44 research outputs found

    Fecal Tests: From Blood to Molecular Markers

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    Detection of molecular markers for colorectal neoplasia in feces has the potential to improve performance of simple noninvasive screening tests for colorectal cancer. Most research has explored the value of DNA-based, RNA-based, and protein-based markers. In all cases there has been a trend to move from a single marker to a panel of markers to improve sensitivity. Unfortunately, no type of molecular marker has proved specific for neoplasia. DNA tests have been improved by combining mutation detection with assessment of DNA integrity plus epigenetic markers of neoplasia. RNA-based approaches are just beginning to explore the full power of transcriptomics. So far, no protein-based fecal test has proved better than fecal immunochemical tests for hemoglobin. Finally, no marker or panel of markers has yet been developed to the point where it has been evaluated in large unbiased population studies to assess performance across all stages of neoplasia and in all practical environments

    Tumor Associated Macrophages Protect Colon Cancer Cells from TRAIL-Induced Apoptosis through IL-1β- Dependent Stabilization of Snail in Tumor Cells

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    We recently reported that colon tumor cells stimulate macrophages to release IL-1beta, which in turn inactivates GSK3beta and enhances Wnt signaling in colon cancer cells, generating a self-amplifying loop that promotes the growth of tumor cells.Here we describe that macrophages protect HCT116 and Hke-3 colon cancer cells from TRAIL-induced apoptosis. Inactivation of IL-1beta by neutralizing IL-1beta antibody, or silencing of IL-1beta in macrophages inhibited their ability to counter TRAIL-induced apoptosis. Accordingly, IL-1beta was sufficient to inhibit TRAIL-induced apoptosis. TRAIL-induced collapse of the mitochondrial membrane potential (Delta psi) and activation of caspases were prevented by macrophages or by recombinant IL-1beta. Pharmacological inhibition of IL-1beta release from macrophages by vitamin D(3), a potent chemopreventive agent for colorectal cancer, restored the ability of TRAIL to induce apoptosis of tumor cells cultured with macrophages. Macrophages and IL-1beta failed to inhibit TRAIL-induced apoptosis in HCT116 cells expressing dnIkappaB, dnAKT or dnTCF4, confirming that they oppose TRAIL-induced cell death through induction of Wnt signaling in tumor cells. We showed that macrophages and IL-1beta stabilized Snail in tumor cells in an NF-kappaB/Wnt dependent manner and that Snail deficient tumor cells were not protected from TRAIL-induced apoptosis by macrophages or by IL-1beta, demonstrating a crucial role of Snail in the resistance of tumor cells to TRAIL.We have identified a positive feedback loop between tumor cells and macrophages that propagates the growth and promotes the survival of colon cancer cells: tumor cells stimulate macrophages to secrete IL-1beta, which in turn, promotes Wnt signaling and stabilizes Snail in tumor cells, conferring resistance to TRAIL. Vitamin D(3) halts this amplifying loop by interfering with the release of IL-1beta from macrophages. Accordingly, vitamin D(3) sensitizes tumor cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis, suggesting that the therapeutic efficacy of TRAIL could be augmented by this readily available chemopreventive agent

    Remarks on the Cauchy functional equation and variations of it

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    This paper examines various aspects related to the Cauchy functional equation f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y)f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y), a fundamental equation in the theory of functional equations. In particular, it considers its solvability and its stability relative to subsets of multi-dimensional Euclidean spaces and tori. Several new types of regularity conditions are introduced, such as a one in which a complex exponent of the unknown function is locally measurable. An initial value approach to analyzing this equation is considered too and it yields a few by-products, such as the existence of a non-constant real function having an uncountable set of periods which are linearly independent over the rationals. The analysis is extended to related equations such as the Jensen equation, the multiplicative Cauchy equation, and the Pexider equation. The paper also includes a rather comprehensive survey of the history of the Cauchy equation.Comment: To appear in Aequationes Mathematicae (important remark: the acknowledgments section in the official paper exists, but it appears before the appendix and not before the references as in the arXiv version); correction of a minor inaccuracy in Lemma 3.2 and the initial value proof of Theorem 2.1; a few small improvements in various sections; added thank

