5 research outputs found

    Wearing Judogi in a Humid Tropical Environment: Effect on Performance and Hydro-Electrolytic Parameters

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    Topics in Exercise Science and Kinesiology Volume 3: Issue 1, Article 8, 2022. Extremely high heat stress environmental conditions in sub-Saharan Africa influences sports performance. The aim of this study was to assess physical changes and physiological responses associated with wearing judogi during 8 weeks training session in a hot environment. In this quasi-experimental study, trained male judokas (20.06 ± 1.24 years old), were assessed before and after a training session, while either wearing a judogi (experimental group n = 12) or cotton tee shorts (control group n = 12). All athletes completed testing and were evaluated for anthropometric, physiological and urine parameters. A significant decrease in body mass (BM) (P.02) was observed in the experimental group but not the control group. In contrast, VO2max was significantly improved in the control group (p = 0.018). Special Judo Fitness Test indicators of athletes in the experimental group were lower than those in the control group (p\u3c0.01) after the 8 weeks training. In addition, significant decreases in sodium (Na+) (p = 0.005), potassium (K+) (p\u3c0.001) and chloride (Cl-) (p\u3c0.001) ion concentration were found in athletes in the experimental group. Body mass, fitness and hydroelectrolytic parameters decreased during those 24 training sessions in judogi wearing athletes. Wearing a judogi and training in open environments in a hot environment impairs judo performance

    Food Ration and Mental Training for the Improvement of the Free Throw Performance in Congolese Beginners Basketball Players

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    Objective: Through an experimental study, the present work aims at testing the effectiveness of diet and mental imagery on the success of free throw in Congolese beginners Basketball Players. Method: 45 players participated in this experimental study in Brazzaville (Congo) .These subjects were divided into 3 groups. Group I (n=15), made up of beginner Basketball players subjected to a balanced diet to the mental training and to the practice of throwing on the ground. Group II (n=15), made up of beginner basketball players from a local team subjected to mental training of the throw and food monitoring; Group III (n=15), beginner Basketball Players participating in the district competitions. The variables studied were: flexion of the legs (FL), body orientation (BO), the extension of the arms (EA), and the success of shots (SS). Results: The results indicate that the best progress was made by the players in Group I: + 67.7% for the squat, + 38% for the orientation of the body, + 45.7% for the extension of arm, and 83.7% for successful shots. Conclusion: In summary, mental rehearsal combined with a balanced diet facilitates the practice of physical and sporting activity and significantly improves learning and performance of athletes

    Rythme bioclimatique et le « mondo-boma » en Republique du Congo : adaptations metaboliques et cardiorespiratoires a l’effort.

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    Le but de cette étude était d’évaluer les adaptations métaboliques et cardiorespiratoires à l’exercice physique en ambiance chaude et humide chez les pratiquants du « Mondoboma ». Vingt et sept (29) sujets dont 14 sujets « invisibles » et 15sujets « visibles » ont subi des mesures de la fréquence cardiaque de repos (FCo), de la VO2max en ambiance chaude et humide et en ambiance thermique normale et humide, ainsi que la distance parcourue (DP) et la dépense énergétique (DE) au cours des séances de danse. Les moyennes ont été comparées à l’aide du test de Student. Les résultats obtenus ont permis de montrer que les sujets visibles ont présenté des valeurs significativement plus élevées en ambiance chaude et humide comparativement à celles enregistrées chez eux pendant la séance en ambiance thermique normale et humide. Par ailleurs, les FCo ont été significativement plus importantes chez les sujets invisibles comparativement aux valeurs qu’ils ont présentées en ambiance thermique normale et humide. De plus, les FCE, les DP, les DE et les VO2max ont été significativement plus élevées chez les sujets visibles que chez les sujets invisibles en ambiance thermique normale et humide par rapport à celles enregistrées chez ces sujets en ambiance thermique chaude et humide. Ces résultats suggèrent que la pratique du « Mondo-boma » en ambiance chaude et humide induit des adaptations métaboliques et cardiorespiratoires limitées du fait d’hyperthermie supplémentaire engendrée par la tenue recouvert des invisibles. ABSTRACT:The aim of this study was to evaluate the metabolic and cardiorespiratory adaptations to the hot and humid exercise in the "Mondo-boma" practitioners. Twenty-seven (29) subjects including 14 invisible subjects and 15 visible subjects (SV) underwent resting heart rate (FCo), VO2max measurements in a warm and humid environment and in a normal and humid thermal environment, as well as distance traveled (DP) and energy expenditure (ED) during sessions of dance. The averages were compared using the Student's test. The results obtained showed that the visible subjects showed significantly higher values in hot and humid environment compared to those recorded at home during the session in normal and humid thermal environment.Moreover, the FCo were significantly higher in the invisible subjects during the session in hot and humid environment compared to the values they presented during the session in normal and humid thermal environment. In addition, the FCE, DP, ED and VO2max were significantly higher in the visible subjects than in the invisible subjects in normal and humid thermal environment compared to those recorded in these subjects in hot and humid thermal environment. These results suggest that the practice of "Mondo-boma" in a hot and humid environment induces limited metabolic and cardiorespiratory adaptations due to additional hyperthermia caused by the covering covered with the invisible

    Connaissances, attitudes et pratiques des adolescents de la ville de Brazzaville en matiere de la prevention du COVID-19 : Knowledge, attitudes and practices of adolescents in the city of Brazzaville with regard to the prevention of COVID-19

