32 research outputs found

    Qualitative research toolkit: GAGE’s approach to researching with adolescents

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    This toolkit is a companion piece to the GAGE baseline qualitative research toolkit and provides the group and individual research tools, all of which are age-tailored (early adolescents, mid/older adolescents and adults), used during the second round of data collection in GAGE’s longitudinal study. A selection of these could be used to understand different dimensions of adolescent wellbeing and development trajectories in any given context. For the purposes of the GAGE research programme, this collection of tools has also been designed to mirror the GAGE ‘3 Cs’ conceptual framework which reflects the close connections between the ‘3 Cs’: capabilities, change strategies and contexts. It considers adolescents’ multidimensional capabilities and the ways in which these differ depending on age, gender and (dis)ability; the change strategies that are employed by families, communities, service providers, policy-makers, civil society and development partners to promote empowered and healthy transitions from adolescence into early adulthood; and finally the broader meso- and macro-level contexts that shape the enabling/constraining environments in which adolescent realities are played out (Figure 1). Adolescents are situated at the centre of this socio-ecological framework

    Qualitative research toolkit to explore child marriage dynamics and how to fast-track prevention

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    Accelerating progress towards eliminating child marriage and empowering married girls requires not just more research, but different tools. Tools that are designed with action and inclusion in mind. GAGE’s new child marriage toolkit builds on existent tools, including those we used in our formative and baseline work (see GAGE baseline qualitative research tools), and hones in on how to prevent child marriage – for girls and boys – and mitigate its impacts on adolescent girls, including those who are separated and divorced. Our new tools focus on marriage decision-making and ask marriage decision-makers what might encourage them to make different decisions. They also trace the threats and opportunities that girls (and boys) face at various steps along the child marriage pathway (engagement to divorce) and explore how a range of services might improve outcomes. Most importantly, our new child marriage toolkit is built around the decision-making underpinning child marriage and the experiences of married adolescents, rather than indirectly through an exploration of adolescence more broadly. Our tools are directly aimed at two questions: how can we prevent child marriage and how can we make married girls’ (and boys’) lives better

    Rapid continuous microwave-assisted synthesis of silver nanoparticles to achieve very high productivity and full yield: from mechanistic study to optimal fabrication strategy

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    Systematic studies of silver nanoparticle synthesis in a continuous-flow single-mode microwave reactor using polyol process were performed, revealing that the synthesis is exceptionally effective to give very small metal particles at full reaction yield and very high productivity. Inlet concentration of silver nitrate or silver acetate, applied as metal precursors, varied between 10 and 50 mM, and flow rates ranged from 0.635 to 2.5 dm3/h, to give 3–24 s reaction time. Owing to its much higher reactivity, silver acetate was shown to be far superior substrate for the synthesis of small (10–20 nm) spherical silver nanoparticles within a few seconds. Its restricted solubility in ethylene glycol, applied as the solvent and reducing agent, appeared to be vital for effective separation of the stage of particle growth from its nucleation to enable rapid synthesis of small particles in a highly loaded system. This was not possible to obtain using silver nitrate. All the observations could perfectly be explained by a classical LaMer–Dinegar model of NPs’ formation, but taking into account also nonisothermal character of the continuous-flow process and acetate dissolution in the reaction system. The performed studies indicate an optimal strategy for the high-yield fabrication of metal particles using polyol method

    Casting Defects Filling by Low Pressure Cold Spraying Method

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    In this paper the possibilities of using Low Pressure Cold Spraying (LPCS) method for filling the casting defects are presented. In Cold Spraying there is no metallurgical bonding because powder particles are deposited in solid state. The effect of high temperature on both substrate and coating structure is avoided. In performed experiments coatings of Al, Zn and Sn powders with addition of Al2O3 ceramic were deposited onto chosen aluminium alloys substrates. Two the most important mechanical properties of Cold Sprayed coatings, i.e. bond strength and microhardness, were analysed. Coatings bond strength was determined by tensile pull test. Coatings microstructure was examined with the use of scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis. LPCS method potential applications in castings repair is shown

