300 research outputs found

    IQOS exposure impairs human airway cell homeostasis: direct comparison with traditional cigarette and e-cigarette.

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    Heat-not-burn (HNB) devices can alter vital physiological functions in the lung. HNB devices may not be a safer option than cigarette smoking or eCig vaping; this does not support the recommendation of their use over other nicotine delivery products. http://ow.ly/wZ5P30ng8bU

    Impact of Maternal Air Pollution exposure on children's lung health: An Indian perspective

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    Β© 2018 by the authors. Air pollution has become an emerging invisible killer in recent years and is a major cause of morbidity and mortality globally. More than 90% of the world's children breathe toxic air every day. India is among the top ten most highly polluted countries with an average PM 10 level of 134 ΞΌg/m 3 per year. It is reported that 99% of India's population encounters air pollution levels that exceed the World Health Organization Air Quality Guideline, advising a PM 2.5 permissible level of 10 ΞΌg/m 3 . Maternal exposure to air pollution has serious health outcomes in offspring because it can affect embryonic phases of development during the gestation period. A fetus is more prone to effects from air pollution during embryonic developmental phases due to resulting oxidative stress as antioxidant mechanisms are lacking at that stage. Any injury during this vulnerable period (embryonic phase) will have a long-term impact on offspring health, both early and later in life. Epidemiological studies have revealed that maternal exposure to air pollution increases the risk of development of airway disease in the offspring due to impaired lung development in utero. In this review, we discuss cellular mechanisms involved in maternal exposure to air pollution and how it can impact airway disease development in offspring. A better understanding of these mechanisms in the context of maternal exposure to air pollution can offer a new avenue to prevent the development of airway disease in offspring

    Elimination of Endogenous Toxin, Creatinine from Blood Plasma Depends on Albumin Conformation: Site Specific Uremic Toxicity & Impaired Drug Binding

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    Uremic syndrome results from malfunctioning of various organ systems due to the retention of uremic toxins which, under normal conditions, would be excreted into the urine and/or metabolized by the kidneys. The aim of this study was to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the renal elimination of uremic toxin creatinine that accumulate in chronic renal failure. Quantitative investigation of the plausible correlations was performed by spectroscopy, calorimetry, molecular docking and accessibility of surface area. Alkalinization of normal plasma from pH 7.0 to 9.0 modifies the distribution of toxin in the body and therefore may affect both the accumulation and the rate of toxin elimination. The ligand loading of HSA with uremic toxin predicts several key side chain interactions of site I that presumably have the potential to impact the specificity and impaired drug binding. These findings provide useful information for elucidating the complicated mechanism of toxin disposition in renal disease state

    Outcome and human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER) 1–4 status in invasive breast carcinomas with proliferation indices evaluated by bromodeoxyuridine labelling

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    BACKGROUND: We have shown previously that whereas overexpression of human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER)1, HER2 and HER3 is associated with poor prognosis in breast cancer, HER4 is associated with a good prognosis. Cell proliferation is a key component of aggressive cancers and is driven by growth factors. In this study, bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)-derived proliferation indices are correlated with clinical outcome and HER1–4 status for further clarification of the differing roles for the HER family at a biological level. METHODS: Seventy-eight invasive breast cancers had BrdU labelling in vivo to determine the BrdU labelling index (BLI) and the potential tumour doubling time (T(pot)). Long-term clinical follow-up was available for these patients. We used immunohistochemistry to establish the HER1–4 status in 55 patients from the BrdU cohort. RESULTS: We demonstrate a significant correlation between high BLI values and breast cancer-specific death (P = 0.0174). Low T(pot )times were also significantly correlated with breast cancer-specific death (P = 0.0258). However, BLI did not independently predict survival in Cox's multiple regression analysis when combined with other prognostic factors such as size, grade and nodal status. Tumours found to be positive for HER1, HER2 or HER3 had significantly (P = 0.041) higher labelling indices, with HER1 also showing significantly higher indices when considered independently (P = 0.024). Conversely, HER4 positivity was significantly correlated (P = 0.013) with low BLI values, in line with previous data associating this receptor with good prognosis tumours. CONCLUSIONS: These results support the hypothesis that HER1–3 are associated with driving tumour proliferation, whereas HER4 is involved in a non-proliferative or even protective role

