37 research outputs found

    Derivation of Chondrogenically-Committed Cells from Human Embryonic Cells for Cartilage Tissue Regeneration

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    Background: Heterogeneous and uncontrolled differentiation of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) in embryoid bodies (EBs) limits the potential use of hESCs for cell-based therapies. More efficient strategies are needed for the commitment and differentiation of hESCs to produce a homogeneous population of specific cell types for tissue regeneration applications. Methodology/Principal Findings: We report here that significant chondrocytic commitment of feeder-free cultured human embryonic stem cells (FF-hESCs), as determined by gene expression and immunostaining analysis, was induced by coculture with primary chondrocytes. Furthermore, a dynamic expression profile of chondrocyte-specific genes was observed during monolayer expansion of the chondrogenically-committed cells. Chondrogenically-committed cells synergistically responded to transforming growth factor-b1 (TGF-b1) and b1-integrin activating antibody by increasing tissue mass in pellet culture. In addition, when encapsulated in hydrogels, these cells formed cartilage tissue both in vitro and in vivo. In contrast, the absence of chondrocyte co-culture did not result in an expandable cell population from FF-hESCs. Conclusions/Significance: The direct chondrocytic commitment of FF-hESCs can be induced by morphogenetic factor

    Very small embryonic-like stem cells (VSELs) represent a real challenge in stem cell biology : recent pros and cons in the midst of a lively debate

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    The concept that adult tissue, including bone marrow (BM), contains early-development cells with broader differentiation potential has again been recently challenged. In response, we would like to review the accumulated evidence from several independent laboratories that adult tissues, including BM, harbor a population of very rare stem cells that may cross germ layers in their differentiation potential. Thus, the BM stem cell compartment hierarchy needs to be revisited. These dormant, early-development cells that our group described as very small embryonic-like stem cells (VSELs) most likely overlap with similar populations of stem cells that have been identified in adult tissues by other investigators as the result of various experimental strategies and have been given various names. As reported, murine VSELs have some pluripotent stem cell characteristics. Moreover, they display several epiblast/germline markers that suggest their embryonic origin and developmental deposition in adult BM. Moreover, at the molecular level, changes in expression of parentally imprinted genes (for example, Igf2–H19) and resistance to insulin/insulin-like growth factor signaling (IIS) regulates their quiescent state in adult tissues. In several emergency situations related to organ damage, VSELs can be activated and mobilized into peripheral blood, and in appropriate animal models they contribute to tissue organ/regeneration. Interestingly, their number correlates with lifespan in mice, and they may also be involved in some malignancies. VSELs have been successfully isolated in several laboratories; however, some investigators experience problems with their isolation

    Transcutaneous treatment with vetdrop® sustains the adjacent cartilage in a microfracturing joint defect model in sheep

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    The significance of the adjacent cartilage in cartilage defect healing is not yet completely understood. Furthermore, it is unknown if the adjacent cartilage can somehow be influenced into responding after cartilage damage. The present study was undertaken to investigate whether the adjacent cartilage can be better sustained after microfracturing in a cartilage defect model in the stifle joint of sheep using a transcutaneous treatment concept (Vetdrop®). Carprofen and chito-oligosaccharids were added either as single components or as a mixture to a vehicle suspension consisting of a herbal carrier oil in a water-in-oil phase. This mixture was administered onto the skin with the aid of a specific applicator during 6 weeks in 28 sheep, allocated into 6 different groups, that underwent microfracturing surgery either on the left or the right medial femoral condyle. Two groups served as control and were either treated intravenously or sham treated with oxygen only. Sheep were sacrificed and their medial condyle histologically evaluated qualitatively and semi-quantitatively according to 4 different scoring systems (Mankin, ICRS, Little and O’Driscoll). The adjacent cartilage of animals of group 4 treated transcutaneously with vehicle, chito-oligosaccharids and carprofen had better histological scores compared to all the other groups (Mankin 3.3±0.8, ICRS 15.7±0.7, Little 9.0±1.4). Complete defect filling was absent from the transcutaneous treatment groups. The experiment suggests that the adjacent cartilage is susceptible to treatment and that the combination of vehicle, chitooligosaccharids and carprofen may sustain the adjacent cartilage during the recovery period

    Progenitor Biological Bandages: An Authentic Swiss Tool for Safe Therapeutic Management of Burns, Ulcers, and Donor Site Grafts

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    Clinical experience gathered over two decades around therapeutic use of primary human dermal progenitor fibroblasts in burn patient populations has been at the forefront of regenerative medicine in Switzerland. Relative technical simplicity, ease of extensive serial multitiered banking, and high stability are major advantages of such cell types, assorted to ease of safety and traceability demonstration. Stringent optimization of cell source selection and standardization of biobanking protocols enables the safe and efficient harnessing of the considerable allogenic therapeutic potential yielded by primary progenitor cells. Swiss legal and regulatory requirements have led to the procurement of fetal tissues within a devised Fetal Progenitor Cell Transplantation Program in the Lausanne University Hospital. Proprietary nonenzymatic isolation of primary musculoskeletal cell types and subsequent establishment of progeny tiered cell banks under cGMP standards have enabled safe and effective management of acute and chronic cutaneous affections in various patient populations. Direct off-the-freezer seeding of viable dermal progenitor fibroblasts on a CE marked equine collagen scaffold is the current standard for delivery of the therapeutic biological materials to patients suffering from extensive and deep burns. Diversification in the clinical indications and delivery methods for these progenitor cells has produced excellent results for treatment of persistent ulcers, autograft donor site wounds, or chronic cutaneous affections such as eczema. Herein we describe the standard operating procedures for preparation and therapeutic deployment of the progenitor biological bandages within our translational musculoskeletal regenerative medicine program, as they are routinely used as adjuvants in our Burn Center to treat critically ailing patients