46 research outputs found

    Delovanje haloperidola, aminooksisirćetne kiseline i (-)-nuciferina na produženje preživljavanja miševa s tetanusom

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    Introduction. Tetanus, also known as lockjaw, is a very dangerous, infectious, acute, usually afebrile disease characterised by muscle spasms. The causative agent of the disease is the bacterium Clostridium tetani. This pathogen produces a specifc neurotoxin, termed tetanus toxin, with two components: tetanospasmin and tetanolysin. Light chains of tetanospasmin cleavage synaptobrevin, which in turn prevent release of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA into the synaptic cleft. The α-motor neurons are, therefore, under no inhibitory control, as a result of which they undergo sustained excitatory discharge causing the characteristic motor spasms of tetanus. Materials and Methods. In this research, we attempted to normalise disorders caused by tetanus toxin by using haloperidol (at doses of 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 mg/kg b.w.), alone and in combination with (-)-nuciferine (at a dose of 5 mg/kg b.w.) or aminooxyacetic acid (at a dose of 20 mg/kg b.w.). Experiments were conducted on albino mice. Experimental tetanus was induced by application of tetanus toxin. Results and Conclusions. Application of haloperidol (alone and in combination with (-)-nuciferine and aminooxyacetic acid) was carried out 24 h following the application of tetanus toxin. It was found that haloperidol, given alone in a dose of 4 mg/kg, prolonged the average survival time of mice with experimental tetanus by 24.35 h compared to the control animals. Additionally, the combination of haloperidol with (-)-nuciferine slightly, but non-signifcantly, extended survival time , while the combination of haloperidol with aminooxyacetic acid produced the best effect on extension of survival time (mice survived on average 27.74 h longer than control mice).Uvod. Tetanus je veoma opasna, akutna, obično afebrilna bolest koju karakteriše mišićni spazam. Uzročnik obolenja je bakterija Clostridium tetani, koja proizvodi specifčan neurotoksin ili tetanus toksin. Toksin se sastoji od dve komponente: tetanospazmina i tetanolizina. Laki lanac tetanospazmina cepa sinaptobrevin, što za posledicu ima sprečavanje oslobađanje inhibitornog neurotransmitera GABA u sinaptički procep. Funkcija ekscitatornih neurotransmitera ostaje očuvana, te pod njihovim uticajem dolazi do grča skeletne muskulature. Materijali i metode. U ovom istraživanju pokušali smo normalizovati poremećaje uzrokovane tetanus toksinom koristeći haloperidol (u dozama od 4, 5, 6, 7 i 8 mg/ kg t.m.), samostalno i u kombinaciji sa (-)-nuciferinom (u dozi od 5 mg/kg t.m.) i aminooksirćetnom kiselinom (u dozi od 20 mg/kg t.m.). Kompletno istraživanje je sprovedeno na albino miševima. Eksperimentalni tetanus izazvan je aplikacijom tetanus toksina. Rezultati i zaključak. Primena haloperidola (samo i u kombinaciji sa (-)-nuciferinom i aminooksirćetnom kiselinom) vršena je 24 sata nakon aplikacije tetanus toksina. Haloperidol, aplikovan u dozi od 4 mg/kg t.m., produžio je vreme preživljavanja miševa s eksperimentalnim tetanusom za oko 24.35 sati u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu životinja, te smo ovu dozu smatrali jedino opravdanom za dalja istraživanja. Kombinacija haloperidola s (-)-nuciferinom neznatno produžava vreme preživljavanja, dok je kombinacija haloperidola sa aminooksirćetnom kiselinom imala nabolji efekt na produženje ovog perioda. Period preživljavanja je produžen oko 27.74 sata u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu životinja

    Utvrđivanje serotonergičnih receptora 5HT1A tipa u tankom crijevu brojlera primjenom serotonina i njegovih agonista i antagonista