    Targeting ErbB2 and ErbB3 with a bispecific single-chain Fv enhances targeting selectivity and induces a therapeutic effect in vitro

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    Inappropriate signalling through the EGFR and ErbB2/HER2 members of the epidermal growth factor family of receptor tyrosine kinases is well recognised as being causally linked to a variety of cancers. Consequently, monoclonal antibodies specific for these receptors have become increasingly important components of effective treatment strategies for cancer. Increasing evidence suggests that ErbB3 plays a critical role in cancer progression and resistance to therapy. We hypothesised that co-targeting the preferred ErbB2/ErbB3 heterodimer with a bispecific single-chain Fv (bs-scFv) antibody would promote increased targeting selectivity over antibodies specific for a single tumour-associated antigen (TAA). In addition, we hypothesised that targeting this important heterodimer could induce a therapeutic effect. Here, we describe the construction and evaluation of the A5-linker-ML3.9 bs-scFv (ALM), an anti-ErbB3/ErbB2 bs-scFv. The A5-linker-ML3.9 bs-scFv exhibits selective targeting of tumour cells in vitro and in vivo that co-express the two target antigens over tumour cells that express only one target antigen or normal cells that express low levels of both antigens. The A5-linker-ML3.9 bs-scFv also exhibits significantly greater in vivo targeting of ErbB2β€˜+'/ErbB3β€˜+' tumours than derivative molecules that contain only one functional arm targeting ErbB2 or ErbB3. Binding of ALM to ErbB2β€˜+'/ErbB3β€˜+' cells mediates inhibition of tumour cell growth in vitro by effectively targeting the therapeutic anti-ErbB3 A5 scFv. This suggests both that ALM could provide the basis for an effective therapeutic agent and that engineered antibodies selected to co-target critical functional pairs of TAAs can enhance the targeting specificity and efficacy of antibody-based cancer therapeutics

    Effects of biofertilizer containing N-fixer, P and K solubilizers and AM fungi on maize growth: A greenhouse trial.

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    An in vitro study was undertaken to evaluate the compatibility of indigenous plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) with commonly used inorganic and organic sources of fertilizers in tea plantations. The nitrogenous, phosphatic and potash fertilizers used for this study were urea, rock phosphate and muriate of potash, respectively. The organic sources of fertilizers neem cake, composted coir pith and vermicompost were also used. PGPRs such as nitrogen fixer; Azospirillum lipoferum, Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB); Pseudomonas putida, Potassium Solubilizing Bacteria (KSB); Burkholderia cepacia and Pseudomonas putida were used for compatibility study. Results were indicated that PGPRs preferred the coir pith and they proved their higher colony establishment in the formulation except Azospirillum spp. that preferred vermicompost for their establishment. The optimum dose of neem cake powder

    HER3 genomic gain and sensitivity to gefitinib in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer patients

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    In non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), sensitivity to tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) is associated with activating mutations and genomic gain of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Preclinical data suggested that HER3 overexpression increases sensitivity to TKIs. A total of 82 NSCLC patients treated with gefitinib (250 mg), and previously evaluated for EGFR and HER2 status by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) and DNA sequencing, and for Phospho-Akt status by immunohistochemistry, were investigated for HER3 genomic gain by FISH. Patients with high polysomy and gene amplification were considered as HER3 FISH positive (+). HER3 FISH+ pattern was significantly associated with female gender (P=0.02) and never smoking history (P=0.02). Patients with HER3+ tumours (26.8%) had a significantly longer time to progression (3.7 vs 2.7, P=0.04) than patients with HER3βˆ’ tumours, but not a significantly better response rate or survival. Patients with EGFR+/HER3+ tumours had higher objective response rate (36.4 vs 9.9%, P=0.03) and time to progression (7.7 vs 2.7 months, P=0.03) than patients with EGFRβˆ’ and/or HER3βˆ’ tumours, but no significantly longer survival. No difference in response was observed according to HER3 status in patients with EGFR+ tumours. Patients with HER2+/HER3+ tumours had similar outcome as patients with HER2βˆ’ and/or HER3βˆ’ tumours. Significantly different clinical end points were not observed between patients with HER3+/P-Akt+ and HER3βˆ’ and/or P-Aktβˆ’ tumours. Genomic gain for HER3 is not a marker for response or resistance to TKI therapy in advanced NSCLC patients
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