    Comparison of Classical Methods and Modern Microwave to Manufacturing Cores from Water-Glass Containing Moulding Sands

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki porównania wybranych współczesnych metod produkcji rdzeni odlewniczych z mas formierskich ze szkłem wodnym sporządzonych na bazie osnowy kwarcowej i chromitowej. Masy formierskie z nieorganicznym spoiwem, jakim jest szkło wodne, są nieszkodliwe dla środowiska, neutralne dla ludzi i relatywnie tanie. Na tle tradycyjnych metod wykonywania rdzeni z mas ze szkłem wodnym: w procesie CO2, w technologii ciekłych estrów lub drogą tradycyjnego suszenia, innowacyjna metoda szybkiego utwardzania mikrofalami umożliwia ograniczenie ilości stosowanych materiałów, zmniejszenie wytrzymałości resztkowej masy, a tym samym poprawę jej wybijalności. W poniższej pracy zestawiono dostępne informacje na temat mikrofalowego procesu utwardzania mas zawierających szkło wodne, właściwości wytrzymałościowych zużytych mas kwarcowych i chromitowych, jak również porównanie kosztów praktycznego zastosowania tej technologii w warunkach pracującej rdzeniarni. Ponadto, wskazano korzyści wynikające z zastosowania tego innowacyjnego i przyjaznego dla środowiska rozwiązania, które może skutecznie zastąpić tradycyjne, często materiało- i energochłonne, procesy wytwarzania rdzeni z mas ze szkłem wodnym, sporządzanych z użyciem osnowy chromitowej lub kwarcowej.The paper presents examination results of different, modern casting core production methods of water-glass moulding sands based on silica or chromite sand matrixes. Those sandmixes are harmless for the environment, neutral for humans and relatively cheap. Against the background of traditional methods of core making such as CO2 process, liquid esters or traditional drying, the innovative method of rapid hardening by microwave heating permits restricting quantity of used materials, reduction of the residual strength and thus improves knock-out properties. In this paper, compiled is available information about microwave hardening of water-glass containing sandmixes, as well as residual strength properties of silica or chromite moulding sands, as well as a comparison of the costs of the practical application of this technology in the working foundry. In addition, some benefits are indicated, resulting from applying such an innovative and environment-friendly solution effectively replacing traditional, material and energy-consuming processes of preparing casting cores from water-glass containing moulding sands with chromite or silica matrixes

    Wpływ ciśnienia i temperatury gazu na właściwości stereometryczne kompozytowych warstw Al+Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> naniesionych metodą LPCS

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    The paper deals with effect of working gas pressure and temperature on surface stereometry of coatings deposited by low-pressure cold spray method. Examinations were focused on aluminium coatings which are commonly used to protect substrate against corrosion. A commercial Al spherical feedstock powder with admixture of Al2O3 (Al + 60vol.-%Al2O3), granulation -50+10 µm, was used to coat steel, grade S235JR. Thedeposited coatings were studied to determine their stereometry, i.e. roughness, transverse and longitudinal waviness, topography of surface and thickness as the functions of gas pressure and temperature. A profilometer and focal microscope were used to evaluate the stereometric properties. In order to reduce the number of variables, the remaining process parameters, i.e. shape and size of de Laval nozzle, nozzle-to-substrate distance, powder mass flow rate, linear velocity of spraying gun, were kept unchanged. The investigation confirmed influence of temperature and pressure on coating thickness as well as on the surface seterometry.W pracy badano wpływ ciśnienia oraz temperatury gazu roboczego na stereometrię powierzchni warstw uzyskanych metodą niskociśnieniowego natryskiwania na zimno. W badaniach skupiono się na wykonaniu powłok aluminiowych, które są powszechnie stosowane w celu ochrony podłoża przed korozją. Wykorzystano komercyjny proszek sferyczny Al z domieszką Al2O3 (w proporcji obj. 40% Al / 60% Al2O3) o granulacji -50+10 µm, którym pokryto stal S235JR. Przeprowadzone analizy miały na celu określenie stereometrii otrzymanych warstw, tj. chropowatości, falistości poprzecznej oraz wzdłużnej, topografii powierzchni oraz grubości, w zależności od ciśnienia i temperatury gazu. Do analizy właściwości stereometrycznych wykorzystano profilografometr oraz mikroskop konfokalny. W celu ograniczenia ilości zmiennych, pozostałe parametry procesu, tj. kształt i rozmiar dyszy de Lavala, odległość dyszy od podłoża, masowe natężenie przepływu proszku, prędkość liniowa palnika, pozostawiono na stałym poziomie. Przeprowadzone badania potwierdziły wpływ temperatury oraz ciśnienia gazu na grubość naniesionych powłok, jak również na stereometrię ich powierzchni

