
Approximately 8 million individuals worldwide suffer from trichiasis, a condition characterized by in-turned lashes that rub against the eye. Trichiasis is caused by repeated or prolonged ocular infection with Chlamydia trachomatis. Surgery is available to correct in-turned lashes. In most programmatic and research settings, the primary determinant of surgical success is whether or not lashes are touching the globe post-operatively. However, other surgical outcomes such as the contour of the eyelid are also important. Yet, no standard method for evaluating and reporting this outcome has been defined. In this study, we developed and tested a grading system for evaluating the severity of eyelid contour abnormalities after surgery using photographs of eyelids six weeks post-operatively. We found good agreement across photograph graders and also between field and photograph grades. This system should be useful in helping to standardize reporting of this outcome

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