5,200 research outputs found

    Integrated silicon qubit platform with single-spin addressability, exchange control and robust single-shot singlet-triplet readout

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    Silicon quantum dot spin qubits provide a promising platform for large-scale quantum computation because of their compatibility with conventional CMOS manufacturing and the long coherence times accessible using 28^{28}Si enriched material. A scalable error-corrected quantum processor, however, will require control of many qubits in parallel, while performing error detection across the constituent qubits. Spin resonance techniques are a convenient path to parallel two-axis control, while Pauli spin blockade can be used to realize local parity measurements for error detection. Despite this, silicon qubit implementations have so far focused on either single-spin resonance control, or control and measurement via voltage-pulse detuning in the two-spin singlet-triplet basis, but not both simultaneously. Here, we demonstrate an integrated device platform incorporating a silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor double quantum dot that is capable of single-spin addressing and control via electron spin resonance, combined with high-fidelity spin readout in the singlet-triplet basis.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Electrospun amplified fiber optics

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    A lot of research is focused on all-optical signal processing, aiming to obtain effective alternatives to existing data transmission platforms. Amplification of light in fiber optics, such as in Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers, is especially important for an efficient signal transmission. However, the complex fabrication methods, involving high-temperature processes performed in highly pure environment, slow down the fabrication and make amplified components expensive with respect to an ideal, high-throughput and room temperature production. Here, we report on near infrared polymer fiber amplifiers, working over a band of about 20 nm. The fibers are cheap, spun with a process entirely carried out at room temperature, and show amplified spontaneous emission with good gain coefficients as well as low optical losses (a few cm^-1). The amplification process is favoured by the high fiber quality and low self-absorption. The found performance metrics promise to be suitable for short-distance operation, and the large variety of commercially-available doping dyes might allow for effective multi-wavelength operation by electrospun amplified fiber optics.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figure

    Resonant tunnelling features in the transport spectroscopy of quantum dots

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    We present a review of features due to resonant tunnelling in transport spectroscopy experiments on quantum dots and single donors. The review covers features attributable to intrinsic properties of the dot as well as extrinsic effects, with a focus on the most common operating conditions. We describe several phenomena that can lead to apparently identical signatures in a bias spectroscopy measurement, with the aim of providing experimental methods to distinguish between their different physical origins. The correct classification of the resonant tunnelling features is an essential requirement to understand the details of the confining potential or predict the performance of the dot for quantum information processing.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures. Short review article submitted to Nanotechnology, special issue on 'Quantum Science and Technology at the Nanoscale

    Controlling the quantum dynamics of a mesoscopic spin bath in diamond

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    Understanding and mitigating decoherence is a key challenge for quantum science and technology. The main source of decoherence for solid-state spin systems is the uncontrolled spin bath environment. Here, we demonstrate quantum control of a mesoscopic spin bath in diamond at room temperature that is composed of electron spins of substitutional nitrogen impurities. The resulting spin bath dynamics are probed using a single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centre electron spin as a magnetic field sensor. We exploit the spin bath control to dynamically suppress dephasing of the NV spin by the spin bath. Furthermore, by combining spin bath control with dynamical decoupling, we directly measure the coherence and temporal correlations of different groups of bath spins. These results uncover a new arena for fundamental studies on decoherence and enable novel avenues for spin-based magnetometry and quantum information processing

    A Cylindrical GEM Inner Tracker for the BESIII experiment at IHEP

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    The Beijing Electron Spectrometer III (BESIII) is a multipurpose detector that collects data provided by the collision in the Beijing Electron Positron Collider II (BEPCII), hosted at the Institute of High Energy Physics of Beijing. Since the beginning of its operation, BESIII has collected the world largest sample of J/{\psi} and {\psi}(2s). Due to the increase of the luminosity up to its nominal value of 10^33 cm-2 s-1 and aging effect, the MDC decreases its efficiency in the first layers up to 35% with respect to the value in 2014. Since BESIII has to take data up to 2022 with the chance to continue up to 2027, the Italian collaboration proposed to replace the inner part of the MDC with three independent layers of Cylindrical triple-GEM (CGEM). The CGEM-IT project will deploy several new features and innovation with respect the other current GEM based detector: the {\mu}TPC and analog readout, with time and charge measurements will allow to reach the 130 {\mu}m spatial resolution in 1 T magnetic field requested by the BESIII collaboration. In this proceeding, an update of the status of the project will be presented, with a particular focus on the results with planar and cylindrical prototypes with test beams data. These results are beyond the state of the art for GEM technology in magnetic field

    Quantum nanomagnets and nuclear spins: an overview

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    This mini-review presents a simple and accessible summary on the fascinating physics of quantum nanomagnets coupled to a nuclear spin bath. These chemically synthesized systems are an ideal test ground for the theories of decoherence in mesoscopic quantum degrees of freedom, when the coupling to the environment is local and not small. We shall focus here on the most striking quantum phenomenon that occurs in such nanomagnets, namely the tunneling of their giant spin through a high anisotropy barrier. It will be shown that perturbative treatments must be discarded, and replaced by a more sophisticated formalism where the dynamics of the nanomagnet and the nuclei that couple to it are treated together from the beginning. After a critical review of the theoretical predictions and their experimental verification, we continue with a set of experimental results that challenge our present understanding, and outline the importance of filling also this last gap in the theory.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. Chapter in the Proceedings of the 2006 Les Houches summer school "Quantum Magnetism", ed. B. Barbara & Y. Imry, Springer (2007

    Plantations d'eucalyptus et sidérurgie en Amazonie: apports du modèle 3-PG.

