5,760 research outputs found

    Bispectrum Inversion with Application to Multireference Alignment

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    We consider the problem of estimating a signal from noisy circularly-translated versions of itself, called multireference alignment (MRA). One natural approach to MRA could be to estimate the shifts of the observations first, and infer the signal by aligning and averaging the data. In contrast, we consider a method based on estimating the signal directly, using features of the signal that are invariant under translations. Specifically, we estimate the power spectrum and the bispectrum of the signal from the observations. Under mild assumptions, these invariant features contain enough information to infer the signal. In particular, the bispectrum can be used to estimate the Fourier phases. To this end, we propose and analyze a few algorithms. Our main methods consist of non-convex optimization over the smooth manifold of phases. Empirically, in the absence of noise, these non-convex algorithms appear to converge to the target signal with random initialization. The algorithms are also robust to noise. We then suggest three additional methods. These methods are based on frequency marching, semidefinite relaxation and integer programming. The first two methods provably recover the phases exactly in the absence of noise. In the high noise level regime, the invariant features approach for MRA results in stable estimation if the number of measurements scales like the cube of the noise variance, which is the information-theoretic rate. Additionally, it requires only one pass over the data which is important at low signal-to-noise ratio when the number of observations must be large

    The space of hyperkähler metrics on a 4-manifold with boundary

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    Let X be a compact 4-manifold with boundary. We study the space of hyperk¨ahler triples ω1, ω2, ω3 on X, modulo diffeomorphisms which are the identity on the boundary. We prove that this moduli space is a smooth infinite-dimensional manifold and describe the tangent space in terms of triples of closed anti-self-dual 2-forms. We also explore the corresponding boundary value problem: a hyperk¨ahler triple restricts to a closed framing of the bundle of 2-forms on the boundary; we identify the infinitesimal deformations of this closed framing that can be filled in to hyperk¨ahler deformations of the original triple. Finally we study explicit examples coming from gravitational instantons with isometric actions of SU(2)

    Search strategies of Wikipedia readers

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    The quest for information is one of the most common activity of human beings. Despite the the impressive progress of search engines, not to miss the needed piece of information could be still very tough, as well as to acquire specific competences and knowledge by shaping and following the proper learning paths. Indeed, the need to find sensible paths in information networks is one of the biggest challenges of our societies and, to effectively address it, it is important to investigate the strategies adopted by human users to cope with the cognitive bottleneck of finding their way in a growing sea of information. Here we focus on the case of Wikipedia and investigate a recently released dataset about users’ click on the English Wikipedia, namely the English Wikipedia Clickstream. We perform a semantically charged analysis to uncover the general patterns followed by information seekers in the multi-dimensional space of Wikipedia topics/categories. We discover the existence of well defined strategies in which users tend to start from very general, i.e., semantically broad, pages and progressively narrow down the scope of their navigation, while keeping a growing semantic coherence. This is unlike strategies associated to tasks with predefined search goals, namely the case of the Wikispeedia game. In this case users first move from the ‘particular’ to the ‘universal’ before focusing down again to the required target. The clear picture offered here represents a very important stepping stone towards a better design of information networks and recommendation strategies, as well as the construction of radically new learning paths

    SeeBridge information delivery manual (IDM) for next generation bridge inspection

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    Innovative solutions for rapid and intelligent survey and assessment methods are required in maintenance, repair, retrofit and rebuild of enormous numbers of bridges in service throughout the world. Motivated by this need, a next-generation integrated bridge inspection system named SeeBridge is proposed. To frame the system, an Information Delivery Manual (IDM) was compiled to specify the technical components, activities and information exchanges in the SeeBridge process. The IDM supports development of the system by rigorously defining the information and data repositories that structure bridge engineers' knowledge. The SeeBridge process is mapped, parts of the data repositories are presented and the future use of the IDM is discussed

    The 3-3-1 model with S_4 flavor symmetry

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    We construct a 3-3-1 model based on family symmetry S_4 responsible for the neutrino and quark masses. The tribimaximal neutrino mixing and the diagonal quark mixing have been obtained. The new lepton charge \mathcal{L} related to the ordinary lepton charge L and a SU(3) charge by L=2/\sqrt{3} T_8+\mathcal{L} and the lepton parity P_l=(-)^L known as a residual symmetry of L have been introduced which provide insights in this kind of model. The expected vacuum alignments resulting in potential minimization can origin from appropriate violation terms of S_4 and \mathcal{L}. The smallness of seesaw contributions can be explained from the existence of such terms too. If P_l is not broken by the vacuum values of the scalar fields, there is no mixing between the exotic and the ordinary quarks at the tree level.Comment: 20 pages, revised versio

    Robot rights? Towards a social-relational justification of moral consideration \ud

