47 research outputs found

    An adaptive annual rhythm in the sex of first pigeon eggs

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    When the reproductive value of male and female offspring varies differentially, parents are predicted to adjust the sex ratio of their offspring to maximize their fitness (Trivers and Willard, Science 179:90–92, 1973). Two factors have been repeatedly linked to skews in avian offspring sex ratio. First, laying date can affect offspring sex ratio when the sexes differ in age of first reproduction, such that the more slowly maturing sex is overproduced early in the season. Second, position of the egg in the laying sequence of a clutch may affect sex ratio bias since manipulating the sex of the first eggs may be least costly to the mother. We studied both factors in two non-domesticated pigeon species. Both the Wood pigeon (Columba palumbus) and the Rock pigeon (Columba livia) have long breeding seasons and lay two-egg clutches. In the field, we determined the sex of Wood pigeon nestlings. In Rock pigeons, housed in captivity outdoors, we determined embryo sex after 3 days of incubation. On the basis of their sex-specific age of first reproduction, we predicted that males, maturing at older age than females, should be produced in majority early and females later in the year. This was confirmed for both species. The bias was restricted to first eggs. Rock pigeons produced clutches throughout the year and show that the sex of the first egg followed an annual cycle. To our knowledge, this study presents the first evidence of a full annual rhythm in adaptive sex allocation in birds. We suggest that this reflects an endogenous seasonal program in primary sex ratio controlled by a preovulatory mechanism

    Maximal sustainable energy intake during transatlantic ocean rowing is insufficient for total energy expenditure and skeletal muscle mass maintenance

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordData availability statement: Data can be made available upon reasonable request by contacting Professor F. B. Stephens at [email protected] of extreme endurance have suggested that there is an alimentary limit to energy intake (EI) of ∼2.5 × resting metabolic rate (RMR). To gain further insight, this study aimed to simultaneously measure EI, total energy expenditure (TEE) body mass and muscle mass in a large cohort of males and females of varying ages during a transatlantic rowing race. Forty-nine competitors (m = 32, f = 17; age 24–67 years; time at sea 46 ± 7 days) in the 2020 and 2021 Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge rowed 12–18 hday−1 for ∼3000 miles. TEE was assessed in the final week of the row using 2H218O doubly labelled water, and EI was analysed from daily ration packs over this period. Thickness of relatively active (vastus lateralis, intermedius, biceps brachaii and rectus abdominus) and inactive (gastrocnemius, soleus and triceps) muscles was measured pre (<7 days) and post (<24 h) row using ultrasound. Body mass was measured and used to calculate RMR from standard equations. There were no sex differences in males and females in EI (2.5 ± 0.5 and 2.3 ± 0.4 × RMR, respectively, P = 0.3050), TEE (2.5 ± 1.0 and 2.3 ± 0.4 × RMR, respectively, P = 0.5170), or body mass loss (10.2 ± 3.1% and 10.0 ± 3.0%, respectively, P = 0.8520), and no effect of age on EI (P = 0.5450) or TEE (P = 0.9344). Muscle loss occurred exclusively in the calf (15.7% ± 11.4% P < 0.0001), whilst other muscles remained unchanged. After 46 days of prolonged ultra-endurance ocean rowing incurring 10% body mass loss, maximal sustainable EI of ∼2.5 × RMR was unable to meet total TEE suggesting that there is indeed a physiological capacity to EI.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC