26 research outputs found

    Phase transition in dense low-temperature molecular gases

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    Abstract This work is devoted to an analysis of the thermodynamic and transport properties of high-density low-temperature gases and plasmas. The results of two independent theoretical methods are discussed and compared: path integral Monte Carlo data and results from a new chemical model which takes into account free charged particles, atoms, molecules and molecular ions. The two approaches show good agreement for the equation of state of hydrogen up to the multimegabar range. At low temperature, both show indications of a first-order phase transition. Furthermore, based on the chemical model the electrical conductivity of dense hydrogen and deuterium and the deuterium shock hugoniot are computed


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    The Role of Educational Work in Educational Institutions in Order to Prevent the Influence of Harmful Factors on the Human Body

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    The growing number of allergic diseases among people is a global problem. The article considers the role of educational work among students as an important component of knowledge formation about the causes of allergic diseases, prevention methods and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is established, that this problem is relevant in the world and requires the introduction of a system of measures to overcome it. The prevalence of allergic diseases has tripled in the last 10 years and to date allergies have reached pandemic proportions. The stages of allergic reactions and possible causes of allergic diseases (genetic, environmental, social) are indicated. The result of immunodeficiency as a result of allergies is the development of various complications or chronic diseases that can lead to disability and even death. The complex epidemiological situation in the world with a large increase in the number of allergic diseases requires constant monitoring to understand current trends. It is taken into account, that there are no statistical data on the level of prevalence of allergic diseases among the population of Ukraine, the study of epidemiological and preventive areas is relevant. The problem of allergic manifestations was considered among the applicants for education of Zhytomyr Pharmaceutical Basic Vocational College. It has been found, that students of the college already have certain professional competencies: demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concept of "allergy", the manifestation of allergies, treat the causes and ways of the disease, methods of diagnosing allergens, are informed about historical aspects of disease recognition. It has been proven, that issues, related to allergies, worry students because of the causes of their allergic reactions and diseases. It has been found, that students want to continue to receive and deepen modern knowledge on prevention, causes and types of allergic manifestations and ways to eliminate them. As a result of the analysis the actual questions of students and the necessary answer to them, teachers and specialists-allergists have been revealed. The importance of information work among applicants for pharmaceutical education, which in their daily work will constantly use toxic substances, drugs and cosmetics that contain substances – allergens, has been traced. Substantiation of the need to develop effective systems of actions for prevention, diagnosis and provision of treatment and prevention care to the population has been presente

    A Comparative Study of Iron-Based Film Deposition from Iron Pentacarbonyl at 248 nm and 488 nm

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    Thin film deposition by laser irradiation of Fe(CO)5 at two radiation wavelengths (248 nm and 488 nm) was performed. A perpendicular geometry of irradiation was used. Maximum deposition rates of 14 Å/s at λ = 248 nm and 1.5 Å/s at λ = 488 nm were obtained, indicating a diffusion limited process. SEM analysis of film morphologies showed significant differencies in the nucleation and growth of films deposited at 248 nm and 488 nm. XPS surface analysis revealed a higher carbon content and carbidic phases in the surface of films deposited at 488 nm on SiO2 (quartz) substrates. Oxidized surface Fe phases were found in films, with increasing the exposure time to laser radiation. The film properties are discussed in connection with irradiation conditions and specific mechanisms involved

    Morphological and structural characterizations of CrSi2 nanometric films deposited by laser ablation.

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    The structure and morphology of chromium disilicide (CrSi2) nanometric films grown on 〈1 0 0〉 silicon substrates both at room temperature (RT) and at 740 K by pulsed laser ablation are reported. A pure CrSi2 crystal target was ablated with a KrF excimer laser in vacuum (∼3 × 10-5 Pa). Morphological and structural properties of the deposited films were investigated using Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GID), X-ray reflectivity (XRR), scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). From RBS analysis, the films' thickness resulted of ∼40 nm. This value is in agreement with the value obtained from XRR and TEM analysis (∼42 and ∼38 nm, respectively). The films' composition, as inferred from Rutherford Universal Manipulation Program simulation of experimental spectra, is close to stoichiometric CrSi2. GID analysis showed that the film deposited at 740 K is composed only by the CrSi2 phase. The RT deposited sample is amorphous, while GID and TEM analyses evidenced that the film deposited at 740 K is poorly crystallised. The RT deposited film exhibited a metallic behaviour, while that one deposited at 740 K showed a semiconductor behaviour down to 227 K