9,321 research outputs found

    Driving dynamic colloidal assembly using eccentric self-propelled colloids

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    Designing protocols to dynamically direct the self-assembly of colloidal particles has become an important direction in soft matter physics because of the promising applications in fabrication of dynamic responsive functional materials. Here using computer simulations, we found that in the mixture of passive colloids and eccentric self-propelled active particles, when the eccentricity and self-propulsion of active particles are high enough, the eccentric active particles can push passive colloids to form a large dense dynamic cluster, and the system undergoes a novel dynamic demixing transition. Our simulations show that the dynamic demixing occurs when the eccentric active particles move much faster than the passive particles such that the dynamic trajectories of different active particles can overlap with each other while passive particles are depleted from the dynamic trajectories of active particles. Our results suggest that this is in analogy to the entropy driven demixing in colloid-polymer mixtures, in which polymer random coils can overlap with each other while deplete the colloids. More interestingly, we find that by fixing the passive colloid composition at certain value, with increasing the density, the system undergoes an intriguing re-entrant mixing, and the demixing only occurs within certain intermediate density range. This suggests a new way of designing active matter to drive the self-assembly of passive colloids and fabricate dynamic responsive materials.Comment: Accepted in Soft Matter. Supplementary information can found at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xb3u5iaoucc2ild/AABFUyqjXips7ewaie2rFbj_a?dl=

    Distance, Growth Factor, and Dark Energy Constraints from Photometric Baryon Acoustic Oscillation and Weak Lensing Measurements

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    Baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs) and weak lensing (WL) are complementary probes of cosmology. We explore the distance and growth factor measurements from photometric BAO and WL techniques and investigate the roles of the distance and growth factor in constraining dark energy. We find for WL that the growth factor has a great impact on dark energy constraints but is much less powerful than the distance. Dark energy constraints from WL are concentrated in considerably fewer distance eigenmodes than those from BAO, with the largest contributions from modes that are sensitive to the absolute distance. Both techniques have some well determined distance eigenmodes that are not very sensitive to the dark energy equation of state parameters w_0 and w_a, suggesting that they can accommodate additional parameters for dark energy and for the control of systematic uncertainties. A joint analysis of BAO and WL is far more powerful than either technique alone, and the resulting constraints on the distance and growth factor will be useful for distinguishing dark energy and modified gravity models. The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) will yield both WL and angular BAO over a sample of several billion galaxies. Joint LSST BAO and WL can yield 0.5% level precision on ten comoving distances evenly spaced in log(1+z) between redshift 0.3 and 3 with cosmic microwave background priors from Planck. In addition, since the angular diameter distance, which directly affects the observables, is linked to the comoving distance solely by the curvature radius in the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric solution, LSST can achieve a pure metric constraint of 0.017 on the mean curvature parameter Omega_k of the universe simultaneously with the constraints on the comoving distances.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, details and references added, ApJ accepte

    catena-Poly[(diaqua­cadmium)-μ-4,4′-[sulfonyl­bis­(1,4-phenyl­ene­oxy)]­di­acet­ato-κ4 O,O′:O′′,O′′′]

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    In the title coordination polymer, [Cd(C16H12O8S)(H2O)2]n, the CdII ion is situated on a crystallographic twofold rotation axis, being coordinated by four O atoms from two bidentate 4,4′-[sulfonyl­bis­(1,4-phenyl­ene­oxy)]diacetate (L) ligands and two water mol­ecules in a highly distorted CdO6 octa­hedral geometry. Each complete ligand L, which is also generated by twofold symmetry with the S atom lying on the rotation axis, bridges two CdII atoms to form a polymeric zigzag chain propagating in the [10-1] direction. O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds between the coordinated water mol­ecules and carboxyl­ate O atoms are involved in the packing
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