12 research outputs found


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    The research investigated “Teaching Reading Comprehension Through Jigsaw Technique” for the seconds grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Cidaun in Jl. Patriot no 10 Cimaragang, Cidaun, Cianjur in the academic year 2019/2020. The aims of the research are to know the significant difference in the result of jigsaw technique and the conventional technique in teaching narrative reading text, and to know the effectiveness by using jigsaw technique in teaching narrative reading text. A quasi experimental design was use to conduct the research. The population of this study was the second grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Cidaun in Cidaun,Cianjur. The sample of this study was 50 students. It was divided into groups. Twenty five students were as experimental group and twenty five were as control group. The experimental group was given the treatment by using jigsaw technique. The researcher gave the test, those were pre-test and post-test. The research finding showed that jigsaw technique is effective. It can be seen from the result after the treatments, t obtained is 9.353. the result of t-table is 2.021 the t-test value is bigger than that of t-table (9.353 > 2.021). It means that jigsaw technique as a technique of teaching narrative reading text to the seconds grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Cidaun in Cidaun, Cianjur has significantly better result than that of the conventional technique. It means that this technique is effective. The writer suggest that the English teacher should apply jigsaw technique in teaching reading, especially in teaching narrative reading text.Keywords: Reading Comprehension, Jigsaw Techniqu


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    This title of this research paper are “The Effectiveness of Teaching Vocabulary Using Pictures”. This is to determine the effect of teaching vocabulary using pictures as a medium of learning English for junior high school students in the first grade. This is to find out how much influence the use of teaching vocabulary using pictures as a medium for learning English for junior high school students in the first grade. The population as a source of data in this study are 30 students, at the first grade student of SMP N 3 Ciwidey. The method used in this study is an experimental design method. The method for collecting data was administering pre–test and post–test. The instrument used in this study is vocabulary test. The researcher finds some conclusion. it showed that the t count = 4.173 was bigger than t table= 2.045 lied on the significant level 0.05 with the DF = 30. (Ha) that states there is significant difference of students’ vocabulary achievement by using pictures was accepted, while the Null Hypothesis (Ho) was reflected. This means that teaching English vocabulary using pictures to the first grade of SMPN 3 Ciwidey is effective


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    This research is entitled “Improving Students' Reading Comprehension in Report Text by Using Fishbone Method”. Therefore, this paper is written to find out whether the use of fishbone method is effective to improve students’ reading comprehension and to find out the student’ response in reading comprehension by using fishbone method. The researcher used the pre-experimental design as the method of this research. The researcher takes 32 students of XI MIPA from SMA Tunas Baru Ciparay as the experimental group. After the researcher got the data, the researcher calculated it using t-test formula. The calculation showed that the t= 5.712 does exceed the tabled critical value of t=2.042, at p=.05 with df= 31 (5.712>2.042), therefore Null Hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. Based on the result of data analysis, it is proven that the students' score of reading report text taught by fishbone method is increase. It meant that fishbone method was effective to improving students’ reading comprehension in report text. Meanwhile based on the result of the questionnaire shows that fishbone method can encourage the student’s interest to read, to follow the learning activity, and students be easier in understanding report text using fishbone method. These all give the researcher conclude that the second-grade students of SMA Tunas Baru Ciparay like fishbone method to improving students’ reading comprehension in report text


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    This research entitled “Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by Using Audio Visual Media” for the first grade students of MTs. Darul Hikam Al-Islami Banjaran in academic of 2020/2021. The aims of this research are to find out the effectiveness of audiovisual media in improving students’ vocabulary mastery at the first grade of MTs. Darul Hikam Al-Islami Banjaran and to know whether or not the students like being taught the vocabulary using audiovisual media. The population of this research is first grade students of MTs. Darul Hikam Al-Islami Banjaran. The sample of this research is 30 students of VIIB. This research applied pre-experimental design which consist of one independent variable in teaching English vocabulary using animation video. The instruments of this research are pre-test, post-test and questionnaire. The pre-test is used to know the students’ vocabulary mastery before the treatments. The post-test is used to know the influence of audiovisual media toward the first grade students. And the Questionnaire in this research is given to analyze the students’ response. The result of the questionnaire is to answer the research question and support the result statement. Then, in this research, the data is analyzed by using t-test formula. The result of this research is showed that there is significant improvement of students’ vocabulary after using audio visual media. This statement can be proven by the t-test = 3.665 does exceed the table critical value of t-table = 2.045, at p = .05 with df = 29 (3.665 > 2.045). It means that the students’ vocabulary from pre-test to post-test is classified successful. And it also means that audiovisual media is effective for teaching vocabulary to the first grade students of Junior High School. Then, from the result of questionnaire above, the researcher found out the students’ response toward audiovisual media in teaching vocabulary is good or in other words, the students give the positive response. It means, the students like being taught the vocabulary using audiovisual media. Therefore, audiovisual media can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery


