16 research outputs found

    Heavy-meson physics and flavour violation with a single generation

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    We study flavour-violating processes which involve heavy B- and D-mesons and are mediated by Kaluza-Klein modes of gauge bosons in a previously suggested model where three generations of the Standard Model fermions originate from a single generation in six dimensions. We find the bound on the size R of the extra spatial dimensions 1/R>3.3 TeV, which arises from the three-body decay B_s to K mu e. Due to the still too low statistics this bound is much less stringent than the constraint arising from K to mu e, 1/R>64 TeV, which was found in a previous work (Frere et al., JHEP, 2003). Nevertheless, we argue that a clear signature of the model would be an observation of K to mu e and B_s to K mu e decays without observations of other flavour and lepton number changing processes at the same precision level.Comment: 15 page

    See-saw neutrino masses and large mixing angles in the vortex background on a sphere

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    In the vortex background on a sphere, a single 6-dimensional fermion family gives rise to 3 zero-modes in the 4-dimensional point of view, which may explain the replication of families in the Standard Model. Previously, it had been shown that realistic hierarchical mass and mixing patterns can be reproduced for the quarks and the charged leptons. Here, we show that the addition of a single heavy 6-dimensional field that is gauge singlet, unbound to the vortex, and embedded with a bulk Majorana mass enables to generate 4D Majorana masses for the light neutrinos through the see-saw mechanism. The scheme is very predictive. The hierarchical structure of the fermion zero-modes leads automatically to an inverted pseudo-Dirac mass pattern, and always predicts one maximal angle in the neutrino see-saw matrix. It is possible to obtain a second large mixing angle from either the charged lepton or the neutrino sector, and we demonstrate that this model can fit all observed data in neutrino oscillations experiments. Also, U_{e3} is found to be of the order ~0.1.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figur

    Effective Theory Approach to the Spontaneous Breakdown of Lorentz Invariance

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    We generalize the coset construction of Callan, Coleman, Wess and Zumino to theories in which the Lorentz group is spontaneously broken down to one of its subgroups. This allows us to write down the most general low-energy effective Lagrangian in which Lorentz invariance is non-linearly realized, and to explore the consequences of broken Lorentz symmetry without having to make any assumptions about the mechanism that triggers the breaking. We carry out the construction both in flat space, in which the Lorentz group is a global spacetime symmetry, and in a generally covariant theory, in which the Lorentz group can be treated as a local internal symmetry. As an illustration of this formalism, we construct the most general effective field theory in which the rotation group remains unbroken, and show that the latter is just the Einstein-aether theory.Comment: 45 pages, no figures

    Effects of temperature on thick branes and the fermion (quasi-)localization

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    Following Campos's work [Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 141602 (2002)], we investigate the effects of temperature on flat, de Sitter (dS), and anti-de Following Campos's work [Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{88}, 141602 (2002)], we investigate the effects of temperature on flat, de Sitter (dS), and anti-de Sitter (AdS) thick branes in five-dimensional (5D) warped spacetime, and on the fermion (quasi-)localization. First, in the case of flat brane, when the critical temperature reaches, the solution of the background scalar field and the warp factor is not unique. So the thickness of the flat thick brane is uncertain at the critical value of the temperature parameter, which is found to be lower than the one in flat 5D spacetime. The mass spectra of the fermion Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes are continuous, and there is a series of fermion resonances. The number and lifetime of the resonances are finite and increase with the temperature parameter, but the mass of the resonances decreases with the temperature parameter. Second, in the case of dS brane, we do not find such a critical value of the temperature parameter. The mass spectra of the fermion KK modes are also continuous, and there is a series of fermion resonances. The effects of temperature on resonance number, lifetime, and mass are the same with the case of flat brane. Last, in the case of AdS brane, {the critical value of the temperature parameter can less or greater than the one in the flat 5D spacetime.} The spectra of fermion KK modes are discrete, and the mass of fermion KK modes does not decrease monotonically with increasing temperature parameter.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figures, published versio