52 research outputs found

    Innovative Therapeutic Approaches for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common childhood muscular dystrophy affecting ~1:5000 live male births. Following the identification of pathogenic variations in the dystrophin gene in 1986, the underlining genotype/phenotype correlations emerged and the role of the dystrophin protein was elucidated in skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles, as well as in the brain. When the dystrophin protein is absent or quantitatively or qualitatively modified, the muscle cannot sustain the stress of repeated contractions. Dystrophin acts as a bridging and anchoring protein between the sarcomere and the sarcolemma, and its absence or reduction leads to severe muscle damage that eventually cannot be repaired, with its ultimate substitution by connective tissue and fat. The advances of an understanding of the molecular pathways affected in DMD have led to the development of many therapeutic strategies that tackle different aspects of disease etiopathogenesis, which have recently led to the first successful approved orphan drugs for this condition. The therapeutic advances in this field have progressed exponentially, with second-generation drugs now entering in clinical trials as gene therapy, potentially providing a further effective approach to the condition

    Urine-Derived Stem Cells Express 571 Neuromuscular Disorders Causing Genes, Making Them a Potential in vitro Model for Rare Genetic Diseases

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    Background: Neuromuscular disorders (NMDs) are a heterogeneous group of genetic diseases, caused by mutations in genes involved in spinal cord, peripheral nerve, neuromuscular junction, and muscle functions. To advance the knowledge of the pathological mechanisms underlying NMDs and to eventually identify new potential drugs paving the way for personalized medicine, limitations regarding the availability of neuromuscular disease-related biological samples, rarely accessible from patients, are a major challenge. Aim: We characterized urinary stem cells (USCs) by in-depth transcriptome and protein profiling to evaluate whether this easily accessible source of patient-derived cells is suitable to study neuromuscular genetic diseases, focusing especially on those currently involved in clinical trials. Methods: The global transcriptomics of either native or MyoD transformed USCs obtained from control individuals was performed by RNA-seq. The expression of 610 genes belonging to 16 groups of disorders (http://www.musclegenetable.fr/) whose mutations cause neuromuscular diseases, was investigated on the RNA-seq output. In addition, protein expression of 11 genes related to NMDs including COL6A, EMD, LMNA, SMN, UBA1, DYNC1H1, SOD1, C9orf72, DYSF, DAG1, and HTT was analyzed in native USCs by immunofluorescence and/or Western blot (WB). Results: RNA-seq profile of control USCs shows that 571 out of 610 genes known to be involved in NMDs, are expressed in USCs. Interestingly, the expression levels of the majority of NMD genes remain unmodified following USCs MyoD transformation. Most genes involved in the pathogenesis of all 16 groups of NMDs are well represented except for channelopathies and malignant hyperthermia related genes. All tested proteins showed high expression values, suggesting consistency between transcription and protein representation in USCs. Conclusion: Our data suggest that USCs are human cells, obtainable by non-invasive means, which might be used as a patient-specific cell model to study neuromuscular disease-causing genes and that they can be likely adopted for a variety of in vitro functional studies such as mutation characterization, pathway identification, and drug screening

    Circadian Genes as Exploratory Biomarkers in DMD: Results From Both the mdx Mouse Model and Patients

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a rare genetic disease due to dystrophin gene mutations which cause progressive weakness and muscle wasting. Circadian rhythm coordinates biological processes with the 24-h cycle and it plays a key role in maintaining muscle functions, both in animal models and in humans. We explored expression profiles of circadian circuit master genes both in Duchenne muscular dystrophy skeletal muscle and in its animal model, the mdx mouse. We designed a customized, mouse-specific Fluidic-Card-TaqMan-based assay (Fluid-CIRC) containing thirty-two genes related to circadian rhythm and muscle regeneration and analyzed gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior muscles from both unexercised and exercised mdx mice. Based on this first analysis, we prioritized the 7 most deregulated genes in mdx mice and tested their expression in skeletal muscle biopsies from 10 Duchenne patients. We found that CSNK1E, SIRT1, and MYOG are upregulated in DMD patient biopsies, consistent with the mdx data. We also demonstrated that their proteins are detectable and measurable in the DMD patients’ plasma. We suggest that CSNK1E, SIRT1, and MYOG might represent exploratory circadian biomarkers in DMD