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    The aims of the study are to know if STAD method is effective to enhance students’ reading comprehension achievement on report text and also to know if the students like being taught in reading on report text through STAD method of first grade student of SMA KP 3 PASEH. The sample of the research is 30 students of MIPA 2. The instruments are pre-test, post-test and questionnaire. The questionnaire is distributed to get students opinion of the use of STAD method in teaching reading on report text. It has ten questions that they need to answer. The result of the research after calculating t-test, the t-observe is bigger than t-table. As the derived t=3.016 exceeds the table critical value of t=2.045, at P=.05 with df=N-1=30-1=29 (3.016 > 2.045). Therefore, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the Null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. It means that STAD method is effective to enhance students’ reading comprehension achievement on report text. Besides that, from the result of the questionnaire, the researcher can conclude that the students’ response toward Students Team Achievement Divisions (STAD) method in learning reading on report text is positive. It means that the students like being taught in reading on report text through STAD method. It also means that students can enhance their skill on reading especially in teaching reading on report text through Students Team Achievement Divisions (STAD) method.Keywords: reading, Students Team Achievement Divisions (STAD) method, report tex


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    This research paper is entitled “The Effectiveness of Know, Wnat, Learned (KWL) strategy to improve reading ability in descriptive text (A Pre-Experimental study done in the Second grade student of junior high school)”. The aim of the reseach is to know whether or not there is significant difference in the students’ score before and after the treatment by using KWL strategy to imfrove their reding ability in descriptive text and to find out the students’ responses through the use of KWL strategy to imfrove their reding ability in descriptive text. The population of this research is the second grade of junior SMPN 2 Banjaran, which consists of 11 class from class A to class K. The writer take 38 students’ as the sample of study. The sample of this reaseach is class B. In this study there is one group, the pre-experiment based on one group pre-test – post-test design was used in this research. The results of the pre-test and post-test were there was difference score after being taught by KWL strategy and significant improvement of the students’ reading ability. The aspect which was influenced the most was identifying main idea. From the computation of pre-test and post-test score the result shows that white the degree of freedom (df)= N ? 1 = 38 ?1 = 37, at p = .05 of two tailed, the value of t-table = 2.042. As the derived t is bigger than that of the t-table (3.971 > 2.021), This means that teaching reading descriptive text using KWL strategy in the second grade of SMPN 2 Banjaran is effective and the students also like being taught with KWL strategy in learning reading descriptive text. It is also supported by the students’ response in questionnaires. The result showed 38 students agree that KWL strategy helped them in understanding the material that was given by teacher, and helped them to understand and found the main ideas from a descriptive text by using KWL strategy. It means the students response is positive about KWL strategy.Key word : KWL strategy, Reading, descriptive text


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    This research is entitled “Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension on Narrative Text by Using Story Mapping, (A Quasi-Experimental Study Done in the Second Grade of Junior High School)”. The aims of the research are to know whether or not Story Mapping is effective to improve students’ reading comprehension on narrative text and to know whether or not Story Mapping is significantly more effective to improve the students’ reading comprehension on narrative text. The subject of the research was the second grade of SMP Tunas Baru Ciparay. The researcher took two classes that each of them consist of 24 students. The sample of the research were VIII-C as the experimental group and VIII-D as the control group. In obtaining the data, the researcher conducted pre-test and post-test. Based on the computation result by using t-test formula, with df = 46 at p = .05 of two-tailed, the critical value of t is 2.021. The result of the pre-test was lower than the critical table (0.001<2.021), which means that there was no significant difference between experimental group and control group before treatment. The result of the post-test was higher than the critical table (3.756>2.021), which means that there was significant difference between experimental group and control group after treatment. It also means that teaching reading comprehension on narrative text by using Story Mapping is significantly more effective than using the conventional method.Keywords : Reading, Narrative Text, Story Mappin


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    title of the research paper was “Improving the students reading skill in finding out the main idea by using paragraph pattern “is submitted to the English Educational study Program of the Faculty of Teachers Training and Educational Sciences of Bale Bandung University as partial fulfillment of the requirements for taking Sarjana Pendidikan degree. The aims of the study are to know the effectiveness of paragraph pattern in improving reading skill to the nine grade of SMP PEMUDA BANJARAN and also to know students’ responses toward the use of Paragraph pattern in teaching reading. In doing the research, the study use a pre-experimental research. The sample of the research are 25 students of SMP PEMUDA BANJARAN. The instruments are pre-test, post-test and questionnaire. The pre-test was given to know how far the students’knowledge and scores before they were given the treatments. And the post-test was given to get the students’ score after the treatments. And then, questionnaire was given to know the students’ responses of using paragraph pattern in teaching reading. The result of the research after calculating the data is with df 25, t-table at the level of significance of .05 for two tailed is 2.064. As to bigger than t-table ( 4.57 > 2.064 ) Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Therefore, this means that this technique is effective. Besides that from the result of questionnaire, the writer can conclude that the students’ responses toward in finding out the main idea by using paragraph pattern in teaching reading is positive. It means that they can improve their ability especially in teaching reading paragraph pattern technique.Keywords : Paragraph pat

