8 research outputs found

    Economic Consequences of Current Precarious Employment, Alignment Paths and Development Trends

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    The economic crisis associated with the epidemiological situation in the other countries and in Russia in particular has a powerful impact on the level of employment now, and further, according to analysts, the situation will worsen. The unemployment rate is rising, along with the level of employment falling. The role of small business is not only to maintain balance in the labor market, create new jobs and absorb excess labor, but also to develop the economy and ensure the revenue of the state budget. However, to optimize their costs, employers go into the shadows. This problem has always existed; tax control measures have made it possible to solve it for the formal sector of the economy, though it still remains among small businesses. There is a need to develop, improve the efficiency of employment as well as research and optimization of precarious employment. The paper analyzes the category of “precarious employment” conducting a study of both employment and precarious employment in various businesses, identifies promising areas against precarization of employment. Proposals have been made to determine the category of precarious employment in small businesses, to increase the level of employment in certain sectors over the long term