    Dystrophin involvement in peripheral circadian SRF signalling

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    Absence of dystrophin, an essential sarcolemmal protein required for muscle contraction, leads to the devastating muscle-wasting disease Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Dystrophin has an actin-binding domain, which binds and stabilises filamentous-(F)-actin, an integral component of the RhoA-actin-serum-response-factor-(SRF) pathway. This pathway plays a crucial role in circadian signalling, whereby the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) transmits cues to peripheral tissues, activating SRF and transcription of clock-target genes. Given dystrophin binds F-actin and disturbed SRF-signalling disrupts clock entrainment, we hypothesised dystrophin loss causes circadian deficits. We show for the first time alterations in the RhoA-actin-SRF-signalling pathway, in dystrophin-deficient myotubes and dystrophic mouse models. Specifically, we demonstrate reduced F/G-actin ratios, altered MRTF levels, dysregulated core-clock and downstream target-genes, and down-regulation of key circadian genes in muscle biopsies from Duchenne patients harbouring an array of mutations. Furthermore, we show dystrophin is absent in the SCN of dystrophic mice which display disrupted circadian locomotor behaviour, indicative of disrupted SCN signalling. Therefore, dystrophin is an important component of the RhoA-actin-SRF pathway and novel mediator of circadian signalling in peripheral tissues, loss of which leads to circadian dysregulation

    EMQN best practice guidelines for genetic testing in dystrophinopathies.

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    Dystrophinopathies are X-linked diseases, including Duchenne muscular dystrophy and Becker muscular dystrophy, due to DMD gene variants. In recent years, the application of new genetic technologies and the availability of new personalised drugs have influenced diagnostic genetic testing for dystrophinopathies. Therefore, these European best practice guidelines for genetic testing in dystrophinopathies have been produced to update previous guidelines published in 2010.These guidelines summarise current recommended technologies and methodologies for analysis of the DMD gene, including testing for deletions and duplications of one or more exons, small variant detection and RNA analysis. Genetic testing strategies for diagnosis, carrier testing and prenatal diagnosis (including non-invasive prenatal diagnosis) are then outlined. Guidelines for sequence variant annotation and interpretation are provided, followed by recommendations for reporting results of all categories of testing. Finally, atypical findings (such as non-contiguous deletions and dual DMD variants), implications for personalised medicine and clinical trials and incidental findings (identification of DMD gene variants in patients where a clinical diagnosis of dystrophinopathy has not been considered or suspected) are discussed

    Nanoparticle delivery of antisense oligonucleotides and their application in the exon skipping strategy for duchenne muscular dystrophy.

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    Antisense therapy is a powerful tool for inducing post-transcriptional modifications and thereby regulating target genes associated with disease. There are several classes of antisense oligonucleotides (AONs) with therapeutic use, such as double-stranded RNAs (interfering RNAs, utilized for gene silencing, and single-stranded AONs with various chemistries, which are useful for antisense targeting of micro-RNAs and mRNAs. In particular, the use of AONs for exon skipping, by targeting pre-mRNA, is proving to be a highly promising therapy for some genetic disorders like Duchenne muscular dystrophy and spinal muscular atrophy. However, AONs are unable to cross the plasma membrane unaided, and several other obstacles still remain to be overcome, in particular their instability due to their nuclease sensitivity and their lack of tissue specificity. Various drug delivery systems have been explored to improve the bioavailability of nucleic acids, and nanoparticles (NPs) have been suggested as potential vectors for DNA/RNA. This review describes the recent progress in AON conjugation with natural and synthetic delivery systems, and provides an overview of the efficacy of NP-AON complexes as an exon-skipping treatment for Duchenne muscular dystrophy

    Biodistribution Studies of Polymeric Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery in Mice.

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a severe hereditary neuromuscular disorder caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene. Antisense-mediated targeted exon skipping has been shown to restore dystrophin expression both in DMD patients and in the mdx mouse, the murine model of DMD, but the ineffective delivery of these molecules limits their therapeutic use. We demonstrated that PMMA/N-isopropil-acrylamide (ZM2) nanoparticles (NPs), administered both intraperitoneally and orally, were able to deliver 2′OMePS antisense inducing various extents of dystrophin restoration in the mdx mice. Defining NP biodistribution is crucial to improve effects on target and dose regimens; thus, we performed in vivo studies of novel ZM4 NPs. ZM4 are conjugated with NIR fluorophores as optical probes suitable for studies on the Odyssey Imaging System. Our results indicate that NPs are widely distributed in all body muscles, including skeletal muscles and heart, suggesting that these vehicles are appropriate to deliver antisense oligonucleotides for targeting striated muscles in the DMD animal model, thus opening new horizons for Duchenne therapy
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