefropatii. Jednym z rzadkich objawów, obok depresji, zaburzeń czynności poznawczych czy nawet świadomości, jest występowanie zmian w obwodowym układzie nerwowym, pod postacią neuropatii (mono- lub polineuropatii), a nawet uszkodzenie całych splotów nerwowych (pleksopatia). Leczenie wszystkich powikłań, podobnie jak choroby podstawowej — zwłaszcza w przypadku dysfunkcji nerek, może być wyzwaniem terapeutycznym. Przedstawiono opis pacjentki z przewlekłą chorobą nerek w 5. stadium w przebiegu tocznia rumieniowatego układowego, u której udało się skutecznie opanować ból neuropatyczny dzięki farmakoterapii gabapentoidami.Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease developing as a result of complex disorders of the immune system. It leads to chronic inflammation including many tissues and organs. Changes in the kidneys (lupus nephritis) is currently developing in approximately 60–80% of patients (in Europe about 30–50%). Nephritis is oneof the most serious manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus. This is due to the deposition of immune complexes in the kidney of all structures. Nephropathy may occur as chronic glomerulonephritis, often with accompanying clinical picture of proteinuria and nephrotic syndrome, hematuria and progressive decrease in decrease in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). In some cases, however, the course is rapid and leads to acute renal failure. The disease such as systemic lupus also causes numerous changes in the nervous system, which may be in various manifestations. The frequency of neurological involvement is almost as high as nephropathy. One of the rare symptoms, in addition to depression, cognitive disorders, disturbances of consciousness, is the occurrence of changes in the peripheral nervous system in the form of neuropathy (mononeuropathy or polyneuropathy) and even damage to the entire nerve plexus (plexopathy). Treatment of all complications, and the primary disease, especially in the case of renal dysfunction, may be a therapeutic challenge. Below is a description of a patient with chronic kidney disease stage 5 in the course of systemic lupus erythematosus, in whom neuropathic pain was successfully managed with gabapentinoids

    Is there room for a palliative care support team in an emergency hospital ward? Analysis of the palliative care support team activity at the University Hospital, Bydgoszcz, in 2002–2006

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    Background. Despite the development of this form of activity around the world, there are still only two hospital palliative care supportive teams in Poland: in Bydgoszcz and in Warsaw. The study was aimed at demonstrating the need for the formation and development of supportive teams in emergency care hospitals in Poland. Methods. Analysis of documents (disease records) of patients under the care of the Palliative Care Support Team at the University Hospital, Bydgoszcz, in 2002-2004, 2005 and 2006. Results. Between 2002-2006, the Palliative care support team in Bydgoszcz provided a total of 1,441 consultations, including 807 consultations by doctors and 634 consultations by nurses. The total number of examined patients involved 372 persons. The mean age of treated women was 67.27 years and the mean age of treated men was 64.74 years. Most of the patients suffered from tumours (78.49%), although every year the proportion of patients with non-neoplastic diseases (17.20%) demonstrated an increasing tendency. The main reason for the care requests involved a lack of satisfactory treatment of pain (54.57%). The patients were referred primarily by surgical wards (36.4%). Approximately 10% of the patients under the care of the supportive team died in hospital. Conclusions. The results confirmed the need to form palliative care supportive teams as every year there is an increase in the number of requests for consultation and an increase in the number of patients. The supportive team was shown to play an important role in symptomatic care, in providing appropriate care for patients dying in hospital, in educating the patients, their families and the medical staff.Background. Despite the development of this form of activity around the world, there are still only two hospital palliative care supportive teams in Poland: in Bydgoszcz and in Warsaw. The study was aimed at demonstrating the need for the formation and development of supportive teams in emergency care hospitals in Poland. Methods. Analysis of documents (disease records) of patients under the care of the Palliative Care Support Team at the University Hospital, Bydgoszcz, in 2002-2004, 2005 and 2006. Results. Between 2002-2006, the Palliative care support team in Bydgoszcz provided a total of 1,441 consultations, including 807 consultations by doctors and 634 consultations by nurses. The total number of examined patients involved 372 persons. The mean age of treated women was 67.27 years and the mean age of treated men was 64.74 years. Most of the patients suffered from tumours (78.49%), although every year the proportion of patients with non-neoplastic diseases (17.20%) demonstrated an increasing tendency. The main reason for the care requests involved a lack of satisfactory treatment of pain (54.57%). The patients were referred primarily by surgical wards (36.4%). Approximately 10% of the patients under the care of the supportive team died in hospital. Conclusions. The results confirmed the need to form palliative care supportive teams as every year there is an increase in the number of requests for consultation and an increase in the number of patients. The supportive team was shown to play an important role in symptomatic care, in providing appropriate care for patients dying in hospital, in educating the patients, their families and the medical staff

    Stosowanie analgetyków nieopioidowych a przewlekła choroba nerek

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    Stosując leki przeciwbólowe, zastanawiamy się, jakie objawy niepożądane wywołują i jaki mogą mieć wpływ na pacjentów. Powstaje pytanie, jaki rodzaj środków przeciwbólowych może powodować nefropatię, a które z tych leków należy stosować ostrożnie w przypadku stwierdzonej już choroby nerek. Przewlekłe stosowanie leków nieopioidowych — niesteroidowych leków przeciwzapalnych (NLPZ) i/lub paracetamolu — może nieść ze sobą ryzyko nefropatii analgetycznej. Leki opioidowe nie działają nefrotoksycznie, ale ich zastosowanie w większości przypadków musi uwzględniać stopień wydolności nerek. Jest sprawą oczywistą, że osoby cierpiące z powodu bólu przewlekłego nadużywają analgetyków, wybierając często preparaty złożone, które zawierają kombinacje z kofeiną bądź kodeiną. Dla porównania, nadużywanie środków zawierających tylko kwas acetylosalicylowy lub paracetamol jest rzadko opisywane i z chorobą nerek jest związane wyjątkowo. Efektywna prewencja nefropatii wywołanej analgetykami polega na zakazie sprzedaży bez recepty preparatów zawierających przynajmniej dwa analgetyki połączone z kofeiną i/lub kodeiną, odpowiedniej edukacji chorego przez personel medyczny oraz ścisłej kontroli leków przyjmowanych przez pacjenta