661 research outputs found


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    Mechanochemistry involves milling reagents to induce reactions and is considered a greener alternative to solution-based synthesis. This work will address the mechanochemical syntheses of the α- and β-isomers of ditetradecyl 2,2\u27-bipyridine-4,4\u27- dicarboxylate complexes of palladium as well as the kinetics of these reactions. This work will also address the improved mechanochemical synthesis of 1,3-dimethyl benzimidazolium iodide as well as its kinetics. The study of ditetradecyl 2,2\u27-bipyridine-4,4\u27-dicarboxylate complexes of palladium utilized 1H NMR spectroscopy for kinetic analysis. The total reaction completion time for PdLα14I2 was 55 minutes while the total reaction completion time for PdLβ14I2 was 600 minutes. Based on coefficients of determination, it was ascertained that only the Johnson-Mehl-Avarami-Yerofeev-Kolmogrov (JMAYK) model could be used to fit both reactions. Values of the rate constant, �� obtained from the JMAYK model for PdLα14I2 were 0.05±0.01 min-1 while values of �� from the JMAYK model for PdLβ14I2 were 0.011±0.008 min-1 and 0.005±0.004 min-1 for mixing and non-mixing, respectively. These decreased values for PdLβ14I2 were consistent with the rate differences observed during milling for both complexes. Average values of �� obtained for PdLα14I2 were 1.1±0.2 and indicate pre-existing nucleation sites are present on the material before milling as well as two-dimensional growth. While average �� values obtained for PdLβ14I2were 0.5±0.1 and 0.30±0.06 for mixing and non-mixing, respectively. These values also indicate pre existing nucleation sites are present on the material prior to mixing, however, growth is one-dimensional. The differences in growth cause the differences in observed reaction rates between the two complexes. Values of nucleation, ��1 and autocatalytic growth, ��′2 for PdLα14I2 were 0.04±0.02 min-1 and 0.02±0.03 min-1. While values of ��1 for PdLβ14I2 were 0.01±0.01 min-1 and 0.004±0.002 min-1 for mixing and non-mixing, respectively. However, values of ��′2 were consistently negative, therefore; restricted modeling was utilized to only yield positive values. This gave values of zero for both mixing and non-mixing, which would indicate autocatalytic growth does not occur during the synthesis of PdLβ14I2. Differences in the physical properties of the complexes were observed throughout milling as α-substituted reactions yielded products that were soft while β-substituted reactions yielded products that were hard and sticky. Finally, this work will address the improved mechanochemical synthesis of 1,3 dimethyl benzimidazolium iodide where both LAG (liquid assisted grinding) and neat methods were utilized. Kinetic analysis for this study also utilized 1H NMR spectroscopy. For neat methods, complete conversion occurred within 350 minutes, whereas complete conversion for LAG methods occurred at 600 minutes. Coefficients of determination were found to be between 0.9834-0.9951 and 0.9450-0.9912 for JMAYK and Finke Watzky (FW) models, respectively. Values of �� from the JMAYK model for neat methods were 5.644x10-3 min-1and 5.246x10-3 min-1while the �� value obtained for the LAG methods were smaller. This was consistent with the differences in rates observed during the course of the reactions. Values of �� cannot be broken down to give information of nucleation and growth as the values obtained were larger than four for the neat methods. This would indicate, however, that increasing nucleation is occurring. Values of ��1 and ��′2 for neat methods were also similar to each other while the values of ��1 were in between those of neat methods. Values of ��′2 were smaller than that of the LAG methods which was consistent with the reaction rates observed. Due to the slow reaction times for LAG methods, it was determined that LAG methods actually hindered conversion to product

    Attentional differences in a driving hazard perception task in adults with autism spectrum disorders