    CLASSROOM INTERACTION PATTERNS IN TEAM TEACHING MODEL IN AN EFL CLASSROOM :a qualitative study at an integrated Islamic elementary school

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    This thesis aims to study the patterns of classroom interaction that exists in team teaching model in an EFL classroom. Previous studies on classroom interaction revealed that classroom interaction influences the success of students’ learning and that classroom interaction consists of several patterns. These patterns of classroom interaction are varied which mostly depend on teachers’ belief toward the classroom itself. The present study tried to explore the patterns of classroom interaction that occur in team teaching model. The study also tried to find out the existence of particular patterns of classroom interaction in particular team teaching model. The study was done in an integrated Islamic elementary school in Bandung which has adopted team teaching model. The study involved one class of second graders and two classroom teachers as participants. It employed qualitative study in the perspective of pedagogical microscope in sistemiotic approach to analyze and to find out the patterns of classroom interaction in team teaching model in an EFL classroom. In order to obtain the necessary data the study used video recording, classroom observation and guided interview as instruments. The data which was analyzed by using pedagogical microscope was the transcription from the video recording. The study revealed that in general the classroom interaction is less interactive. It was supported by the research finding that proven the teachers’ belief toward the classroom as the place of knowledge transfer. Thus, the patterns of classroom interaction appeared in it were dominated by teacher =664; students one way of interaction. Other patterns appeared in less dominated form were students =664; students and teacher =664; teacher interaction patterns. The study also revealed that the classroom interaction patterns exist in monitoring model of team teaching. It was obtained based on the observation of teachers’ activity in the classroom and the interview transcription with the classroom’s teachers. The data showed that both teachers work together in the same class and at the same time, and that only one of them is more dominant in English teaching. Both teachers play different role in the classroom. Those characters lead to one model of team teaching which is monitoring model of team teaching. Based on the findings, it is recommended that further analysis by using pedagogical microscope as a research instrument is used. The instrument does not only reveal interactions’ patterns but also evaluates the teaching and learning process in getting further improvement in the innovation of teaching and learning process. Team teaching is also recommended to be implemented in most of EFL classes for its characters in maintaining classroom interactions especially for those who teach in big classes

    Scaffolding Technique Used in Teaching Reading At Baleendah 1 Senior High School.

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    This research paper is entitled “Scaffolding Technique Used in Teaching Reading at Baleendah 1 Senior High School”. This research attempted to answer the following questions: 1) What are scaffolding techniques used by the teacher in teaching reading?   2) How does the teacher implement scaffolding technique in teaching reading ? 3) What is the purpose of each techniques used by the teacher? The research is a descriptive study done in the eleventh grade of Baleendah 1 Senior High School. This research employed a qualitative research design which used two data collection techniques; classroom observation and interview. All of the data were analyzed by using three major phases of analyses: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification. This study revealed that the teachers have used scaffolding technique in teaching reading in three reading stages: pre-reading, whilst-reading and post-reading stage. Based on what Walqui (2006: 170-176) identified, the observed teachers used five main types of scaffolding in teaching reading such as modeling where the teacher uses verbal explanation and body language as s/he elaborates and demonstrates the new material, bridging where students activate prior knowledge, contextualizing which can be offered in various forms, schema building that can be defined as clusters of meaning that are organized and interconnected and developing meta cognition. In addition, the other kind of scaffolding techniques used by the teacher in teaching reading for XI grade students at Baleendah Senior High School as identified by Roehler &Cantlon (1996:112) covers explanation, inviting students’ participation, clarifying and verifying students’ understanding, modeling of desired behavior, inviting students to contribute clues. The teachers conducted the scaffolding technique to make their teaching reading effective. They implemented the technique on the students in the class according to scaffolding principle as what Rodgers, E and Rodgers, A (2004:4) explain that the teacher must be responsive to what learner does, says, acts and need. The purposes of implementing the technique at pre-reading is to build background knowledge by connection of prior knowledge to the activity at hand while affording teachers opportunities to determine the zone in which the child can perform unassisted and/or assist in the others’ performance. At during reading phase the teachers used the kinds of scaffolding for exploring and improving the students’ capability in vocabulary, pronunciation which is to get their reading comprehension by teachers’ guidance and at after reading phase (post reading) the kinds of scaffolding used by the teachers to clarify students’ understanding of the text. These findings recommend that the teachers need to prepare them as learners in academic level, be more aware of the students’ difficulties and problems in reading, consider the importance of reading for students, prepare the suitable and better constructed materials and the exercises in reading class