21,821 research outputs found

    Effect of White Spruce Release on Subsequent Defoliation by the Yellowheaded Spruce Sawfly, Pikonema Alaskensis (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae)

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    Hand release of 22 5-year-old white spruce, Picea glauca (Moench) Voss, dramatically increased the amount of defoliation by the yellowheaded spruce sawfly, Pikonema alaskens is . The percent defoliation of the released trees was six times the defoliation in the control trees. A light overstory for young white spruce is suggested as a silvicultural method of reducing defoliation by this sawfly

    Quantized Non-Abelian Monopoles on S^3

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    A possible electric-magnetic duality suggests that the confinement of non-Abelian electric charges manifests itself as a perturbative quantum effect for the dual magnetic charges. Motivated by this possibility, we study vacuum fluctuations around a non-Abelian monopole-antimonopole pair treated as point objects with charges g=\pm n/2 (n=1,2,...), and placed on the antipodes of a three sphere of radius R. We explicitly find all the fluctuation modes by linearizing and solving the Yang-Mills equations about this background field on a three sphere. We recover, generalize and extend earlier results, including those on the stability analysis of non-Abelian magnetic monopoles. We find that for g \ge 1 monopoles there is an unstable mode that tends to squeeze magnetic flux in the angular directions. We sum the vacuum energy contributions of the fluctuation modes for the g=1/2 case and find oscillatory dependence on the cutoff scale. Subject to certain assumptions, we find that the contribution of the fluctuation modes to the quantum zero point energy behaves as -R^{-2/3} and hence decays more slowly than the classical -R^{-1} Coulomb potential for large R. However, this correction to the zero point energy does not agree with the linear growth expected if the monopoles are confined.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures. Minor changes, reference list update

    Faraday patterns in dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates

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    Faraday patterns can be induced in Bose-Einstein condensates by a periodic modulation of the system nonlinearity. We show that these patterns are remarkably different in dipolar gases with a roton-maxon excitation spectrum. Whereas for non-dipolar gases the pattern size decreases monotonously with the driving frequency, patterns in dipolar gases present, even for shallow roton minima, a highly non trivial frequency dependence characterized by abrupt pattern size transitions, which are especially pronounced when the dipolar interaction is modulated. Faraday patterns constitute hence an optimal tool for revealing the onset of the roton minimum, a major key feature of dipolar gases.Comment: 4 pages, 10 figure

    Multifractal dimensions for all moments for certain critical random matrix ensembles in the strong multifractality regime

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    We construct perturbation series for the q-th moment of eigenfunctions of various critical random matrix ensembles in the strong multifractality regime close to localization. Contrary to previous investigations, our results are valid in the region q<1/2. Our findings allow to verify, at first leading orders in the strong multifractality limit, the symmetry relation for anomalous fractal dimensions Delta(q)=Delta(1-q), recently conjectured for critical models where an analogue of the metal-insulator transition takes place. It is known that this relation is verified at leading order in the weak multifractality regime. Our results thus indicate that this symmetry holds in both limits of small and large coupling constant. For general values of the coupling constant we present careful numerical verifications of this symmetry relation for different critical random matrix ensembles. We also present an example of a system closely related to one of these critical ensembles, but where the symmetry relation, at least numerically, is not fulfilled.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Heat wave propagation in a nonlinear chain

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    We investigate the propagation of temperature perturbations in an array of coupled nonlinear oscillators at finite temperature. We evaluate the response function at equilibrium and show how the memory effects affect the diffusion properties. A comparison with nonequilibrium simulations reveals that the telegraph equation provides a reliable interpretative paradigm for describing quantitatively the propagation of a heat pulse at the macroscopic level. The results could be of help in understanding and modeling energy transport in individual nanotubes.Comment: Revised version, 1 fig. adde

    Interim user's manual for boundary layer integral matrix procedure, version J

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    A computer program for analyzing two dimensional and axisymmetric nozzle performance with a variety of wall boundary conditions is described. The program has been developed for application to rocket nozzle problems. Several aids to usage of the program and two auxiliary subroutines are provided. Some features of the output are described and three sample cases are included

    Magnetoconductance of carbon nanotube p-n junctions

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    The magnetoconductance of p-n junctions formed in clean single wall carbon nanotubes is studied in the noninteracting electron approximation and perturbatively in electron-electron interaction, in the geometry where a magnetic field is along the tube axis. For long junctions the low temperature magnetoconductance is anomalously large: the relative change in the conductance becomes of order unity even when the flux through the tube is much smaller than the flux quantum. The magnetoconductance is negative for metallic tubes. For semiconducting and small gap tubes the magnetoconductance is nonmonotonic; positive at small and negative at large fields.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Boundary layer integral matrix procedure code modifications and verifications

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    A summary of modifications to Aerotherm's Boundary Layer Integral Matrix Procedure (BLIMP) code is presented. These modifications represent a preliminary effort to make BLIMP compatible with other JANNAF codes and to adjust the code for specific application to rocket nozzle flows. Results of the initial verification of the code for prediction of rocket nozzle type flows are discussed. For those cases in which measured free stream flow conditions were used as input to the code, the boundary layer predictions and measurements are in excellent agreement. In two cases, with free stream flow conditions calculated by another JANNAF code (TDK) for use as input to BLIMP, the predictions and the data were in fair agreement for one case and in poor agreement for the other case. The poor agreement is believed to result from failure of the turbulent model in BLIMP to account for laminarization of a turbulent flow. Recommendations for further code modifications and improvements are also presented

    Simple one-dimensional quantum-mechanical model for a particle attached to a surface

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    We present a simple one-dimensional quantum-mechanical model for a particle attached to a surface. We solve the Schr\"odinger equation in terms of Weber functions and discuss the behavior of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. We derive the virial theorem and other exact relationships as well as the asymptotic behaviour of the eigenvalues. We calculate the zero-point energy for model parameters corresponding to H adsorbed on Pd(100) and also outline the application of the Rayleigh-Ritz variational method

    Piezoconductivity of gated suspended graphene

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    We investigate the conductivity of graphene sheet deformed over a gate. The effect of the deformation on the conductivity is twofold: The lattice distortion can be represented as pseudovector potential in the Dirac equation formalism, whereas the gate causes inhomogeneous density redistribution. We use the elasticity theory to find the profile of the graphene sheet and then evaluate the conductivity by means of the transfer matrix approach. We find that the two effects provide functionally different contributions to the conductivity. For small deformations and not too high residual stress the correction due to the charge redistribution dominates and leads to the enhancement of the conductivity. For stronger deformations, the effect of the lattice distortion becomes more important and eventually leads to the suppression of the conductivity. We consider homogeneous as well as local deformation. We also suggest that the effect of the charge redistribution can be best measured in a setup containing two gates, one fixing the overall charge density and another one deforming graphene locally
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