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    Serotonin or 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), is a monoamine neurotransmitter synthesised from L-tryptophan in serotonergic neurons and enterochromaffin cells of the gastrointestinal tract. This neurotransmitter is widely distributed in the animal and plant kingdom and regulates some central and peripheral functions through several types of specific serotonergic (5-HT) receptors. Since it is known that the effect of serotonin, especially in pathological conditions, is very important, we believe that determining the types of receptors for this substance would make it possible to use their agonist or antagonists, which would undoubtedly enhance the pharmacotherapy of functional disruption of the small intestine in broilers. Investigations were carried out on isolated smooth muscle strips of the circular and longitudinal layer of the broiler small intestine (strip dimension 3-4 mm x 2 cm). The muscle strips were placed in an isolated organ bath. The mechanical activity of the preparations was recorded via an isotonic force transducer coupled to a pen recorder. This was done following the addition of serotonin (nonselective 5-HT agonist), 8-OH-DPAT (selective 5-HT1A agonist) and spiroxatrin (selective 5-HT1A antagonist). The sensitivity of the tissues to acetylcholine was tested before starting the experiments. Using the obtained results, it can be concluded that 5HT1A type receptors are present in smooth muscles of the broiler small intestine, duodenum and ileum, especially in the longitudinal smooth muscle layer which reacted with contractions even to low serotonin concentration (10-6), but not in the jejunum.Serotonin ili 5-hidroksitriptamin (5-HT) je monoaminski neurotransmiter kojeg iz L-triptofana sintetišu serotonergični neuroni i enterohrmofine ćelije gastrointestinalnog trakta. Ovaj neurotransmiter se nalazi kod velikog broja životinja i biljaka i reguliše neke centralne i periferne funkcije posredstvom nekoliko tipova specifičnih serotonergičnih (5- HT) receptora. Pošto je poznato da je efekat serotonina,posebno u patološkim uslovima, veoma značajan, mi mislimo da određivanje tipa receptora za ovu supstancu može učiniti mogućom upotrebu njenih agonista ili antagonista, što bi nedvosmisleno povećalo farmakoterapiju poremećaja funkcije tankog creva kod brojlera. Istraživanja su izvršena na izolovanim trakama glatkih mišića kružnog i uzdužnog sloja tankog creva brojlera (dimenzije trake 3-4 mm x 2 cm). Trake mišića su bile stavljane u kupatila za izolovane organe. Mehanička aktivnost preparata je registrovana pomoću izotoničnog transdjusera povezanog sa štampačem. Registrovanje je vršeno posle dodavanja serotonina (neselektivni 5-HT agonist), 8-OH-DPAT (selektivni agonist) i spiroksatrina (selektivni 5-HT1A antagonist). Osetljivost tkiva na acetilholin testirana je pre početka eksperimenta. Imajući u vidu dobijene rezultate može se zaključiti da su receptori 5HT1A tipa prisutni u glatkim mišićima tankog creva brojlera, duodenumu i ileumu, posebno u uzdužnom sloju glatkih mišića koji je reagovao kontrakcijama čak i na niske koncentracije serotonina (10-6), ali ne i u jejunumu

    Utvrđivanje histaminskih receptora h1 tipa u tankom crevu brojlera primenom histamina i nekih njegovih agonista i antagonista

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    Histamine is a biologically active amine (biogenic amine) that has a broad spectra of physiologic and pathologic reactions in the organism. Its effects are shown through 4 types of specific receptors (H1, H2, H3 and H4). Histamine is one of the main causes of intestine disorders and the occurrence of diarrhea, both of which are very common in broilers. Whilst there is no information in scientific literature about the presence of histaminic receptors in smooth muscles of the small intestine wall of broilers (duodenum, jejunum and ileum), we tried to determine their presence, distribution and type in this kind of muscles. Investigations were carried out on isolated smooth muscles of the circular and longitudinal layer of the broiler small intestine (strip dimension 3-4 mm x 2 cm). The muscle strip was then placed in an isolated organ bath and the contractions obtained were registered with isometric transducers on a two-channel printer. This was done following the addition of histamine, betahistine (H1 agonist), and mepiramine (H1 antagonist). Muscle vitality was checked by adding acethylcholine chloride. Using the obtained results, it can be concluded that H1 types of histaminergic receptors are present in smooth muscles of the small intestine of broilers. .Histamin je biološki aktivni amin (biogeni amin) koji ima širok spektar fizioloških i patoloških delovanja u organizmu. Svoje delovanje ispoljava preko četiri tipa specifičnih receptora (H1, H2, H3i H4). Histamin je jedan od glavnih uzroka poremećaja funkcije creva i nastanka proliva, koji su kod brojlera česti. Pošto u stručnoj literaturi nema podataka o zastupljenosti histaminskih receptora u glatkoj muskulaturi zida tankog creva (duodenuma, jejunuma i ileuma) brojlera, pokušali smo utvrditi njihovu zastupljenost, distribuciju i vrstu u ovoj muskulaturi. Ispitivanja su vršena na izoliranoj glatkoj muskulaturi cirkularnog i longitudinalnog sloja sva tri dela tankog creva brojlera (strip dimenzija 3-4 mm x 2 cm). Mišićni strip je postavljen u kupatilo za izolirane organe, a izazvane kontrakcije su registrovane na dvokanalnom pisaču izometrijskim transdjuserima, nakon dodavanja histamina, betahistina (H1 agonist) i mepiramina (H1 antagonist). Vitalnost glatke muskulature tankog creva brojlera smo proveravali dodavanjem acetilholina. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata se može zaključiti da su histaminergični receptori H1 tipa zastupljeni u glatkoj muskulaturi sva tri segmenta tankog creva brojlera

