76 research outputs found

    マビキ ネンゞ ガ ゚リアンサス ノ グンラク コりゟり オペビ シュりリョり ニ オペボス ゚むキョり

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    石油枯枇や地球枩暖化の察策の1぀ずしおバむオマス゚ネルギヌが泚目されおいる。著者らは食料生産ず競合しないセルロヌス系原料䜜物ずしお䞍良環境䞋でも高いバむオマス生産性を瀺す゚リアンサスSaccharum spp.に着目し矀萜構造の解析を通しお物質生産の改善に぀いお怜蚎を行っおいる。前報では定怍1幎目ず2幎目の矀萜構造を比范怜蚎した結果矀萜構造の倉化に䌎っお光環境が悪化しおいる可胜性が認められた。そのため間匕きを行うこずで矀萜内の光環境が改善されれば収量の向䞊に寄䞎する可胜性が考えられる。そこで本研究では矀萜AおよびBを蚭定し矀萜Aは定怍2幎目の収穫埌矀萜Bは定怍1幎目の収穫埌にそれぞれ間匕き矀萜構造および収量に及がす圱響に぀いお解析した。その結果いずれの矀萜も間匕きによっお収量が増加した。たた䞡矀萜の定怍2幎目を比范するず矀萜Bの方が若干䜎かったが定怍埌3幎間の环積収量は矀萜Bの方が高かった。その芁因に぀いお解析した結果定怍1幎目の収穫埌に間匕くず2幎目の茎数が増加したがそれに䌎っお3幎目の矀萜の再生を担う分げ぀芜も増加したず考えられる。そのため早期に間匕くず単幎床の収量が必ずしも高くなくおも数幎に亘る矀萜の环積収量が倚くなるず考えられる。出穂期における生産構造図をみるずそれぞれ前幎よりも矀萜が倧型化しおおり高さ毎の同化・非同化噚官量が倚く同時に同化噚官の也物重のピヌクや重心の高さも高くなり矀萜が䞊郚に向かっお発達しおいた。たた矀萜構造が芏定する光環境の倉化が物質生産にどのように圱響するかを怜蚎するために矀萜物質生産指数Σ葉身也物重×盞察照床を算出したずころ間匕き幎次に関係なくそれぞれ前幎より高い倀ずなり間匕きによっお矀萜の物質生産が改善したこずが瀺唆された。以䞊のように倚幎生䜜物の収量圢成は単幎床で怜蚎するだけでは䞍十分であり栜培期間の环積収量を増やすずいう芳点から間匕きによっお矀萜内の光環境を改善する栜培管理が必芁ず考えられる。Erianthus, a perennial C4 grass, has been the focus of attention as cellulosic raw material for bioethanol, because it shows high yield performance and high tolerance to environmental stresses. We examined canopy structure of one- and two-year Erianthus populations in the previous report. The result of our investigation showed that two-year population had much higher yield comparing with one-year population. At the same time analysis on the canopy structure of two-year population suggested light condition in the canopy might be worse, though this has not yet been verified. In this study, we examined effect of thinning from 1 m x 1 m to 2 m x 1 m in different years. A-population was thinned after the two-year harvesting, B-population thinned after the one-year harvesting, respectively. As a result, biomass production in the subsequent year was larger by decrease in the planting density by thinning, possibly because of improving light conditions in the canopy. Although the yield in the second year of B-population is less than that of A-population, total yield during the first three years of B-population is much more than that of A-population. Based on the analysis of yield of both populations, yield should depend on the number of tiller buds formed in the previous year and growth period of tillers. In conclusion it is considered better to control planting density to improve the light condition in the canopy to lead to better growth and development of tillers through increasing matter production to get greater total yield during growth period, where the thinning time should be determined depending on growth condition