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    Résumé: Le secteur sidérurgique de Carajás, en Amazonie Brésilienne, fait l'objet de contestations environnementales du fait de sa forte consommation en charbon de bois. Ce charbon est essentiellement produit à partir de biomasse de forêts naturelles, avec des impacts directs et indirects sur la déforestation et la dégradation de ces écosystèmes. Les plantations d'eucalyptus à vocation énergétique installées sur des pâturages dégradés constituent une alternative intéressante. Peu de ces plantations ont été mises en place jusqu'à présent et faute d'évaluations valables de leur potentiel de production, une étude a été menée pour présenter une estimation consolidée de la croissance et de la productivité des plantations d'eucalyptus du pôle de Carajás. Celles-ci ont été obtenues à partir du modèle 3-PG (Physiological Principles in Predicting Growth). Son paramétrage a été réalisé à partir de données de croissance du massif d'eucalyptus d'une entreprise de la municipalité de Breu Branco dans l'État du Pará au Brésil. La calibration locale du modèle s'est avérée beaucoup plus performante que l'utilisation de paramètres établis pour des plantations d'eucalyptus dans d'autres régions du Brésil, d'Afrique du sud ou d'Australie. Les simulations réalisées indiquent que l'accroissement moyen annuel actuel de l'ordre de 20 m³ à l'hectare, obtenu pour une période de six ans, pourrait augmenter jusqu'à 30 m³ avec des fertilisations adaptées et un contrôle efficace du sous bois. Elles suggèrent aussi que des productions supérieures seraient obtenues sans déficit hydrique. Cela montre la nécessité de sélectionner les zones de plantation où la saison sèche est la moins marquée autour du pôle de Carajás. La calibration du modèle 3-PG a permis d'améliorer cet outil de gestion des plantations industrielles dans les conditions amazoniennes. (Résumé d'auteur) | Abstract: The Carajás steel industry sector in the Brazilian Amazon has aroused protest on environmental grounds because of its heavy reliance on charcoal. The charcoal is mainly produced from natural forest biomass, with direct and indirect impacts on deforestation and forest ecosystem degradation. Establishing eucalyptus plantations for fuel on degraded pastures could be a workable alternative. Few such plantations exist as yet, and because there are no validated assessments of their production potential, a study was conducted to provide consolidated estimations of the growth and productivity of the Carajás eucalyptus plantations. The estimations were obtained with the 3-PG model (Physiological Principles in Predicting Growth). The model parameters are based on growth data for the eucalyptus plantations established by a company in Breu Branco municipality in Brazil’s Pará State. Calibrating the model with local data proved to be far more effective than using the parameters set for eucalyptus plantations in other areas in Brazil, South Africa or Australia. The simulations made show that the current annual average growth rate, over a six-year period, of about 20 m³ per hectare could increase to 30 m³ with appropriate fertilisation and effective underbrush control. They also suggest that production could be higher without water deficit. Plantation zones shall be selected as a priority in areas where the dry season is the least severe around Carajás. These 3-PG model settings have made it a more effective management tool for industrial plantations in Amazonian conditions

    Search for gamma-ray bursts in the GeV energy range at Mt. Chacaltaya (5200 m)

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    Observations of gamma-ray bursts in the 1 GeV–1 TeV energy region are of great interest for the understanding of these mysterious events. The detection of GeV-TeV gamma-ray bursts is feasible using extensive air shower arrays monitoring the fluctuations of the single-particle counting rate. The sensitivity is strongly increased working at mountain altitudes, in particular above 5000 m. In this paper we discuss the possibility to exploit the existing BASJE EAS array operating at Mt. Chacaltaya (Bolivia) at 5200 m a.s.l. Simulations of electromagnetic showers in the atmosphere have been performed in order to evaluate the sensitivity of this experiment to detect gamma ray bursts of different time duration, spectrum slope and energy cut-off. The detector can observe events of energy fluence F(ED1 GeV )A few 1025 erg cm22, comparable to that measured by satellite instruments during the most intense gamma-ray bursts, provided they occurr at low zenith angles and assuming that the energy spectrum at least extends up to A1 TeV. In the case of events below the sensitivity of the experiment, upper limits on the high-energy tail of the spectrum can be obtained by measurements in coincidence with satellite observations
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