    Rezidue nitrofurana u namirnicama animalnog porekla

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    Nitrofurans are synthetic broad-spectrum antimicobial agents that are often used in commercial animal production because of their excellent antibacterial and pharmacokinetic properties. However, nitrofurans and their metabolites have been shown to have potentially carcinogenic and mutagenic characteristics which has led to a ban on the use of nitrofurans in preventive and therapeutic treatment of animals used for food production. Metabolites of nitrofurans that can be determined after their application are: a metabolite of furazolidone, furaltadone metabolite, a metabolite of nitrofurantoin and nitrofurazone metabolite. The presence of residues of nitrofuran antibiotics in meat, fish and shrimps, and milk and eggs originating from countries outside the European Union is monitored and recorded by the RASFF system of the European Union. Furthermore, since nitrofurans are used in some countries as prophylactic agents and growth promoters, it is necessary to carry out constant control of various types of food of animal origin, in order to reduce to the minimum potential carcinogenic and mutagenic effects of these supstances for the health of consumers. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, there is no permanent control of nitrofurans in food of animal origin. The provisions of the 'Regulation on the maximum allowable amounts of veterinary drugs and pesticides in products of animal origin', published in the Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina state the prohibiting of the use of certain veterinary drugs in animals intended for human consumption, including nitrofurans. The European Union has established the minimum required limit (MRLP) for performance which is 1 μg/kg of nitrofurans for edible tissues of animal origin. Taking all this into account, methods for nitrofurans detection should be accreditated and validated, both for screening and confirmatory methods, and further research into the presence of nitrofurans in food of animal origin in Bosnia and Herzegovina should be performed.Nitrofurani su sintetski antimikrobici širokog spektra koji se često koriste u masovnoj animalnoj proizvodnji zbog svojih odličnih antibakterijskih i farmakokinetičkih svojstava. Međutim, nitrofurani i njihovi metaboliti su pokazali da imaju potencijalne kancerogene i mutagene karakteristike, zbog čega je zabranjena njihova upotreba u profilaksi i terapiji životinja koje se koriste za proizvodnju hrane. Metaboliti nitrofurana koji se mogu utvrditi nakon njihove aplikacije su: metabolit furazolidona, metabolit furaltadona, metabolit nitrofurantoina i metabolit nitrofurazona. Prisustvo rezidua nitrofurana u mesu, ribi i škampima, te mleku i jajima poreklom iz zemalja van Evropske unije se prati i beleži putem RASFF sistema Evropske unije. Pošto se nitrofurani još uvek koriste u nekim zemljama kao profilaktička sredstva i promotori rasta, potrebno je sprovoditi stalnu kontrolu različitih vrsta namirnica animalnog porekla. U Bosni i Hercegovini ne postoji stalna kontrola nitrofurana u namirnicama animalnog porekla. U odredbama 'Pravilnika o maksimalno dozvoljenim količinama veterinarskih lekova i pesticida u proizvodima životinjskog porekla' objavljenog u Službenom glasniku Bosne i Hercegovine se navodi zabrana primene određenih veterinarskih lekova kod životinja koje se koriste za proizvodnju hrane namenjene ishrani ljudi, među kojima se nalaze i nitrofurani. Evropska Unija je ustanovila i minimalnu potrebnu granicu performance (MRPL) metoda koja iznosi 1 μg/kg nitrofurana za jestiva tkiva životinjskog porekla. Uzevši sve ovo u obzir, trebalo bi izvršiti akreditaciju i validaciju metoda, kako 'screening' tako i konfirmativnih, te nakon toga ponovo sprovesti daljnja istraživanja prisustva nitrofurana u namirnicama animalnog porekla u Bosni i Hercegovini

