10,964 research outputs found

    Field theory of bicritical and tetracritical points. III. Relaxational dynamics including conservation of magnetization (Model C)

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    We calculate the relaxational dynamical critical behavior of systems of O(n∥)⊕O(n⊥)O(n_\|)\oplus O(n_\perp) symmetry including conservation of magnetization by renormalization group (RG) theory within the minimal subtraction scheme in two loop order. Within the stability region of the Heisenberg fixed point and the biconical fixed point strong dynamical scaling holds with the asymptotic dynamical critical exponent z=2ϕ/ν−1z=2\phi/\nu-1 where ϕ\phi is the crossover exponent and ν\nu the exponent of the correlation length. The critical dynamics at n∥=1n_\|=1 and n⊥=2n_\perp=2 is governed by a small dynamical transient exponent leading to nonuniversal nonasymptotic dynamical behavior. This may be seen e.g. in the temperature dependence of the magnetic transport coefficients.Comment: 6 figure

    Field theory of bi- and tetracritical points: Relaxational dynamics

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    We calculate the relaxational dynamical critical behavior of systems of O(n∥)⊕O(n⊥)O(n_\|)\oplus O(n_\perp) symmetry by renormalization group method within the minimal subtraction scheme in two loop order. The three different bicritical static universality classes previously found for such systems correspond to three different dynamical universality classes within the static borderlines. The Heisenberg and the biconical fixed point lead to strong dynamic scaling whereas in the region of stability of the decoupled fixed point weak dynamic scaling holds. Due to the neighborhood of the stability border between the strong and the weak scaling dynamic fixed point corresponding to the static biconical and the decoupled fixed point a very small dynamic transient exponent, of ωvB=0.0044\omega_v^{{\cal B}}=0.0044, is present in the dynamics for the physically important case n∥=1n_\|=1 and n⊥=2n_\perp=2 in d=3d=3.Comment: 8 figure

    Average output entropy for quantum channels

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    We study the regularized average Renyi output entropy \bar{S}_{r}^{\reg} of quantum channels. This quantity gives information about the average noisiness of the channel output arising from a typical, highly entangled input state in the limit of infinite dimensions. We find a closed expression for \beta_{r}^{\reg}, a quantity which we conjecture to be equal to \Srreg. We find an explicit form for \beta_{r}^{\reg} for some entanglement-breaking channels, and also for the qubit depolarizing channel Δλ\Delta_{\lambda} as a function of the parameter λ\lambda. We prove equality of the two quantities in some cases, in particular we conclude that for Δλ\Delta_{\lambda} both are non-analytic functions of the variable λ\lambda.Comment: 32 pages, several plots and figures; positivity condition added for Theorem on entanglement breaking channels; new result for entrywise positive channel

    A few things I learnt from Jurgen Moser

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    A few remarks on integrable dynamical systems inspired by discussions with Jurgen Moser and by his work.Comment: An article for the special issue of "Regular and Chaotic Dynamics" dedicated to 80-th anniversary of Jurgen Mose

    Cayley-Type Conditions for Billiards within kk Quadrics in RdR^d

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    The notions of reflection from outside, reflection from inside and signature of a billiard trajectory within a quadric are introduced. Cayley-type conditions for periodical trajectories for the billiard in the region bounded by kk quadrics in RdR^d and for the billiard ordered game within kk ellipsoids in RdR^d are derived. In a limit, the condition describing periodic trajectories of billiard systems on a quadric in RdR^d is obtained.Comment: 10 pages, some corractions are made in Section

    Longitudinal Losses Due to Breathing Mode Excitation in Radiofrequency Linear Accelerators

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    Transverse breathing mode oscillations in a particle beam can couple energy into longitudinal oscillations in a bunch of finite length and cause significant losses. We develop a model that illustrates this effect and explore the dependence on mismatch size, space-charge tune depression, longitudinal focusing strength, bunch length, and RF bucket length

    Discrete Lagrangian systems on the Virasoro group and Camassa-Holm family

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    We show that the continuous limit of a wide natural class of the right-invariant discrete Lagrangian systems on the Virasoro group gives the family of integrable PDE's containing Camassa-Holm, Hunter-Saxton and Korteweg-de Vries equations. This family has been recently derived by Khesin and Misiolek as Euler equations on the Virasoro algebra for Hα,β1H^1_{\alpha,\beta}-metrics. Our result demonstrates a universal nature of these equations.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, AMS-LaTeX. Version 2: minor changes. Version 3: minor change

    Geodesic Flow on the Normal Congruence of a Minimal Surface

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    We study the geodesic flow on the normal line congruence of a minimal surface in R3{\Bbb{R}}^3 induced by the neutral K\"ahler metric on the space of oriented lines. The metric is lorentz with isolated degenerate points and the flow is shown to be completely integrable. In addition, we give a new holomorphic description of minimal surfaces in R3{\Bbb{R}}^3 and relate it to the classical Weierstrass representation.Comment: AMS-LATEX 8 pages 2, figure
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