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    Contexte : Les nombres de cas confirmés de COVID-19 et de décès dus à cette pandémie ne cessent d’augmenter. En République du Congo, Brazzaville est le plus grand foyer de contamination. L’objectif de cette étude est de déterminer les connaissances, attitudes et pratiques de la population jeune face à cette épidémie de COVID-19. Méthode : Une étude transversale, descriptive et analytique a été menée auprès de 323 adolescents de 14-18 ans. Les données ont été recueillies par un questionnaire en ligne. Résultats : Parmi les 323 participants à l’étude, plus de la moitié déclaraient avoir reçu des informations sur le COVID-19. La majorité des participants avaient répondu que les principaux symptômes de la COVID-19 étaient la fièvre, la toux sèche, le mal de gorge, la fatigue, les difficultés respiratoires, et le nez qui coule. Les modes de transmission de la COVID-19 étaient connus : le contact direct avec une personne atteinte, les gouttelettes respiratoires d’un sujet infecté et les objets contaminés. Quant aux attitudes et pratiques, la plupart des participants se lavaient les mains régulièrement au savon. Peu d’entre eux respectaient la distanciation sociale d’au moins 1 m dans les milieux publics, toussaient dans le creux du coude et dans un mouchoir jetable. Les sujets portaient régulièrement les masques de protection artisanaux. Conclusion : Brazzaville est le plus grand foyer de contamination en République du Congo. Les résidents adolescents adoptent des attitudes et pratiques parfois défavorables malgré leur niveau bon de connaissance sur la COVID-19. Une intervention à l’éduction pour la santé plus efficace à cette population parait nécessaire et urgente afin de réduire le risque de contamination cette pandémie. Background: The number of confirmed cases and deaths due to this pandemic continues to increase. In the Republic of Congo, Brazzaville is the largest source of contamination. The objective of this study is to determine the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the youth population with regard to this COVID-19 epidemic. Method: A cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study was conducted with 323 adolescents aged 14-18 years. Data were collected through an online questionnaire. Results: Of the 323 participants in the study, more than half reported receiving information about COVID-19. The majority of participants responded that the main symptoms of COVID-19 were fever, dry cough, sore throat, fatigue, difficulty breathing, and runny nose. The modes of transmission of COVID-19 were known direct contact with an infected person, respiratory droplets from an infected subject and contaminated objects. In terms of attitudes and practices, most participants washed their hands regularly with soap. Few of them respected the social distance of at least 1 m in public places, coughed in the crook of the elbow and in a disposable handkerchief. Subjects regularly wore the homemade protective masks. Conclusion: Brazzaville is the largest outbreak in the Republic of Congo. Adolescent residents sometimes adopt unfavourable attitudes and practices despite their good level of knowledge about VIDOC-19. A more effective health education intervention for this population seems necessary and urgent to reduce the risk of contamination of this pandemic

    Consommation des tiges, feuilles de Dioscorea liebrechtsiana De Wild «Ntinia» dans les ménages de Brazzaville (Congo)

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    Objectif: appréhender la consommation du Dioscorea librechtsiana De Wild et ses facteurs limitatifs.Méthodologie et Résultats: L’étude a concerné 199 ménages dont un répondant par ménage. En leur absence les chefs de ménage étaient remplacés systématiquement par leurs conjoints (es) et/ou par leur enfant dont l’âge était supérieur à 17 ans. Le choix de l’échantillon a été fait par un tirage aléatoire simple dans les quartiers de Brazzaville choisis au hasard. Les parcelles à enquêter ont été sélectionnées aléatoirement. : 83,08% des sujets consomment le Ntinia par contre 16,92% ne le consomment pas. Sur 33 enquêtés qui ne consomment pas cet aliment, 21 ont donné leurs raisons. : 80,95% ont évoqué le dégout, 9,52% des tabous sur le plan gastronomique, les habitudes alimentaires et 4, 76% autres.Conclusion et application des résultats: Le Dioscoréa liebrechtsiana De Wild « Ntinia » est un aliment qui est consommé dans la plupart des ménages de Brazzaville. Certaines pathologies sont guéries par cet aliment qui présente des vertus médicinales et contient des substances nutritives pour l’Homme.Mots clés: Consommation- Dioscoréa liebrechtsiana De WildEnglish Title: Consumption stems, leaves Dioscorea liebrechtsiana De Wild "Ntinia" in households in Brazzaville (Congo)English AbstractObjective: Apprehend consumption of Diocorea librechtsiana De Wild and its restrictive factors.Methodology and results: The study concerns 199 households with the top of each household as a guarantor. When absent, he is systematically replaced by his wife and / or the child of over 17 years old. The sample selection is made by drawing lots in some randomly chosen districts of Brazzaville. And the compounds to investigate were chosen in the same method. On a total of 33 people who do not eat Diocorea librechtsiana  De Wild stems and leaves, 21 clear by stated their reasons: 80.95% are disgusted by its taste, 9.52% claimed their respect for taboos linked to gastronomic customs. As for the remaining 4.76%, their refusal to eat <<Ntinia>> can be differently explained.Conclusion and implementation of results: Dioscorea liebrechtsiana De Wild "Ntinia" is food that is consumed in most households in Brazzaville. And some diseases can be cured with this food which contains medicinal virtues and a certain level of nutritive value for people.Keywords: consumption, Dioscorea liebrechtsiana De Wil