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    The current study explored attentional processing of social and non social stimuli in ASD within the context of a driving hazard perception task. Participants watched videos of road scenes and detected hazards while their eye movements were recorded. Although individuals with ASD demonstrated relatively good detection of driving hazards, they were slower to orient to hazards. Greater attentional capture in the time preceding the hazards’ onset was associated with lower verbal IQ. The findings suggest that individuals with ASD may distribute and direct their attention diferently when identifying driving hazards

    Androgen receptor phosphorylation at serine 515 by Cdk1 predicts biochemical relapse in prostate cancer patients

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    <br>Background:Prostate cancer cell growth is dependent upon androgen receptor (AR) activation, which is regulated by specific kinases. The aim of the current study is to establish if AR phosphorylation by Cdk1 or ERK1/2 is of prognostic significance.</br> <br>Methods: Scansite 2.0 was utilised to predict which AR sites are phosphorylated by Cdk1 and ERK1/2. Immunohistochemistry for these sites was then performed on 90 hormone-naive prostate cancer specimens. The interaction between Cdk1/ERK1/2 and AR phosphorylation was investigated in vitro using LNCaP cells.</br><br>Results:Phosphorylation of AR at serine 515 (pAR(S515)) and PSA at diagnosis were independently associated with decreased time to biochemical relapse. Cdk1 and pCdk1(161), but not ERK1/2, correlated with pAR(S515). High expression of pAR(S515) in patients with a PSA at diagnosis of ≤20 ng ml(-1) was associated with shorter time to biochemical relapse (P=0.019). This translated into a reduction in disease-specific survival (10-year survival, 38.1% vs 100%, P<0.001). In vitro studies demonstrated that treatment with Roscovitine (a Cdk inhibitor) caused a reduction in pCdk1(161) expression, pAR(S515)expression and cellular proliferation.</br> <br>Conclusion: In prostate cancer patients with PSA at diagnosis of ≤20 ng ml(-1), phosphorylation of AR at serine 515 by Cdk1 may be an independent prognostic marker.</br&gt

    Supportive Self-Management Program for People With Chronic Headaches and Migraine: A Randomized Controlled Trial and Economic Evaluation.

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Chronic headache disorders are a major cause of pain and disability. Education and supportive self-management approaches could reduce the burden of headache disability. We tested the effectiveness of a group educational and supportive self-management program for people living with chronic headaches. METHODS: This was a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. Participants were aged 18 years or older with chronic migraine or chronic tension-type headache, with or without medication overuse headache. We primarily recruited from general practices. Participants were assigned to either a 2-day group education and self-management program, a one-to-one nurse interview, and telephone support or to usual care plus relaxation material. The primary outcome was headache related-quality of life using the Headache Impact Test (HIT)-6 at 12 months. The primary analysis used intention-to-treat principles for participants with migraine and both baseline and 12-month HIT-6 data. RESULTS: Between April 2017 and March 2019, we randomized 736 participants. Because only 9 participants just had tension-type headache, our main analyses were on the 727 participants with migraine. Of them, 376 were allocated to the self-management intervention and 351 to usual care. Data from 586 (81%) participants were analyzed for primary outcome. There was no between-group difference in HIT-6 (adjusted mean difference = -0.3, 95% CI -1.23 to 0.67) or headache days (0.9, 95% CI -0.29 to 2.05) at 12 months. The Chronic Headache Education and Self-management Study intervention generated incremental adjusted costs of £268 (95% CI, £176-£377) (USD383 [95% CI USD252-USD539]) and incremental adjusted quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) of 0.031 (95% CI -0.005 to 0.063). The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was £8,617 (USD12,322) per QALY gained. DISCUSSION: These findings conclusively show a lack of benefit for quality of life or monthly headache days from a brief group education and supportive self-management program for people living with chronic migraine or chronic tension-type headache with episodic migraine. TRIAL REGISTRATION INFORMATION: Registered on the International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number registry, ISRCTN79708100 16th December 2015 doi.org/10.1186/ISRCTN79708100. The first enrollment was April 24, 2017. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study provides Class III evidence that a brief group education and self-management program does not increase the probability of improvement in headache-related quality of life in people with chronic migraine

