13,106 research outputs found

    Universal R-C crossover in current-voltage characteristics for unshunted array of overdamped Nb-AlO_x-Nb Josephson junctions

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    We report on some unusual behavior of the measured current-voltage characteristics (CVC) in artificially prepared two-dimensional unshunted array of overdamped Nb-AlO_x-Nb Josephson junctions. The obtained nonlinear CVC are found to exhibit a pronounced (and practically temperature independent) crossover at some current I_{cr}=\left(\frac{1}{2\beta_C}-1\right)I_C from a resistance R dominated state with V_R=R\sqrt{I^2-I_C^2} below I_{cr} to a capacitance C dominated state with V_C=\sqrt{\frac{\hbar}{4eC}} \sqrt{I-I_C} above I_{cr}. The origin of the observed behavior is discussed within a single-plaquette approximation assuming the conventional RSJ model with a finite capacitance and the Ambegaokar-Baratoff relation for the critical current of the single junction

    Manifestation of geometric resonance in current dependence of AC susceptibility for unshunted array of Nb-AlOx-Nb Josephson junctions

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    A pronounced resonance-like structure has been observed in the current dependence of AC susceptibility for two-dimensional array of unshunted Nb-AlOx-Nb Josephson junctions. Using a single-plaquette approximation, we were able to successfully fit our data assuming that resonance structure is related to the geometric (inductive) properties of the array.Comment: to appear in Physica C (in press

    Counterions at Charged Cylinders: Criticality and universality beyond mean-field

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    The counterion-condensation transition at charged cylinders is studied using Monte-Carlo simulation methods. Employing logarithmically rescaled radial coordinates, large system sizes are tractable and the critical behavior is determined by a combined finite-size and finite-ion-number analysis. Critical counterion localization exponents are introduced and found to be in accord with mean-field theory both in 2 and 3 dimensions. In 3D the heat capacity shows a universal jump at the transition, while in 2D, it consists of discrete peaks where single counterions successively condense.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (2005

    Wigner-Crystal Formulation of Strong-Coupling Theory for Counter-ions Near Planar Charged Interfaces

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    We present a new analytical approach to the strong electrostatic coupling regime (SC), that can be achieved equivalently at low temperatures, high charges, low dielectric permittivity etc. Two geometries are analyzed in detail: one charged wall first, and then, two parallel walls at small distances, that can be likely or oppositely charged. In all cases, one type of mobile counter-ions only is present, and ensures electroneutrality (salt free case). The method is based on a systematic expansion around the ground state formed by the two-dimensional Wigner crystal(s) of counter-ions at the plate(s). The leading SC order stems from a single-particle theory, and coincides with the virial SC approach that has been much studied in the last 10 years. The first correction has the functional form of the virial SC prediction, but the prefactor is different. The present theory is free of divergences and the obtained results, both for symmetrically and asymmetrically charged plates, are in excellent agreement with available data of Monte-Carlo simulations under strong and intermediate Coulombic couplings. All results obtained represent relevant improvements over the virial SC estimates. The present SC theory starting from the Wigner crystal and therefore coined Wigner SC, sheds light on anomalous phenomena like the counter-ion mediated like-charge attraction, and the opposite-charge repulsion
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