    Expressão de glicoesfingolipídeos no carcinoma espinocelular do trato aerodigestivo superior Glycosphingolipid expression in squamous cell carcinoma of the upper aerodigestive tract

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    Os glicoesfingolipídios (GSLs) são importantes componentes da membrana celular, organizados em microdomínios, relacionados a receptores de membrana e comportamento anti-social da célula neoplásica como crescimento descontrolado, invasão e ocorrência de metástases. OBJETIVO: Como a expressão de GSLs no carcinoma espinocelular (CEC) é tema pouquíssimo estudado decidiu-se realizar estudo prospectivo visando avaliar a expressão de GSLs no CEC do trato aerodigestivo superior. MÉTODO: Coletou-se 33 amostras de CEC e mucosa normal e GSLs extraídos e purificados por cromatografia de fase reversa em coluna de C-18 e hidrólise alcalina em metanol. Os GSLs foram quantificados por densitometria das placas de cromatografia de alta resolução em camada delgada coradas com orcinol. RESULTADOS: Observou-se aumento significativo de GSLs no CEC (3,57µg/mg) em comparação à mucosa normal (1,92µg/mg), principalmente do monosialogangliosídeo (GM3), trihexosilceramida (CTH), dihexosilceramida (CDH), globosídeo (Gb4). A expressão de monohexosilceramida (CMH) foi semelhante no CEC e na mucosa normal. O aumento do GM3 no CEC foi demonstrado por métodos imunoquímicos empregando-se MAb DH2 (anti-GM3). Analisando-se os carboidratos do CMH por cromatografia gasosa acoplado a espectrômetro de massa constatou-se que a mucosa normal expressa glucosilceramida e o CEC glucosilceramida e galactosilceramida. CONCLUSÃO: O aumento de GSLs no tecido tumoral pode representar alterações dos microdomínios da membrana celular resultantes do processo de transformação maligna, responsáveis por uma maior interação célula-célula e célula-matriz aumentando seu potencial de infiltração e metástase, possibilitando o emprego dos GSLs e de MAbs no diagnóstico e no tratamento do CEC, a exemplo do que ocorre no melanoma.<br>Glycosphingolipids are integral constituents of cellular membrane, arranged in rafts, and with neoplasic cell anti-social behavior, like uncontrolled cell growth, invasiveness, and metastatic potential. AIM: However, there are few studies about glycosphingolipids (GSL) expression in squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Since GSL are known to be tumor-associated markers we decided to perform a prospective study on the GSL profiles of SCC. METHOD: Specimens of 33 SCC and normal mucosa were obtained and GSLs were extracted and purified by reverse-phase chromatography on C18 column and alkaline hydrolysis in methanol. GSLs were quantified using densitometry of orcinol-stained HPTLC plates. RESULT: A significant increase of GSLs in SCC (3.57µg/mg) was observed as compared to normal mucosa (1.92µg/mg). In SCC, an increase of 2 to 3 times in the amounts of CDH, CTH, Globoside, and GM3 was observed in comparison to normal mucosa. The identification of GM3 as well as its increased expression in SCC was confirmed unequivocally by HPTLC immunostaining and indirect immunofluorescence using MAb DH2 (anti-GM3). BY analyzing SCC and normal mucosa CMHs by GC/MS, normal mucosa expresses only glucosylceramide whereas SCC cells express both glucosylceramide and galactosylceramide. CONCLUSION: The increase in the amount of GSLs in tumor tissue may represent changes of cell membrane microdomains resulting from the malignant transformation process, which is responsible for greater cell-cell or cell-matrix interaction thereby increasing their potential for infiltration and metastasis