    RNA secondary structure prediction from multi-aligned sequences

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    It has been well accepted that the RNA secondary structures of most functional non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) are closely related to their functions and are conserved during evolution. Hence, prediction of conserved secondary structures from evolutionarily related sequences is one important task in RNA bioinformatics; the methods are useful not only to further functional analyses of ncRNAs but also to improve the accuracy of secondary structure predictions and to find novel functional RNAs from the genome. In this review, I focus on common secondary structure prediction from a given aligned RNA sequence, in which one secondary structure whose length is equal to that of the input alignment is predicted. I systematically review and classify existing tools and algorithms for the problem, by utilizing the information employed in the tools and by adopting a unified viewpoint based on maximum expected gain (MEG) estimators. I believe that this classification will allow a deeper understanding of each tool and provide users with useful information for selecting tools for common secondary structure predictions.Comment: A preprint of an invited review manuscript that will be published in a chapter of the book `Methods in Molecular Biology'. Note that this version of the manuscript may differ from the published versio

    Supportive Self-Management Program for People With Chronic Headaches and Migraine: A Randomized Controlled Trial and Economic Evaluation

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    Background and Objectives: Chronic headache disorders are a major cause of pain and disability. Education and supportive self-management approaches could reduce the burden of headache disability. We tested the effectiveness of a group educational and supportive self-management program for people living with chronic headaches. / Methods: This was a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. Participants were aged 18 years or older with chronic migraine or chronic tension-type headache, with or without medication overuse headache. We primarily recruited from general practices. Participants were assigned to either a 2-day group education and self-management program, a one-to-one nurse interview, and telephone support or to usual care plus relaxation material. The primary outcome was headache related-quality of life using the Headache Impact Test (HIT)-6 at 12 months. The primary analysis used intention-to-treat principles for participants with migraine and both baseline and 12-month HIT-6 data. / Results: Between April 2017 and March 2019, we randomized 736 participants. Because only 9 participants just had tension-type headache, our main analyses were on the 727 participants with migraine. Of them, 376 were allocated to the self-management intervention and 351 to usual care. Data from 586 (81%) participants were analyzed for primary outcome. There was no between-group difference in HIT-6 (adjusted mean difference = -0.3, 95% CI -1.23 to 0.67) or headache days (0.9, 95% CI -0.29 to 2.05) at 12 months. The Chronic Headache Education and Self-management Study intervention generated incremental adjusted costs of £268 (95% CI, £176-£377) (USD383 [95% CI USD252-USD539]) and incremental adjusted quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) of 0.031 (95% CI -0.005 to 0.063). The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was £8,617 (USD12,322) per QALY gained. / Discussion: These findings conclusively show a lack of benefit for quality of life or monthly headache days from a brief group education and supportive self-management program for people living with chronic migraine or chronic tension-type headache with episodic migraine

    Legacy Effects of Canopy Disturbance on Ecosystem Functioning in Macroalgal Assemblages

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    Macroalgal assemblages are some of the most productive systems on earth and they contribute significantly to nearshore ecosystems. Globally, macroalgal assemblages are increasingly threatened by anthropogenic activities such as sedimentation, eutrophication and climate change. Despite this, very little research has considered the potential effects of canopy loss on primary productivity, although the literature is rich with evidence showing the ecological effects of canopy disturbance. In this study we used experimental removal plots of habitat-dominating algae (Order Fucales) that had been initiated several years previously to construct a chronosequence of disturbed macroalgal communities and to test if there were legacy effects of canopy loss on primary productivity. We used in situ photo-respirometry to test the primary productivity of algal assemblages in control and removal plots at two intertidal elevations. In the mid tidal zone assemblage, the removal plots at two sites had average primary productivity values of only 40% and 60% that of control areas after 90 months. Differences in productivity were associated with lower biomass and density of the fucoid algal canopy and lower taxa richness in the removal plots after 90 months. Low-shore plots, established three years earlier, showed that the loss of the large, dominant fucoid resulted in at least 50% less primary productivity of the algal assemblage than controls, which lasted for 90 months; other smaller fucoid species had recruited but they were far less productive. The long term reduction in primary productivity following a single episode of canopy loss of a dominant species in two tidal zones suggests that these assemblages are not very resilient to large perturbations. Decreased production output may have severe and long-lasting consequences on the surrounding communities and has the potential to alter nutrient cycling in the wider nearshore environment