    Importance of clinical applications of thymol

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    Timol (2-izopropil-5 metilfenol) je prirodni spoj iz grupe monoterpenskih fenola. Ovi fenoli su prisutni u eteričnim uljima mnogih biljaka iz porodice Labiateae, koji se već stoljećima koriste u narodnoj medicini. Tijekom dugogodišnje uporabe, ustanovljeno je da timol ima, uz antiseptičko, spazmolitičko i antihelmintičko djelovanje. Antimikrobni spektar timola je širok, jer djeluje na Gram-pozitivne i Gram-negativne bakterije, gljivice i kvasnice. Kao prirodna alternativa antibioticima, za razliku od brojnih antibiotika s baktericidnim djelovanjem, napada organele bakterije, posebice enzime respiratornih organa, koji su vezani za mezosome stanične membrane. Na ovaj način dolazi do potpunog uništavanja patogenih aerobnih bakterija, jer dolazi do blokiranja staničnog disanja (respiracije) i smrti bakterije. Danas se timol s uspjehom koristi kako u humanoj, tako i u veterinarskoj medicini. U veterinarskoj se praksi koristi u različitih vrsta životinja u terapiji respiratornih bolesti, a naročito u pčelarstvu, jer ima dobar akaricidni učinak u vrlo malim koncentracijama. Točan mehanizam akaricidnog djelovanja timola još uvijek nije dovoljno poznat. Smatra se da je neurotoksično djelovanje timola na oktopaminergičke neurone grinja i kukaca posredovano GABA(A)-R receptorima. Najvjerojatnije da je ugibanje grinja posljedica njihovog gušenja. Timol se brzo resorbira iz gastrointestinalnog sustava, metabolizira oksidacijom i glukuronidacijom te brzo (u prva 24 sata od aplikacije) izlučuje putem urina i to manjim dijelom u nepromijenjenom i većim dijelom u obliku glukuronida i/ ili konjugiranih sulfata. Timol je prirodna i sigurna aktivnu tvar za koju nije potrebno utvrđivati MRL te je uvršten Aneksom II u listu tvari bez karencije. U istraživanjima provedenim na nekim pčelinjim proizvodima (med i vosak) provjeravane su rezidue timola, te je ustvrđeno da timol, kao prirodna tvar predstavlja dobru alternativu sintetičkim akaricidima, naročito zbog toga što ne predstavljaju rizik po zdravlje. Pri procjeni rizika Stručnog vijeća za arome Vijeća Europe 1992., određena je gornja granica za timol u hrani od 50 mg/kg, a u piću od 10 mg/ kg. Tijekom kliničkih ispitivanja različitih ljekovitih pripravaka koji sadržavaju timol na pčelinjim zajednicama nisu zabilježeni štetni učinci nakon primjene u terapijskim koncentracijama. Timol ne djeluje teratogeno, kancerogeno niti mutageno.Thymol (2-isopropyl-5-methylphenol) is a natural compound from a group of monotherpentinic phenols. These phenols are present in the essential oils of many plants of the Labiateae family, which are used in the folk medicine for centuries. During this long-term period, it is established that thymol has, together with antiseptic and spasmolytic, also antihelmintic action. Thymol antimicrobial spectrum is wide because it acts on Gram-positive and Gram- negative bacteria, fungi and yeasts. As a natural alternative to antibiotics, unlike many traditional antibiotics with bactericidal action, thymol attacks bacterial organelles, especially respiratory chain enzymes, which are linked to mesosomes of the cell membranes, which leads to complete destruction of pathogenic aerobic bacteria results due to a blockage of the cellular respiration and death of the bacteria. During numerous in vitro and in vivo studies conducted with thymol, it has been proved that thymol has antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, spasmolytic and anthelmintic effects. It has a wide spectrum of effects against both, Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, yeasts and molds. Nowadays, thymol is used successfully both in human and in veterinary medicine. In veterinary practice, it is used with different species of animals in the treatment of respiratory diseases. Also, it is widely used in beekeeping as a good acaricide at very low concentrations. The exact mechanism of acaridical action of thymol is still not sufficiently known. General idea is that timol acaricidal action is mediated via GABA (A) receptor-R, leading to a neurotoxic effect on the octopaminergic nerves of ticks and insects. Most likely, the death of the ticks is the result of their choking. Thymol is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal system, metabolized by oxidation and glucuronidation, and rapidly (in the first 24 hours of application) excreted via urine, and to a small extent in the unchanged and in large part in the form of glucuronides and / or conjugated sulphates. Additionally, it was found that thymol is quickly reabsorbed from the site of administration, promptly metabolized and rapidly excreted from the organism. Thymol is a natural and safe active substance for which MRL is not established, and it is listed in Annex II of the List of substances without withdrawal period. During the investigation of thymol residues in some bee products (honey and wax) it was found that treatments with this natural substance can be considered to be good alternatives for synthetic acaricides, especially because they do not represent a sanitary risk. Thymol has been evaluated 1992 by the Committee of Expert on Flavorings Substances of the Council of Europe. Thymol is listed among the substances that are permitted as flavouring agents. An upper limit for inclusion of thymol in food has been established at 50 mg/kg and in beverages at 10 mg/kg. During clinical trials of the various medicinal preparations containing thymol on bee-keeping communities, at the established therapeutic concentrations, no adverse effects have been observed. Thymol did not show any theratogenic, mutagenic or carcinogenic effects

