413 research outputs found

    Optimal projection of observations in a Bayesian setting

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    Optimal dimensionality reduction methods are proposed for the Bayesian inference of a Gaussian linear model with additive noise in presence of overabundant data. Three different optimal projections of the observations are proposed based on information theory: the projection that minimizes the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the posterior distributions of the original and the projected models, the one that minimizes the expected Kullback-Leibler divergence between the same distributions, and the one that maximizes the mutual information between the parameter of interest and the projected observations. The first two optimization problems are formulated as the determination of an optimal subspace and therefore the solution is computed using Riemannian optimization algorithms on the Grassmann manifold. Regarding the maximization of the mutual information, it is shown that there exists an optimal subspace that minimizes the entropy of the posterior distribution of the reduced model; a basis of the subspace can be computed as the solution to a generalized eigenvalue problem; an a priori error estimate on the mutual information is available for this particular solution; and that the dimensionality of the subspace to exactly conserve the mutual information between the input and the output of the models is less than the number of parameters to be inferred. Numerical applications to linear and nonlinear models are used to assess the efficiency of the proposed approaches, and to highlight their advantages compared to standard approaches based on the principal component analysis of the observations

    Coordinate Transformation and Polynomial Chaos for the Bayesian Inference of a Gaussian Process with Parametrized Prior Covariance Function

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    This paper addresses model dimensionality reduction for Bayesian inference based on prior Gaussian fields with uncertainty in the covariance function hyper-parameters. The dimensionality reduction is traditionally achieved using the Karhunen-\Loeve expansion of a prior Gaussian process assuming covariance function with fixed hyper-parameters, despite the fact that these are uncertain in nature. The posterior distribution of the Karhunen-Lo\`{e}ve coordinates is then inferred using available observations. The resulting inferred field is therefore dependent on the assumed hyper-parameters. Here, we seek to efficiently estimate both the field and covariance hyper-parameters using Bayesian inference. To this end, a generalized Karhunen-Lo\`{e}ve expansion is derived using a coordinate transformation to account for the dependence with respect to the covariance hyper-parameters. Polynomial Chaos expansions are employed for the acceleration of the Bayesian inference using similar coordinate transformations, enabling us to avoid expanding explicitly the solution dependence on the uncertain hyper-parameters. We demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method on a transient diffusion equation by inferring spatially-varying log-diffusivity fields from noisy data. The inferred profiles were found closer to the true profiles when including the hyper-parameters' uncertainty in the inference formulation.Comment: 34 pages, 17 figure

    Orbital entanglement and violation of Bell inequalities in mesoscopic conductors

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    We propose a spin-independent scheme to generate and detect two-particle entanglement in a mesoscopic normal-superconductor system. A superconductor, weakly coupled to the normal conductor, generates an orbitally entangled state by injecting pairs of electrons into different leads of the normal conductor. The entanglement is detected via violation of a Bell inequality, formulated in terms of zero-frequency current cross-correlators. It is shown that the Bell inequality can be violated for arbitrary strong dephasing in the normal conductor.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Conditional preparation of a quantum state in the continuous variable regime: generation of a sub-Poissonian state from twin beams

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    We report the first experimental demonstration of conditional preparation of a non classical state of light in the continuous variable regime. Starting from a non degenerate OPO which generates above threshold quantum intensity correlated signal and idler "twin beams", we keep the recorded values of the signal intensity only when the idler falls inside a band of values narrower than its standard deviation. By this very simple technique, we generate a sub-Poissonian state 4.4dB below shot noise from twin beams exhibiting 7.5dB of noise reduction in the intensity difference.Comment: 4 pages, Accepted in Phys. Rev. Let

    Electrical current noise of a beam splitter as a test of spin-entanglement

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    We investigate the spin entanglement in the superconductor-quantum dot system proposed by Recher, Sukhorukov and Loss, coupling it to an electronic beam-splitter. The superconductor-quantum dot entangler and the beam-splitter are treated within a unified framework and the entanglement is detected via current correlations. The state emitted by the entangler is found to be a linear superposition of non-local spin-singlets at different energies, a spin-entangled two-particle wavepacket. Colliding the two electrons in the beam-splitter, the singlet spin-state gives rise to a bunching behavior, detectable via the current correlators. The amount of bunching depends on the relative positions of the single particle levels in the quantum dots and the scattering amplitudes of the beam-splitter. The singlet spin entanglement, insensitive to orbital dephasing but suppressed by spin dephasing, is conveniently quantified via the Fano factors. It is found that the entanglement-dependent contribution to the Fano factor is of the same magnitude as the non-entangled, making an experimental detection feasible. A detailed comparison between the current correlations of the non-local spin-singlet state and other states, possibly emitted by the entangler, is performed. This provides conditions for an unambiguous identification of the non-local singlet spin entanglement.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, section on quantification of entanglement adde

    High nuclear polarization of helium-3 at low and high pressure by metastability exchange optical pumping at 1.5 Tesla

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    We perform metastability exchange optical pumping of helium-3 in a strong magnetic field of 1.5 T. The achieved nuclear polarization, from 80% at 1.33 mbar to 25% at 67 mbar, shows a substantial improvement at high pressures with respect to standard low-field optical pumping. The specific mechanisms of metastability exchange optical pumping at high field are investigated, advantages and intrinsic limitations are discussed. From a practical point of view, our results open the way to alternative technological solutions for polarized helium-3 applications and in particular for magnetic resonance imaging of human lungs.Comment: accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    Matching QCD and HQET heavy-light currents at three loops

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    We consider the currents formed by a heavy and a light quark within Quantum Chromodynamics and compute the matching to Heavy Quark Effective Theory to three-loop accuracy. As an application we obtain the third-order perturbative corrections to ratios of B-meson decay constants.Comment: 23 pages, full results are available as Mathematica files at http://www-ttp.particle.uni-karlsruhe.de/Progdata/ttp09/ttp09-41/ ; v2: an error in comparison with Ref. [8] fixed ; v3: Journal versio