3 research outputs found

    <原著>後方からの直腸粘膜切除と回腸貫通術式 : 新しい大腸全摘再建法

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    We reported a new method of restorative proctocolectomy using posterior approach and pull through reconstruction. This method obviated transanal manipulation, a major factor causing damage to the internal sphincter, thus preventing fecal incontinence due to sphincter dysfunction. Also, temporary ileostomy was not necessary becaasue the spout of an S-pouch was pulled down below the anal verge and its distal free end acted as a diverting stoma while the more proximal, healing zone (future anastomotic line) was kept from fecal contamination. This method was applied to a 32-year-old woman with familial polyposis coli and a 50 year old woman with ulcerative colitis. Their bowel movements steadily decreased to three times and five times a day, respectively. There was no fecal leakage or perianal excoriation. The advantages as well as disadvantages of this method compared with the conventional techniques were discussed.後方からの直腸到達法と貫通術式による新しい大腸全摘再建法を報告した. 本法は内肛門括約筋損傷の主因である経肛門操作を必要とせず, 括約筋障害による便失禁を予防できる. またS型貯留嚢の下方遊離断端が肛門外に引き出されて人工肛門の役割を果たし, 口側の回腸肛門癒合帯(将来の吻合線)の便汚染を防ぐために, 一時的回腸瘻造設も不必要である. 本法を32歳の家族性結腸腺腫症の女性と50歳の潰瘍性大腸炎の女性に施行した. 術後便回数は着実に減少し各々1日3回と5回となった. また肛門からの便漏れや皮膚びらんも認めなかった. 本法の利点や欠点を他の方法と比較検討した

    Atypical skin conditions of the neck and back as a dermal manifestation of anti-HMGCR antibody-positive myopathy

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    Abstract Background Immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy (IMNM) is an idiopathic inflammatory myopathy (IIM). Though patients with IMNM were not considered to show skin rash, several reports have showed atypical skin conditions in patients with anti-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase (HMGCR) antibody-positive IMNM (HMGCR-IMNM). The incidence and phenotype of skin conditions in patients with HMGCR-IMNM are not fully known. Results Among the 100 IIM patients diagnosed from April 2015 through August 2022, 34 (34%) presented some form of skin condition, with 27 having typical skin rashes; this included 13 patients with dermatomyositis (DM), 8 with anti-synthetase syndrome (ASS), and 6 with IMNM. Meanwhile, 8 of 19 patients with HMGCR-IMNM (42%) presented atypical skin lesions, but no patients with other IIMs did (p < 0.001). Skin eruption with ash-like scales was observed in four HMGCR-IMNM patients, and non-scaly red patches and lumps in the other four patients; accordingly, their skin manifestations were considered as other dermal diseases except for IIM. However, skin and muscle biopsies revealed the atypical skin conditions of patients with HMGCR-IMNM to have the same pathological background, formed by Bcl-2-positive lymphocyte infiltrations. Conclusions HMGCR-IMNM patients frequently have atypical skin conditions of the neck and back. Skin biopsy specimens from these lesions showed the same Bcl-2-positive lymphocytic infiltrations as muscle biopsy specimens regardless of the different gross dermal findings. Thus, such atypical skin conditions may be suggestive for HMGCR-IMNM

    National trends in the outcomes of subarachnoid haemorrhage and the prognostic influence of stroke centre capability in Japan: retrospective cohort study

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    Objectives To examine the national, 6-year trends in in-hospital clinical outcomes of patients with subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) who underwent clipping or coiling and the prognostic influence of temporal trends in the Comprehensive Stroke Center (CSC) capabilities on patient outcomes in Japan.Design Retrospective study.Setting Six hundred and thirty-one primary care institutions in Japan.Participants Forty-five thousand and eleven patients with SAH who were urgently hospitalised, identified using the J-ASPECT Diagnosis Procedure Combination database.Primary and secondary outcome measures Annual number of patients with SAH who remained untreated, or who received clipping or coiling, in-hospital mortality and poor functional outcomes (modified Rankin Scale: 3–6) at discharge. Each CSC was assessed using a validated scoring system (CSC score: 1–25 points).Results In the overall cohort, in-hospital mortality decreased (year for trend, OR (95% CI): 0.97 (0.96 to 0.99)), while the proportion of poor functional outcomes remained unchanged (1.00 (0.98 to 1.02)). The proportion of patients who underwent clipping gradually decreased from 46.6% to 38.5%, while that of those who received coiling and those left untreated gradually increased from 16.9% to 22.6% and 35.4% to 38%, respectively. In-hospital mortality of coiled (0.94 (0.89 to 0.98)) and untreated (0.93 (0.90 to 0.96)) patients decreased, whereas that of clipped patients remained stable. CSC score improvement was associated with increased use of coiling (per 1-point increase, 1.14 (1.08 to 1.20)) but not with short-term patient outcomes regardless of treatment modality.Conclusions The 6-year trends indicated lower in-hospital mortality for patients with SAH (attributable to better outcomes), increased use of coiling and multidisciplinary care for untreated patients. Further increasing CSC capabilities may improve overall outcomes, mainly by increasing the use of coiling. Additional studies are necessary to determine the effect of confounders such as aneurysm complexity on outcomes of clipped patients in the modern endovascular era