    Prevalence of maternal smoking and environmental tobacco smoke exposure during pregnancy and impact on birth weight: retrospective study using Millennium Cohort

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Meta-analyses of studies investigating the impact of maternal environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) on birth weight have not produced robust findings. Although, ante natal ETS exposure probably reduces infant's birth weights, the scale of this exposure remains unknown. We conducted a large, cohort study to assess the impact of ETS exposure on birth weight whilst adjusting for the many factors known to influence this.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>Retrospective study using interview data from parents of 18,297 children born in 2000/2001 and living in the UK 9 months afterwards (the Millennium Cohort Survey). Comparison of birth weight, sex and gestational age specific (SGA) z score, birth before 37 weeks and birth weight < 2.5 Kg (LBW) in infants born to women exposed to: i) no tobacco smoke, ii) ETS only and iii) maternal smoking whilst pregnant.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>13% of UK infants were exposed to ETS and 36% to maternal smoking ante natally. Compared to no ante natal tobacco smoke exposure, domestic ETS lowered infants' adjusted mean birth weights by 36 g (95% CI, 5 g to 67 g) and this effect showed a dose-response relationship. ETS exposure also caused non-significant increases in the adjusted risks of Low Birth Weight (<2.5 Kg) [OR 1.23 (95% CI, 0.96 to 1.58) and premature birth [OR 1.21 (95% CI, 0.96 to 1.51)], whilst the impacts of maternal smoking were greater and statistically significant.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>UK prevalences of domestic ETS exposure and maternal smoking in pregnancy remain high and ETS exposure lowers infants' birth weights.</p

    The Association among Literacy, Numeracy, HIV Knowledge and Health-Seeking Behavior: A Population-Based Survey of Women in Rural Mozambique

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    BACKGROUND: Limited literacy skills are common in the United States (US) and are related to lower HIV knowledge and worse health behaviors and outcomes. The extent of these associations is unknown in countries like Mozambique, where no rigorously validated literacy and numeracy measures exist. METHODS: A validated measure of literacy and numeracy, the Wide Range Achievement Test, version 3 (WRAT-3) was translated into Portuguese, adapted for a Mozambican context, and administered to a cross-section of female heads-of-household during a provincially representative survey conducted from August 8 to September 25, 2010. Construct validity of each subscale was examined by testing associations with education, income, and possession of socioeconomic assets, stratified by Portuguese speaking ability. Multivariable regression models estimated the association among literacy/numeracy and HIV knowledge, self-reported HIV testing, and utilization of prenatal care. RESULTS: Data from 3,557 women were analyzed; 1,110 (37.9%) reported speaking Portuguese. Respondents' mean age was 31.2; 44.6% lacked formal education, and 34.3% reported no income. Illiteracy was common (50.4% of Portuguese speakers, 93.7% of non-Portuguese speakers) and the mean numeracy score (10.4) corresponded to US kindergarten-level skills. Literacy or numeracy was associated (p<0.01) with education, income, age, and other socioeconomic assets. Literacy and numeracy skills were associated with HIV knowledge in adjusted models, but not with HIV testing or receipt of clinic-based prenatal care. CONCLUSION: The adapted literacy and numeracy subscales are valid for use with rural Mozambican women. Limited literacy and numeracy skills were common and associated with lower HIV knowledge. Further study is needed to determine the extent to which addressing literacy/numeracy will lead to improved health outcomes
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