    Tannins from Sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa)

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    Ekstrakt drveta pitomog kestena je smjesa taninskih i netaninskih komponenti. Od taninskih komponenti najzastupljeniji glikozidi su kastalagin i veskalagin, koji su i najvažniji, jer imaju terapijsko djelovanje. Tijekom provedenih in vitro i in vivo ispitivanja ustvrđeno je da tanini ekstrakta drveta pitomog kestena imaju antidiuretsko, adstringentno, antivirusno, antimikrobno, antiprotozoalno i antihelmintičko djelovanje. Isto tako djeluju i kao antikancerogene tvari. Tanini učestvuju u interakciji s membranskim strukturama nekih mikroorganizama pa na taj način izazivaju smanjenje permeabiliteta stanične membrane. Ovo antimikrobno djelovanje je u prednosti u odnosu na djelovanje antibiotika, jer tanini izazivaju samo inhibiciju rasta mikroflore, ali ne i njenu destrukciju. Tanini unešeni p.o. u terapijskim koncentracijama (2-5%) se ne resorbiraju, tako da ne mogu izazvati farmakodinamičke učinke na drugim sustavima. U crijevima se hidrolizom potpuno biotransformiraju do polifenola (galne, digalne i elagne kiseline) i glukoze, kao osnovnih komponenti. U mokraći se mogu ustvrditi samo razgradni produkti tanina u obliku glukuronida. U terapijskim koncentracijama tanini vrlo slabo djeluju na kožu, dok na sluznice djeluju adstringentno. U većim koncentracijama mogu prouzročiti propadanje površnih pa i dubljih slojeva sluznica i granulacionog tkiva. Imajući u vidu činjenicu da ne pokazuju teratogene, kancerogene, niti mutagene učinke, može se zaključiti da su tanini sasvim sigurni prirodni lijekovi. Ako se ovom dodaju i njihova brojna korisna farmakodinamična djelovanja, onda se može zaključiti da bi se tanini trebali češće i obimnije upotrebljavati u veterinarskoj medicini.Extract of chestnut is a mixture of tannic and non-tannic components. The most common tannic components are the glycosides castalagin and vescalagin, which have a therapeutic effect. In conducted studies in vitro and in vivo, it was found that the tannin extract of chestnut has anti-diarrhoeal, astringent, antiviral, antimicrobial, antiprotozoal and anthelmintic properties. At the same time, it was found that the tannin extract of chestnut has anti-carcinogenic properties. Tannin interacts with the membrane structures of certain microorganisms, and thus decreases the permeability of the cell membrane. This antimicrobial activity is advantageous in terms of the action of antibiotics, because tannins only cause the inhibition of microflora growth but not its destruction. Ingested tannins at therapeutic concentrations (2- 5%) cannot be absorbed and so cannot cause pharmacodynamic effects on the other organic systems. In the intestines, by means of hydrolysis, they are completely biotransformed into polyphenols (gallic, digallic and elastic acids) and glucose. In the urine, only the degradation products of tannin in the form of glucuronide can be identified. In therapeutic concentrations, tannins have an insignificant effect on the skin, while on mucous membranes they act astringently. At higher concentrations, tannins may lead to degradation of superficial, and even deeper layers of mucous membranes and granulation tissue. Given that they do not show teratogenic, mutagenic or carcinogenic effects, everything indicates that tannins should be more often and more extensively used as safe veterinary drugs

