5 research outputs found

    Translation and validation of the Neurological Assessment in Neuro-Oncology scale to Brazilian Portuguese

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    IntroductionThe Neurological Assessment for Neuro-Oncology (NANO) scale was elaborated to assess neurologic function in integration with radiological criteria to evaluate neuro-oncological patients in clinical setting and enable the standardization of neurological assessment in clinical trials. The objective of this study is the translation to Brazilian Portuguese and transcultural adaptation of NANO scale in patients with the diagnosis of glioblastoma, brain metastasis and low-grade glioma.MethodsPatients with diagnosis of glioblastoma, brain metastasis, and low-grade glioma were prospectively evaluated between July 2019 and July 2021. The process of translating and cross-culturally adapting the NANO scale included: translation from English to Portuguese, synthesis and initial revision by an expert committee, back-translation from Portuguese to English, a second revision by the expert committee, and the application of the NANO scale. Regarding the reliability of the NANO scale, Cronbach’s alpha was employed to measure the internal consistency of all scale items and assess the impact of item deletion. Additionally, Spearman’s correlation test was used to evaluate the convergent validity between the NANO scale and Karnofsky Performance Scale (KPS).ResultsOne hundred and seventy-four patients were evaluated. A statistically significant inverse relation (p < 0.001) between KPS and NANO scale was founded. The Cronbach’s alpha values founded for NANO scale were 0.803 for glioblastoma, 0.643 for brain metastasis, and 0.482 for low grade glioma.DiscussionThe NANO scale Brazilian Portuguese version proves to be reproducible and valid to evaluate neuro-oncological patients with glioblastoma and brain metastasis, presenting a strong correlation with KPS scale. Further studies are warranted to assess the validity and reliability of the scale in patients diagnosed with low-grade glioma

    Prevalence and impact of headache in undergraduate students in Southern Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence, characteristics and impact of headache among university students. METHOD: The criteria established by the International Headache Society were used to define the primary headache subtypes and the Migraine Disability Assessment Questionnaire (MIDAS), to assess the disability. The students were then grouped into six categories: [1] migraine; [2] probable migraine; [3] tension-type headache; [4] probable tension-type headache; [5] non-classifiable headache; [6] no headache. RESULTS: Of all undergraduate students interviewed, 74.5% had at least one headache episode in the last three months. Regarding disability, there was a significant difference between the headache types (p<0.0001). In the post-hoc analysis, migraine was the headache type with most reported disability. CONCLUSION: Headache is a highly prevalent condition among the students at the University of Caxias do Sul. This disease may have a major impact on the students' lives and in some cases, ultimately lead to educational failure

    Awareness, attitudes and perceptions on epilepsy in Southern Brazil Conhecimento, atitudes e percepções sobre epilepsia no Sul do Brasil

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    OBJECTIVE: To verify awareness and attitudes toward epilepsy in Southern Brazil. METHOD: A questionnaire about familiarity with the disease, awareness and attitudes toward epileptics was applied to 832 inhabitants of Caxias do Sul. The answers were analyzed in three different groups: G1, non-university students; G2, university students up to the second year; and G3, university students with more than two years education and university graduates. RESULTS: University students and graduates are better informed regarding causes and treatment of epilepsy. Moreover, those interviewees present less negative attitudes toward epileptics. However, a large part of that group lacks some basic information on the disease. CONCLUSION: There is lack of information on epilepsy among Brazilians. Education campaigns should be carried out in order to clarify some aspects concerning epilepsy.<br>OBJETIVO: Verificar o conhecimento e as atitudes sobre epilepsia na população de Caxias do Sul. MÉTODO: Foi aplicado um questionário sobre familiaridade com a doença, conhecimentos e atitudes diante de um portador de epilepsia a 832 moradores da cidade. As respostas foram analisadas em três grupos distintos: G1, não-universitários; G2, universitários até o segundo ano; e G3, universitários com mais de dois anos e graduados. RESULTADOS: Os universitários e graduados possuem melhor conhecimento sobre causas e tratamento da epilepsia. Além disso, esses entrevistados apresentam menos atitudes negativas para com o portador de epilepsia. Entretanto, uma boa parte desse grupo apresenta falta de alguns conhecimentos básicos sobre a doença. CONCLUSÃO: Há falta de informação à população brasileira sobre epilepsia. Campanhas educacionais devem ser realizadas no intuito de desmistificar alguns aspectos concernentes à epilepsia