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    Should we grant rights to artificially intelligent robots? Most current and near-future robots do not meet the hard criteria set by deontological and utilitarian theory. Virtue ethics can avoid this problem with its indirect approach. However, both direct and indirect arguments for moral consideration rest on ontological features of entities, an approach which incurs several problems. In response to these difficulties, this paper taps into a different conceptual resource in order to be able to grant some degree of moral consideration to some intelligent social robots: it sketches a novel argument for moral consideration based on social relations. It is shown that to further develop this argument we need to revise our existing ontological and social-political frameworks. It is suggested that we need a social ecology, which may be developed by engaging with Western ecology and Eastern worldviews. Although this relational turn raises many difficult issues and requires more work, this paper provides a rough outline of an alternative approach to moral consideration that can assist us in shaping our relations to intelligent robots and, by extension, to all artificial and biological entities that appear to us as more than instruments for our human purpose

    The Interplay between Neutrinos and Charged Leptons in the Minimal SU(3)_LxU(1)_N Gauge Model

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    In the minimal SU(3)_LxU(1)_N gauge model with a global L_e-L_mu-L_tau (=L') symmetry and a discrete Z_4 symmetry, it is found that the interplay between neutrinos and charged leptons contained in triplets of \psi^i=(\nu^i_L, \ell^i_L, \ell^{ci}_L) (i=1,2,3) naturally leads to the large mixing angle (LMA) MSW solution. The model includes two (anti)sextet Higgs scalars, S^(0) with L'=0 and S^(+) with L'=2, which, respectively, couple to \psi^1\psi^{2,3} for the electron mass and masses of atmospheric neutrinos and to \psi^{2,3}\psi^{2,3} for the \mu- and \tau-masses and one-loop radiative neutrino masses relevant to solar neutrinos. This mechanism is realized by utilizing an additional residual discrete symmetry supplied by explicitly broken L', which guarantees the absence of tree-level neutrino mass terms of the \psi^{2,3}\psi^{2,3}-type. Pure rotation effects due to the diagonalization of neutrino and charged-lepton mass matrices are estimated to yield \Delta m^2_\odot/\Delta m^2_{atm} \leq (m_e/m_\mu)^{3/2}=O(10^{-4}) but the radiative effects supersede the rotation effects to yield \Delta m^2_\odot/\Delta m^2_{atm}=O(10^{-2}) as the LMA solution.Comment: 16 pages, RevTeX, including 2 figures with typos and misprints corrected and with modifications in sections II-B and V, accepted by Nuclear Physics

    The first super-Earth Detection from the High Cadence and High Radial Velocity Precision Dharma Planet Survey

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    The Dharma Planet Survey (DPS) aims to monitor about 150 nearby very bright FGKM dwarfs (within 50 pc) during 2016-2020 for low-mass planet detection and characterization using the TOU very high resolution optical spectrograph (R\approx100,000, 380-900nm). TOU was initially mounted to the 2-m Automatic Spectroscopic Telescope at Fairborn Observatory in 2013-2015 to conduct a pilot survey, then moved to the dedicated 50-inch automatic telescope on Mt. Lemmon in 2016 to launch the survey. Here we report the first planet detection from DPS, a super-Earth candidate orbiting a bright K dwarf star, HD 26965. It is the second brightest star (V=4.4V=4.4 mag) on the sky with a super-Earth candidate. The planet candidate has a mass of 8.47±0.47MEarth\pm0.47M_{\rm Earth}, period of 42.38±0.0142.38\pm0.01 d, and eccentricity of 0.040.03+0.050.04^{+0.05}_{-0.03}. This RV signal was independently detected by Diaz et al. (2018), but they could not confirm if the signal is from a planet or from stellar activity. The orbital period of the planet is close to the rotation period of the star (39-44.5 d) measured from stellar activity indicators. Our high precision photometric campaign and line bisector analysis of this star do not find any significant variations at the orbital period. Stellar RV jitters modeled from star spots and convection inhibition are also not strong enough to explain the RV signal detected. After further comparing RV data from the star's active magnetic phase and quiet magnetic phase, we conclude that the RV signal is due to planetary-reflex motion and not stellar activity.Comment: 13 pages, 17 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Retrorectal endometrioid cyst: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Developmental cysts are the most common retrorectal cystic lesions in adults, whereas reports of endometrioid cysts in this anatomic location are extremely rare.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 21-year-old nulliparous Greek woman presented with chronic noncyclic pelvic pain, and a retrorectal cyst was diagnosed. The lesion was resected through a laparotomy and, on histologic examination, was found to be an endometrioid cyst. The treatment was completed with a six-month course of a gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue. One year after surgery, the woman remained free of symptoms, and pelvic imaging showed no recurrence of the lesion. Reviewing the literature, we found only three previous reports of an endometrioid cyst in this anatomic location.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In women of reproductive age, endometriosis must be included in the differential diagnosis of retrorectal cysts.</p