15 research outputs found

    Real Time Face Detection And Recognition Using Hybrid Method

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    Over the last few decades, the advancement in computer technology has made it possible to work Biometric systems with very high efficiency in real life scenario. Various efforts have been made to minimize pre-processing time. In this paper, the application developed here includes human face detection and recognition system using hybrid techniques. The hybrid technique is basically a combination of skin grabbing, Gabor filter and PCA. The whole system is divided into two sections. Firstly, real time detection of faces using various skin grabbing techniques. Secondly, a face recognition system using Gabor filter and PCA method. Hybrid technique for face detection and recognition guarantees accuracy

    Solar Panel Ambient Characteristics Wireless Monitoring From Any Remote Location

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    To improve the efficiency of solar panel, it is very important to get more information about the Solar panel performance, tracking and maintenance. In this paper, an effort has been made to see how solar panel characteristics can be monitored from any remote location. This paper presents how data monitoring is done by the Arduino-UNO, which is an open source hardware and software platform as well as it is a single board Microcontroller. A SIM 900 GSM modules is used for real time data transmission. The project carried out, has one sending end and another one receiving end. This system monitors the Ambient Panel Temperature, Humidity, Panel Current and voltage, Light intensity, Power and then calculates the Panel Efficiency by using all these parameters. At the receiving end, GSM module receives the sensor data and stores it into an Excel sheet through the PLX-DAQ (Parallel Data Acquisition Tool Box) software via Arduino to store the data in MySQL database. The stored data will be reflected on the Web Page. SIM 900 GSM module will also give text messages about the readings of the Panel parameters or the Web page is accessed to see the Solar Panel data at any remote location in any instant of time

    A Fast Biometric Fingerprint Payment System

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    Biometric frameworks works on behavioral parameters and biometric installment framework is utilized for different sorts of frameworks rather than the strain of keeping cards and to remember their troublesome security code [5]. This framework is useful  and secure  as  well simple  to  utilize  it,  without  utilizing watchword or mystery codes to recall as contrast and past framework like Visa installment, remote, portable frameworks.It will be time  consuming  for  the  buyer  installments  industry  to manufacture such secured acknowledged  installments  through biometric  implies  without  uncovering  the  genuine  card  number of the  client  amid  exchange  preparing. The development of a model is especially secure, sparing and it has more favorable circumstances as contrast and others. In day to day life, the use of Visas, check card for shopping, transport card, metro card for voyaging, understudy card for library and office, and numerous sorts of cards for boundless purposes are increasing. 

    Solar Panel Ambient Characteristics Wireless Monitoring From Any Remote Location

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    To improve the efficiency of solar panel, it is very important to get more information about the Solar panel performance, tracking and maintenance. In this paper, an effort has been made to see how solar panel characteristics can be monitored from any remote location. This paper presents how data monitoring is done by the Arduino-UNO, which is an open source hardware and software platform as well as it is a single board Microcontroller. A SIM 900 GSM modules is used for real time data transmission. The project carried out, has one sending end and another one receiving end. This system monitors the Ambient Panel Temperature, Humidity, Panel Current and voltage, Light intensity, Power and then calculates the Panel Efficiency by using all these parameters. At the receiving end, GSM module receives the sensor data and stores it into an Excel sheet through the PLX-DAQ (Parallel Data Acquisition Tool Box) software via Arduino to store the data in MySQL database. The stored data will be reflected on the Web Page. SIM 900 GSM module will also give text messages about the readings of the Panel parameters or the Web page is accessed to see the Solar Panel data at any remote location in any instant of time

    Bilateral Filtering of Various Images for De-Noising Analysis

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    Images are often humiliated by noises and noise is unwanted disturbance which generally occur while capturing photos or when we transmit image from one channel to other. Removal  of  noise  is  an  important task  and  its  depending on noisy  image, with  this  the  original image can be regenerated. While removing noise some time the details of the image also get lost. Linear and nonlinear filtering methods are mostly used to remove the noise, from any image. With linear filters the edges of the given image gets blur but nonlinear method preserve edges of the image and also reduce impulse noise. In this paper, bilateral  filtering  technique   is  used  for  removal  of  noise  and it is  a  nonlinear  method.  With the help of this method we tried to remove noise from both colored and gray image. Range parameter and spatial parameters are varied to obtain the desired results

    Power QualityAnalysis by Calculating Total Harmonic Distortion at Different Sag Values Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer

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    Power Quality is the most important issue in distribution network due to frequency variation, voltage dip, voltage swell and Harmonic Distortion.The Paper deals with the compensation of voltage dip using a series connected device Known as Dynamic voltage Restorer, which is relatively less expensive, small in size, higher energy storage and power efficient device as compared to other custom power devices. In this paper,two level Pulse Width Modulation system is utilized to adjust the voltage plunge at various sag esteems. The Total symphonious Distortion esteems are likewise determined utilizing Fast Fourier Transform investigation and contrasted and additionally without channel area utilized in the DVR unit and the rate enhancement in the Total harmonic Distortion by utilizing channel unit is likewise assessed

    Forecasting of Solar Radiation of an Area by Using Artificial Neural Network Technique through Matlab

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    Over the years, solar radiation is the area of major concern. Most  of  the  inventions  done  in  last  few  years,  are  in renewable energy generation as conventional energy sources are not enough for years to come. There is a need of finding alternatives of nonrenewable sources. This study is totally based on solar energy to give some contribution to the development of renewable energy generation. In this paper, a detailed analysis has been made for forecasting of solar radiation by using Artificial Neural Network. In this Forecasting method the inputs are taken by using different sensors, which are connected by Ardunio UNO board. The collected data then stored in a excel sheet by a software called PLX-DAQ, which represents collected data into a graphical form for further studies. Now this data can be used for developing an ANN model into MATLAB by using ANN toolbox. The network that is developed in MATLAB can be trained and sufficient information can be extracted from it. Compressions can be carried out with the original data and trained data and the results now shows rate of error between both. This will also give the forecast accuracy i.e. obviously improved under variable weather conditions