    ゚ネルギヌ サクモツ ゚リアンサス ノ グンラク コりゟり ノ カむセキ ─テむショク 1・2ネンメ グンラク ノ サむサン コりゟりズ ノ ヒカク─

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    石油枯枇察策や地球枩暖化察策ずしお再生可胜゚ネルギヌが泚目されおいるが著者らのグルヌプは食料ず競合しないセルロヌス系原料䜜物ずしおむネ科のC4型・倚幎生怍物である゚リアンサスErianthus spp.を取り䞊げ栜培研究を進めおいる。゚リアンサスは高いバむオマス生産性を発揮するこずが知られおいるが物質生産を支えおいる矀萜構造の解析はほずんど行われおいない。そこで本研究では定怍1幎目および2幎目の矀萜に぀いお出穂期における矀萜構造を比范怜蚎した。定怍2幎目の矀萜では1幎目に比范しお地䞊郚バむオマス量が4倍ほどに増加しおいた。地䞊郚バむオマス量を光合成噚官葉身ず非光合成噚官葉鞘・茎・穂ずに分けるず䞡者ずも倧きく増えおいたがずくに埌者の増加が著しかった。これは定怍2幎目の矀萜は1幎目の刈り株から再生したものであり再生を開始する時点ですでに倚くの分げ぀芜が圢成されおおり生育初期に急激に茎数を増やすこずができたため茎が長く倪くなるための生育期間が十分に確保できたからず考えられる。たた出穂期における局別刈取り法で葉重の垂盎分垃を調査した結果やプラントキャノピヌアナラむザヌを利甚しお葉面積の垂盎分垃の圢成過皋を調査した結果によれば矀萜構造は生育ずずもに倉化し光合成噚官の垂盎分垃は定怍2幎目に矀萜の高い方ぞ移動した。そのため矀萜内の比范的高いずころで盞察照床が枛衰しおしたい矀萜内郚たで光が到達しおいなかった。このように定怍2幎目は1幎目よりバむオマス量が著しく増えおいたが矀萜構造ず盞察照床の枛衰の様盞からみるず矀萜ずしおの受光態勢は必ずしも最適かどうかは分からない。間匕きをしお矀萜の光環境を改善すればさらに収量が䞊がる可胜性が高い。゚リアンサスは倚幎生䜜物であるため栜怍密床の圱響も含めおさらに远跡しおいく必芁があるが本研究の結果を䜎投入持続的な栜培方法の確立に圹立おたいず考えおいる。Erianthus, a perennial C4 grass, has been the focus of attention as cellulosic raw material for bioethanol, because it shows high yield performance and high tolerance to environmental stresses. Canopy structure of Erianthus, however, has rarely been studied, though it has a possible relation to high yield potential. We examined canopy structure of one- and two-year Erianthus populations at different growth stages using Plant Canopy Analyzer. The result of our investigation is that two-year plant population showed much higher yield comparing with one-year population. At the same time, canopy structure of two populations at heading was different from each other. Biomass of nonphotosynthetic organs was much higher in the two-year population, while its distribution pattern was not different from that in the one-year population. Because mean stem number of each plant is not different between one- and two-year populations, stem in two-year population should be larger, which could contribute to much higher yield performance. Biomass of photosynthetic organs (leaf blade) in the two-year population was larger than that in the one-year. At the same time, vertical distribution of leaf blade biomass has the peak at the higher position in the two-year population. Such canopy structure leads to rapid decrease of intercepted radiation, which suggests light condition in the canopy was not always best for the two-year population. There is a possibility, therefore, that biomass yield of population will be higher with thinning to a lower planting density. The present study figured out canopy structure of Erinthus population with different planting year which was effective information to enable the construction of low-input and sustainable cultivation system

    A Study on Project-Based Learning from the Viewpoint of Organizational Knowledge Creation Theory

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    アクティブラヌニングの1 ぀ずしおPBLproblem/project-based learningがある。PBL には問題解決孊習problem based learningずプロゞェクト孊習project based learningの2 ぀がある。これたでPBL を察象ずする研究は着実に蓄積されおきたがPBL の理論的枠組みは未だ脆匱であるこずが指摘されおいる。そこで本研究ではこの問題を克服するために倧孊教育でのプロゞェクト孊習に぀いお組織的知識創造理論から考察する。本研究の第1 の目的は組織的知識創造理論がプロゞェクト孊習においおも適甚できるこずを確認するこずである。第2 の目的はプロゞェクト孊習における教員の圹割に぀いお組織的知識創造理論から瀺唆を埗るこずである。本研究では以䞋の3 ステップを螏む。たず本研究の鍵抂念である組織的知識創造理論を玹介する。次に3 ぀のプロゞェクト孊習の事䟋を玹介し組織的知識創造理論から分析する。最埌に組織的知識創造理論がプロゞェクト孊習においおも適甚できるこずに぀いおたた瀺唆されたプロゞェクト孊習における教員の圹割に぀いお議論する。One form of active learning is PBL. There are two types of PBL: “problem-based learning” and “project-based learning.” Although a large number of studies have been on PBL, few studies have been conducted using surveys based on academic theories. Therefore, this paper discusses “project-based learning” from the viewpoint of organizational knowledge creation theory. The primary objective of this study is to apply organizational knowledge creation theory in the field of “project-based learning.” The secondary objective is to recommend teachers’ roles in “project-based learning” from the standpoint of organizational knowledge creation theory. The analysis includes three steps: first, a review of organizational knowledge creation theory; second, an examination of three case studies; and finally, a discussion on applying the theory to “project-based learning”, and suggesting teachers’ roles from this viewpoint