    Determinación de la presencia de los hongos Aspergillus flavus y Aspergillus parasiticus en la carne de res seca

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    Za potrebe istraživanja ukupno je uzeto 139 uzoraka goveđeg suhog mesa od individualnih i industrijskih proizvođača suhomesnatih proizvoda. Kada su u pitanju zanatlijski proizvođači sa sarajevskog tržišta, uzorkovano je ukupno 110 uzoraka goveđeg suhog mesa u rinfuznom stanju i vakuum pakovanju. Također, ispitano je ukupno 29 uzoraka goveđeg suhog mesa porijeklom od industrijskih proizvođača, u rinfuzi i vakuum pakovanju. Cilj je istraživanja bio izolirati potencijalno prisutne gljivice Aspergillus flavus i Aspergillus parasiticus i odrediti njihovo prisustvo u spomenutim suhomesnatim proizvodima.139 samples of dry beef meat were taken for the research purposes from the individual and industrial manufacturer of charcuterie. Regarding craft manufacturers from the Sarajevo market, the total of 110 samples of dry beef meat was sampled in bulk and vacuum packaging. Also, the total of 29 samples of dry beef meat was examined from the industrial manufacturers, both in bulk and vacuum packaging. The aim of the research was to isolate potentially present Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus fungi and determine their presence in the mentioned charcuterie.Die primäre Bedeutung für die Qualität traditioneller Fleischprodukte liegt in der Wahl des Schweinegenotyps für die Produktion der Fleischrohstoffe. Nicht alle Schweinegenotypen sind für die Herstellung von Dauerfleischprodukten gleichermaßen geeignet. Die Wahl des Genotyps hängt auch vom System ab, wie das Schwein während der Mast gehalten wurde. Für die Schweinemast im offenen und halb offenen System sind weniger produktive und widerstandsfähigere Rassen geeignet, und für die Intensivmast im geschlossenen System sind Schweinegenotypen geeignet, die eine gute Qualität der Schweinehälften und des Fleisches bei höherem Körpergewicht ergeben. Die Wahl des Schweinegenotyps hat bedeutenden Einfluss auf die Produktivität der Schweine während der Mast (täglicher Zuwachs, Futterverwertung), auf die Qualität ihrer Rümpfe (Hälften) und mittelbar auch auf die Qualität der Dauerfleischprodukte.Per le esigenze della ricerca sono stati prelevati 139 campioni di carne bovina essiccata da produttori artigianali e industriali di salumi. Per quanto riguarda i produttori artigianali operanti sul mercato di Sarajevo, sono stati prelevati 110 campioni d’insaccati commercializzati in parte alla rinfusa, in parte sottovuoto. L’analisi ha anche riguardato complessivamente 29 campioni di carne bovina essiccata di produzione industriale, anch’essi commercializzati in parte alla rinfusa, in parte sottovuoto. Scopo della ricerca era quello d’isolare la potenziale presenza dei funghi Aspergillus flavus e Aspergillus parasiticus e stabilire la loro presenza negli anzidetti prodotti insaccati.Para fines de investigación fueron tomadas 139 muestras de la carne de res seca de los productores individuales e industriales de los productos cárnicos crudo-curados. Cuando se trata de la fabricación artesanal de carne en el mercado de Sarajevo, fueron muestreadas 110 muestras de la carne de res seca a granel y envasadas al vacío. También fueron investigadas 29 muestras de la carne de res seca de los productores industriales, a granel y envasadas al vacío. El objetivo de la investigación fue aislar hongos Aspergillus flavus y Aspergillus parasiticus potencialmente presentes, y determinar su presencia en los productos cárnicos crudo-curados mencionados


