51 research outputs found

    Realtime IRIS Recognition & Authentication System

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    Many organizations are using different kinds of automated person's identification systems which improve the user's need, satisfaction and efficiency to secure resource. The information depends on the recent developments in person's identification using Biometric technology method. By using this technology we are to ensure to identify a person weather he/she is real person or fake person. The aim is to increase the security of biometric reorganization frameworks, by adding liveness assessment in a fast, user friendly and non-intrusive manner. In this first, a user must be enroll in the system so that his biometric template can be captured. This template is securely stored in a database. This template is retrieved when an individual needs to be identified. Biometric refers to automatic identification of a person based on his/her physiological or behavioral characteristics. This offers several advantages over traditional methods involving ID cards or PIN. To implement this we are using MATLAB

    Definitions and Standardization of a New Grading Scheme for Eyelid Contour Abnormalities after Trichiasis Surgery

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    Approximately 8 million individuals worldwide suffer from trichiasis, a condition characterized by in-turned lashes that rub against the eye. Trichiasis is caused by repeated or prolonged ocular infection with Chlamydia trachomatis. Surgery is available to correct in-turned lashes. In most programmatic and research settings, the primary determinant of surgical success is whether or not lashes are touching the globe post-operatively. However, other surgical outcomes such as the contour of the eyelid are also important. Yet, no standard method for evaluating and reporting this outcome has been defined. In this study, we developed and tested a grading system for evaluating the severity of eyelid contour abnormalities after surgery using photographs of eyelids six weeks post-operatively. We found good agreement across photograph graders and also between field and photograph grades. This system should be useful in helping to standardize reporting of this outcome

    Surgery versus epilation for the treatment of minor trichiasis in Ethiopia: a randomised controlled noninferiority trial.

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    Trachomatous trichiasis can cause corneal damage and visual impairment. WHO recommends surgery for all cases. However, in many regions surgical provision is inadequate and patients frequently decline. Self-epilation is common and was associated with comparable outcomes to surgery in nonrandomised studies for minor trichiasis (<six lashes touching eye). This trial investigated whether epilation is noninferior to surgery for managing minor trichiasis

    Obesity and colorectal cancer: molecular features of adipose tissue

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