26 research outputs found

    Distance Learning System Based On Web English Course Using Php And Mysql

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    Melihat konsep pembelajaran tradisional yang dilakukan saat ini, para siswa danguru bertemu pada suatu tempat dan waktu tertentu. Sistem pembelajarantradisional ini akan tergantikan dengan sistem pembelajaran jarak jauh yanglebih praktis dan tidak terpengaruh ruang dan waktu, sehingga memberikanmanfaat untuk berbagai kalangan dari pemilik tempat kursus tidak perlumembangun infrastruktur sampai pada manfaat yang dirasakan masyarakat yaitumendapat kesempatan belajar lebih lama, yang tersajikan di dalam websitedengan bahasan meliputi membaca, menulis, percakapan. Di dalampembelajaran jarak jauh fokus utamanya adalah pelajar. Pelajar bersikap mandiridan bertanggung-jawab untuk pembelajarannya. Suasana pembelajaran jarakjauh akan memaksa pelajar memainkan peranan yang lebih aktif dalampembelajarannya. Membiasakan diri terhadap bahasa Inggris sejak usia SDmerupakan salah satu cara terbaik agar anak-anak dapat fasih berbahasa Inggrisdi kemudian hari. Hasil dari sistem pembelajaran jarak jauh berbasis web padakursus Bahasa Inggris dengan bahasa pemprograman php dan mysql untukpemprograman databasenya, ditampilkan dalam bentuk website yang didalamnya ada tomboltombol yang memudahkan siswa untuk belajar tanpa harusdidampingi oleh pengajar. Tombol-tombol tersebut adalah home, kategori,kurikulum, pengajar. Pembelajaran jarak jauh memberikan alternatif pemerataanpendidikan dan memberikan solusi masalah yang terdapat dalam konseppendidikan tradisonal salah satunya adalah letak geografis

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Kimia di Kelas Homogen (Studi Kasus Pembelajaran Kimia di SMA Negeri 11 Banda Aceh)

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    Conceptual understanding of chemistry requires the ability to represent and interpret the problems of chemicals in a form that is easy to understand. One way that allows students to learn chemistry is to implement effective learning activities. This research was conducted in SMA Negeri 11 Banda Aceh. One of the schools with a homogeneous class management systems based on the same gender. The purpose of this study was to determine the learning process for the chemical held in a homogeneous class. Definition of homogeneous classes of this research is the class that is populated by students collectively have the same gender. Observations obtained is the percentage of teachers\u27 activities with a percentage of 71.42% of activities, which means that activities of teachers in the classroom in both categories (51% - 80%). Results of student feedback through a questionnaire, obtained only 32% of students from a total of 88 students who find it easy to understand the chemistry lesson taught over the years, while the remaining amount to 68% of students still find it difficult to understand the chemistry lesson. Chemistry learning in homogeneous classes requires readiness of teachers, both in the preparation of learning tools and also the ability of teachers to manage the classroom, so that learning can be effective

    Far Distance Learning System for Web-based in English Courses Using Php and Mysql

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    Seeing the concept of traditional learning carried out today, the students and teachers met at a certain place and time. Traditional learning systems will be replaced with a distance learning system is more practical and is not affected space and time, thus providing benefits to various groups of owners of the courses do not have to build infrastructure to the benefit of the public felt had the opportunity to learn more, which available on the website with topics including reading, writing, conversation. In the distance learning is the main focus of students. Students to be independent and responsible for learning. Distance learning atmosphere will force the students to play a more active role in learning. Adapt to the English language since primary school age is one of the best ways for children to be fluent in English in the future. Results from a distance learning system on web-based English course with a programming language php and mysql for database programming, website shown in the form in which there are buttons that allows students to learn without being accompanied by instructors. These buttons are home, category, curriculum, teacher. Distance learning provides an alternative educational equity and provide solutions to problems found in the concept of traditional education is one of geographical location

    Metodologi pengajaran agama Islam

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    Perekonomian Indonesia : tantangan dan harapan bagi kebangkitan Indonesia

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    Indeks *** *** Bibliografi hlm.xiv, 376 hlm. :il. ;24 cm