    Effect of Gas Pressure and Temperature on Stereometric Properties of Al+Al2O3 Composite Coatings Deposited by LPCS Method

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    The paper deals with effect of working gas pressure and temperature on surface stereometry of coatings deposited by low-pressure cold spray method. Examinations were focused on aluminium coatings which are commonly used to protect substrate against corrosion. A commercial Al spherical feedstock powder with admixture of Al2O3 (Al + 60vol.-% Al2O3), granulation -50+10 µm, was used to coat steel, grade S235JR. Thedeposited coatings were studied to determine their stereometry, i.e. roughness, transverse and longitudinal waviness, topography of surface and thickness as the functions of gas pressure and temperature. A profilometer and focal microscope were used to evaluate the stereometric properties. In order to reduce the number of variables, the remaining process parameters, i.e. shape and size of de Laval nozzle, nozzle-to-substrate distance, powder mass flow rate, linear velocity of spraying gun, were kept unchanged. The investigation confirmed influence of temperature and pressure on coating thickness as well as on the surface seterometry

    Effect of calcium peroxide on phytotoxicity of soil contaminated with fluoranthene

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    Wielopierścieniowe węglowodory aromatyczne (WWA) są trudno rozkładalnymi zanieczyszczeniami, które negatywne oddziałują na środowisko glebowe. Związki te zmieniają właściwości fizyczne, chemiczne i biologiczne gleby, powodują zmniejszenie ilości łatwo przyswajalnych składników pokarmowych oraz utrudniają wymianę powietrza między glebą a atmosferą. W pracy badano wpływ zastosowania nadtlenku wapnia (120÷240 mgCaO2 /kg) wprowadzonego do gleby zanieczyszczonej fluorantenem (1,5 mg/kg) na jej toksyczność w stosunku do wybranych roślin (rzeżucha, gorczyca i sorgo). Przeprowadzone badania nie dały jednoznacznej odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy nadtlenek wapnia wpływa pozytywnie na wzrost i rozwój roślin rosnących na glebach zanieczyszczonych węglowodorami. Zaobserwowano, że dodatek nadtlenku wapnia do gleby zawierającej fluoranten stymulował usuwanie tego węglowodoru, jednakże stwierdzono również stymulację wzrostu korzeni roślin w próbkach gleby z dodatkiem samego nadtlenku wapnia. Niemniej jednak nie wykazano, czy obserwowany efekt był wynikiem stresu oksydacyjnego, czy też poprawy warunków środowiskowych.Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are hardly decomposable pollutants that adversely affect soil environment. These compounds alter physical, chemical and biological soil properties, lead to reduction in the amount of easily digestible nutrients and impede gas exchange between soil and atmosphere. In this study, the effect of calcium peroxide (120–240 mgCaO2 /kg) was tested in soil contaminated with fluoranthene (1.5 mg/kg) on its toxicity towards selected plants (root cress, mustard and sorghum). Our results did not give an unambiguous answer to the question whether effect of calcium peroxide on growth and development of plants growing on soils contaminated with hydrocarbons was positive. It was observed that calcium peroxide added to the soil with fluoranthene enhanced its removal. However, stimulation of root growth was also observed in soil samples with calcium peroxide alone. It was difficult to assess whether the observed effect was a result of oxidative stress or environmental conditions improvement