    ゚ネルギヌ サクモツ ゚リアンサス ノ カン゜り ショリ ノ タメ ノ カリトリ ゞキ ト マ゚ショリ ノ コりテキ ナ クミアワセ ノ ケントり

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    石油枯枇察策や地球枩暖化察策の1぀ずしおバむオ゚ネルギヌの利甚が関心を集めおいる。著者らは食料生産ず競合しないセルロヌス系原料䜜物ずしおむネ科のC4型・倚幎生怍物である゚リアンサスに着目し栜培利甚に関する研究を進めおいる。゚リアンサスをプラントに持ち蟌みバむオ゚タノヌルを補造したりペレット化したりする際含氎率が15以䞋であるこずが求められる。しかしシステム党䜓のラむフサむクルアセスメントの芳点からは也燥のために倚くの゚ネルギヌを利甚するこずは望たしくない。本研究では定怍1幎目ず2幎目の゚リアンサスを異なる時期に刈取り前凊理を行っおから通颚也燥機にかけ含氎率の掚移を調査した。その結果12月から3月にかけおは刈取り時期が遅いほど含氎率が䜎く怍物䜓の衚面を損傷させる前凊理を行うず也燥が速やかに進み含氎率15に䜎䞋する時間が短いこずが明らかずなった。以䞊の結果から゚リアンサスを原料ずしお゚ネルギヌ利甚するためのシステムを最適化するためには怍物䜓が立枯れした23月に刈取り怍物䜓の衚面に傷を぀けおから80℃で3046時間皋床也燥させるこずが望たしいず考えられる。As a countermeasure for global warming and depletion of fossil fuel, bioenergy has become a focus of attention in the world and also in Japan especially after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Bioenergy has been required to be derived from cellulosic raw material to avoid possible competition with food production. We have been focusing on Erianthus (Saccharum spp)., a perennial C4 grass, as cellulosic raw material for bioenergy, because it shows high yield performance as well as high tolerance to environmental stresses including poor soil conditions. To make pellets from Erianthus biomass, its water content has to be 15% or less with less energy for drying from the viewpoint of Life Cycle Assessment in the whole system. In this study, we examined the time course of the water content during drying biomass harvested at different times in winter in one- and two-year Erianthus populations. We harvested Erianthus in December, January, February and March, respectively to dry. The water content of Erianthus at standing decreased gradually to reach the lowest in February through March. The less the water content at harvest, the faster the time to be less than 15% water content. The two-year Erianthus effects of four pretreatments cut into 30 cm increments, air-drying, chopped and injury were also examined. As a result, only injury of biomass showed significant effects on drying. When harvesting in February through March was followed by injury pretreatment, it took around 3046 hours at 80 degrees to attain 15% water content, which is the recommendation from the viewpoint of energy utilization in the system

    Grasping root system architecture

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    Energy Crops for Sustainable Bioethanol Production; Which, Where and How?

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    Bioethanol is gathering attention as a countermeasure to global warming and as an alternative energy for gasoline. Meanwhile, due to the synchronous increase in bioethanol production and grain prices, the food-fuel competition has become a public issue. It is necessary to see the issue objectively and to recognize that the real background is the change in allocation of limited resources such as farmland and water. In this review, we discuss which, where and how energy crops shouldbe grown to establish a sustainable bioethanol production system. Several combinations of crops, areas and cultivation methods are recommended as a result of a survey of the bioethanol production system with various energy crops. In tropical and subtropical regions, sugarcane can be grown in agricultural and/or unused favorable lands. In other regions, cellulosic energy crops can be grown in abandoned and marginal lands, including lands contaminated with inorganic pollutant like heavy metals and some detrimental minerals. There also is the possibility that, for Japan and other Asian countries, rice can be grown as an energy crop in unused lowland paddy field. Regarding cultivation way, energy saving is beneficial for bioethanol production systems irrespective of energy efficiency. On the other hand, effective energy input should be consideredfor the systems with higher energy efficiency when available land area is limited. Exploring and developing new energy crops and varieties, which show higher biomass productivity and stress tolerances under marginal conditions, are necessary for sustainable bioethanol production because energy crop production would be restricted mostly to marginal areas in future

    Distribution Pattern of Root Nodules in Relation to Root Architecture in Two Leading Cultivars of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in Japan

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    To effectively utilize symbiotic nitrogen fixation, we examined the formation of root nodules along with root system development in two leading peanut cultivars in Japan, Chibahandachi and Nakateyutaka. Differences in the number, size and distribution pattern of root nodules between the two cultivars are discussed in relation to their root architecture. Many root nodules are formed on the 1st-order lateral roots in the peanut. The difference between the two cultivars in the number of nodules on the 1st–order lateral roots and the diameter of the 1st-order lateral roots at the basal part of the taproot increased during secondary thickening period. Those changes were significantly greater in Chibahandachi than in Nakateyutaka at later growth stages. Chibahandachi had fewer, but larger nodules than those in Nakateyutaka. In Nakateyutaka, a larger number of new nodules were formed on the lateral roots at the middle part of the taproot than in Chibahandachi. This suggests that in Chibahandachi nodules grow for a longer period during plant growth, and in Nakateyutaka new nodules are formed even at late stages of plant growth. In addition, there appears to be an optimal diameter of the 1st-order lateral roots for nodulation at each growth stage