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    Akvakultura kao poljoprivredna djelatnost u našoj zemlji je u stanjuproizvoditi velike količine ribe različitih vrsta i kategorija. Klimatske i geografskekarakteristike naše zemlje, njen reljef i razvoj poljoprivredne proizvodnje kao ipoštovanje principa „održivog razvoja”, mjesta i značaja ribarstva u višenamjenskomkorišćenju voda, moraju da određuju pravac razvoja proizvodnje pastrmki ubudućnosti. Najvažnija riblja vrsta koja se uzgaja u pastrmskim ribnjacima kodnas je kalifornijska pastrmka, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792). Osim što jegajenje ove vrste ribe privlačno za veliki broj proizvođača, s obzirom na mogućnostpostizanja visokih prinosa, nju odlikuje i značajna tolerantnost na variranjamikroambijentalnih uvjeta okoliša. S obzirom za značaj proizvodnje ribe u Bosni iHercegovini, koja je jedna od rijetkih grana prehrambenog sektora koja je uspjelaispuniti međunarodne standarde i postavljene kriterije te osigurati izlazak na tržištezemalja Europske unije, neophodno je ustanoviti optimalne uslove koji obezbjeđujuvisoku produktivnost salmonidnog gospodarstva. Proučavanje reproduktivnogciklusa može dati vrlo precizne i značajne rezultate o stanju organizma za vrijemeovog vrlo složenog fiziološkog procesa, kao i populacije u datom ekosistemu


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    Aquaculture as an agricultural activity in our country is capable ofproducing large amounts of different types and categories of fish. Climate andgeographic characteristics of our country, the terrain and development of agriculturalproduction as well as compliance with the principle of “sustainable development”,the position and importance of fishery in a multipurpose water utilization, mustdetermine the direction of development of the future trout production. The mostimportant type of fish grown in the trout fisheries in BiH is the rainbow trout,Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792). In addition to the fact that growing thistype of fish is attractive to many producers, considering the high yield potential,it is also characterized by a significant level of tolerance to varying microambientconditions of the environment. Given the importance of fish production in Bosniaand Herzegovina, which is one of the rare branches of food sector that has fulfilledthe international standards and criteria and secured access to the markets of the EUcountries, it is necessary to establish optimal conditions to ensure high productivityof salmonid fisheries. Studying the reproductive cycles can provide very preciseand significant results of the overall condition of the entire organism during thisvery complex physiological process and of the overall population in the respectiveecosystem

    Household chemicals as possible causes of poisoning and environmental pollution

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    Nowadays, in order to maintain cleanliness in our houses, as well as to maintain personal hygiene, numerous chemical agents are used every day. Dishwashing detergents are used the most, followed by laundry detergents, various soaps and hair shampoos, and not infrequently descaling agents, for cleaning ovens, unclogging drainage and sewage pipes, neutralizing unpleasant odours, etc. Although their number is growing day by day, most people do not realize the consequences, or at least not enough, and especially not about their potentially toxic effects. In fact, a great deal of the population do not consider household chemicals a particular problem, which is true, if they are used in the prescribed manner. However, the fact that these agents can cause harmful effects in humans and animals, and even participate in environmental pollution, is more than a sufficient reason to pay more attention to these agents, that is, to talk about them more and obtain more information for that matter. Particularly since there are authors who believe that some of the mentioned agents can even cause cancer, asthma or birth defects, i.e. infertility. Household chemicals can be divided in several ways, and one of the classifications is the one made according to the place of use. According to this division, the products we use every day at home can be roughly divided into those used for cleaning and maintaining hygiene in kitchens, used for the same purposes in bathrooms (including those used for personal hygiene ), and the products used in rooms and on terraces (flower protection)