8 research outputs found

    Red wine consumption increases antioxidant status and decreases oxidative stress in the circulation of both young and old humans

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    Background: Red wine contains a naturally rich source of antioxidants, which may protect the body from oxidative stress, a determinant of age-related disease. The current study set out to determine the in vivo effects of moderate red wine consumption on antioxidant status and oxidative stress in the circulation.Methods: 20 young (18&ndash;30 yrs) and 20 older (&ge; 50 yrs) volunteers were recruited. Each age group was randomly divided into treatment subjects who consumed 400 mL/day of red wine for two weeks, or control subjects who abstained from alcohol for two weeks, after which they crossed over into the other group. Blood samples were collected before and after red wine consumption and were used for analysis of whole blood glutathione (GSH), plasma malondialdehyde (MDA) and serum total antioxidant status.Results: Results from this study show consumption of red wine induced significant increases in plasma total antioxidant status (P &lt; 0.03), and significant decreases in plasma MDA (P &lt; 0.001) and GSH (P &lt; 0.004) in young and old subjects. The results show that the consumption of 400 mL/day of red wine for two weeks, significantly increases antioxidant status and decreases oxidative stress in the circulation.Conclusion: It may be implied from this data that red wine provides general oxidative protection and to lipid systems in circulation via the increase in antioxidant status.<br /

    Recull de propostes per minimitzar l'impacte negatiu de gènere del sistema de teletreball a l'Ajuntament de Barcelona

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    Finançat amb el projecte "Impacto de GÉnero del TEletrabajo y rutinas de COnfinamiento: más allá de lo obvio" (Ref. SUPERACOVID19_2.2.IGETECO) i a través de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona pel Servei d'Estudi sobre propostes per minimitzar l'impacte negatiu de gènere del sistema de teletreball a l'Ajuntament de Barcelona (exp.20002682)El present document recull les propostes d'actuació contingues a l'estudi Propostes per minimitzar l'impacte negatiu de gènere del sistema de teletreball a l'Ajuntament de Barcelona realitzat pel Centre d'Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball (QUIT) de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. L'emergència sanitària provocada per la Covid19 i el necessari confinament de la població per combatre la pandèmia ha significat, des del punt de vista de l'organització del treball, un canvi molt important cap a l'impuls de formes de treball a distància. Però aquest impuls del teletreball ha estat una resposta fruit de l'emergència, lògica davant la situació viscuda i, com a tal, no ha pogut ser planificada amb el temps i els mitjans necessaris

    Genetic variation in multiple biologic pathways, flavonoid intake, and breast cancer

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    PURPOSE: We previously reported an inverse association between flavonoid intake and breast cancer incidence, which has been confirmed by others; but no studies have considered simultaneously potential interactions of flavonoids with multiple genetic polymorphisms involved in biologically-relevant pathways (oxidative stress, carcinogen metabolism, DNA repair, and one-carbon metabolism). METHODS: To estimate interaction effects between flavonoids and 13 polymorphisms in these four pathways on breast cancer risk, we used population-based data (N = 875 cases and 903 controls) and several statistical approaches, including conventional logistic regression and semi-Bayesian hierarchical modeling (incorporating prior information on the possible biological functions of genes), which also provides biologic pathway-specific effect estimates. RESULTS: Compared to the standard multivariate model, the results from the hierarchical model indicate that gene-by-flavonoid interaction estimates are attenuated, but more precise. In the hierarchical model, the average effect of the deleterious versus beneficial gene, controlling for average flavonoid intake in the DNA repair pathway, and adjusted for the three other biologically-relevant pathways (oxidative stress, carcinogen metabolism, and one-carbon metabolism), resulted in a 27% increase risk for breast cancer [Odds Ratio (OR) = 1.27; 95% Confidence Interval (CI) = 0.70, 2.29]. However, the CI was wide. CONCLUSIONS: Based on results from the semi-Bayesian model, breast cancer risk may be influenced jointly by flavonoid intake and genes involved in DNA repair, but our findings require confirmation

    Treatment Options for Carbapenem-Resistant and Extensively Drug-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Infections

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